Friday, September 20, 2013

The Magical Birds

The Magical birds There are a lot of unlike bird kinds on our earth. They are mostly evoke, especially cardinal grosbeak of them. These 2 bird kinds are the Serce kind and the Kartal kind. They are more(prenominal) interesting than other kinds of birds since they are magical creatures. The Serces coat is ab come forth one hand and it is able to fly, except it is very slow. Its feathers are usually brown and yellow, and its weight is some two hundred grams. What is magical about the Serce is that it depose make it with out eating or drinking for a meter years. Yes, they take stay a extend for a long clip however their lives are not that easy. The Serce is al ports under obligate because of the Kartal, which tries to hunting it. The Kartals size is about a charitables chest. Its feathers are black and white, and its weight is about two kilograms. It can fly really fast, and that gives it a great return everyplace the Serce. The Kartal is a magical cr eature since it can live for further seven days and eating a Serce is its plainly way to extend its smell. Every time that a Kartal eats a Serce, the Kartal extends its life for one day. The story takes place in Africa during the head start days of the open season for hunting, the time that the land has cipher to do humanity. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
When the Kartal was looking for the Serce because it was hungry and it require to extend its life by seven days. It saw a Serce lingering close to in the air. When the Kartal saw the Serce, it became extremely happy. It soft started sneaking up behind it. The Serce saw this and started to spe ed up, and so did the Kartal. The Serce dive! d right in to the trees and headed for the city, but the Kartal couldnt go in the trees because it was too spacious and followed the Serce from above. After a while the Kartal observe that the Serce headed towards the city. The Kartal got scared for a moment but decided that it would keep following the Serce. wholly of a sudden the air fill up with the sound of a gun shot, the Kartal and Serce were disappeared I...If you want to get a full essay, commit it on our website:

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