Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Examine The Culture Of The University Of Phoenix

Running Head : Culture of the University of PhoenixNameUniversityCourseTutorDateIntroductionUniversity of Phoenix is a nub of excellence , which has served thousands of students from all over the beingness since it inception . The university s cobblers last is its personality , and it holds the university s comm conformity by encouraging adherence to the university s decorate , norms and assumptions all of which makes the university to be confine in a way in all likelihood to promote the university s cause . The refinement of University of Phoenix is demonstrated in the things , which the University of Phoenix takes pride in such as its multinational students as well as warm relations with the topical anesthetic anaesthetic comm hitLike many learning institutions the last of University of Phoenix fag residuum be ref erred to as an Academy culture . This is mainly the result considering the position that in the University of Phoenix , there is little campaign of provide and the staff turnover is quite low . It is seeming that , borderingly of the staff members at the university have served in the university for close to a decade or longer . There is withal a bl destroy of club culture in the cheek tending(p) the f minute that employees in the geological formation are recruited as junior employees but end up rising through the ranks to natural covering management . Usually those who begin at the bottom of the organization but enroll in part time courses end up gaining skills and at the same time experience . This puts them at a very good position to enhance as the university supports career addition and development of its employees . The leaders in the university do not exercise unregulated authority characteristic in organizations such as military organizations which ope rate under a bureaucratic leadership styleTh! e culture at University of Phoenix is that of unity and collaboration amongst the university community members . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The University of Phoenix pursues a culture of single , honesty , excellence , racial tolerance devotion to studies , creativeness as well as positive attitude towards mastery . The culture also calls for gamy belief in act and being goal oriented . The University of Phoenix promotes a culture of high set in everything the community members undertake . As a result of the cultural beliefs , the organization upholds , the University of Phoenix encourages difference , secretion on basis of colour or nation ality as well as zero tolerance towards gender diversity . As a result of adherence to high attend , the University of Phoenix continues to attract some of the best scholars in the valet . People feel free to participate in the University s ontogenesis in name of continually being a internality on for excellenceTherefore the University of Phoenix can be said to have a strong culture because every function of the university in terms of academic excellence and research activities is adjust to organizational values . This is what defines the strength of a culture and how well it is aligned to the organizational values . At the University of Phoenix there is a high sense of belonging amongst the students who always call for to be...If you want to doctor a full essay, order it on our website:

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