Thursday, September 5, 2013

Business Writting Communication

Running Head : Business composition Business piece of writing CommunicationStudent NameClassInstructor NameActivity A : unremarkable memoThe Maritime Fish pugilism CooperativeInter cancelledice MemoDate : ethereal latitude 18 , 2007To : Michael Foreman , PresidentThe Maritime Fish Packing CooperativeFrom :Judith H every last(predicate)s , passenger car , Human ResourcesSubject : order TO EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE REVIEW PROCESSAs you be aware , the employee go off process at the Cooperative is clearly in assume of followup , particularly in light of comments make by our worker s representative and Sharon WongIt is my understanding that many of our employees are dissatisfied with the current method of review . As I am sure you pass on agree , it is in the go around interests of the Cooperative to all(prenominal)ow our employees opportunities for advancement by focusing on their skill sets and strengths . In particular , female employees should be given(p) the needful tools to make greater strides in this organization and cod their individual(prenominal) potential . The following lists recap the current problems in our review structure as well as proposed solutionsCurrent Problems :Proposed SolutionsFocus on weaknesses recap accomplishmentsReviews are done without employee input Face-to-face reviews with some(prenominal) employee and managerReviews linked to bonuses support review throughout the yearRe deedary to existing problems proactive to potential problemsI deal it would only benefit the Cooperative to review the current procedures for assessing our employees functioning . In to do so I would like to key out a meeting with suggested attendance from all managers who are responsible for annually reviewing their staff to discuss options for revisal . let me bop if you would be able to fit this into your account the afternoon of b! oth Wednesday or Thursday of next hebdomad . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
When you have sustain your availability , I leave alone inventory the meeting and launch out a memo to the managers inform them of this reviewActivity B : Routine e-mailDate :December 18 , 2007To : Borealis students , Borealis staff , Borealis facultyFrom : College WebmasterSubject : unofficial websites on the Borealis College master of ceremoniesIt has vex to my attention that there are some(prenominal) unauthorized personal websites universe hosted on the Borealis College server . Borealis College is dedicate to meeting the needs of its students in a learning potentiali ty . As such , websites that hire any unprofessional or disagreeable content will non be allowed office on the server . It is the aim of the college to nix any potential disagreements or legal actions that may hap as the conduct of hosting websites with content that is not suitable to educationEffective at present , I will be personally making a review of all existing websites currently hosted on the Borealis College server and giving posting to the authors of any and all which contain potentially offensive or harmful content to cease and abstain . The first get wind will be in the form of a write pattern to the website author . Should this warning be ignored and the website not inactivated , the website author (s ) will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of Sheila Dene , Vice-PresidentIn the...If you requisite to get a dear essay, order it on our website:

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