Monday, September 9, 2013

Nike And Apple Teaming Up

Running Head : Nike orchard apple treeUniversityNameCourseTutorDateABSTRACTThis looks at twain global home run name calling that get to teamed up to make a hot product for brags consumers . These are Nike and apple . Nike is well know corporate firebrand associated with manufacture of Nike mark off outs period apple is known for the manufacture of small and long-lived calculating machine contraptions utilizationd in the medicament industry , the iTunes practice of medicine store . Due to growing trend of consumers liking of their brand they have developed Nike iPod pas seul fit that embraces two technologies that are diverging in record but uniquely complementary to sports drop . The Nike iPod Sport Kit is able to capture athlete s discriminating tuition , store it and move with early(a) gadgets useful for sports training . The use of it and other older devices have contributed to the success and potential of the unification between Nike and orchard apple tree companiesNIKE AND APPLENike and Apple are brand names of companies dealing in two different market palm . Nike has established itself as the dominant figure in sport topographic point while Apple is the dominant the d of computer technology where they have build a solid swinish in the music play list . Nike brands are Nike space that are the pet and much sought after shoes from sports consumers . While Apple has the dominant iTunes music store in which athletes have been uploading music . Since music is synonymous with athletes during training , the mind executive officers of these two companies came with a fusion to deliver a product of its kind (Lab main sourceThe chief executive officer of Nike first approached Apple s CEO with the `smart raceway shoe idea it was bear upon and a new idea referred by Apple s CE O as ` coarse start was natural . This is ! a confederacy of two technologies that would improve the performance of the smugglers . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The compact which was labeled ` purport difficulties embraces a phenomenon that has already been ventured by other companies however , great improvement have been made . hence Nike and Apple came up with the product called Nike iPod Sport Kit . This is where an electronic sensor is embed on the shoe which relays signals to the receiver connected remotely to the Apple s iPod of the nano music player (Lab main sourceThe data is loaded in it of which information like distance cover speed of the runner , calories burned during the traini ng and can be customized to give flesh out with specificity such as setting of ` ply song . The iPod stores information on duration , distance cover and calories utilized during running time . The data is then transferred to a Mac or computer to which it uses the Nike website , Nikeplus .com where the runner can sentiment data on the screen , analyze his progress , customize goals and show results later(prenominal) . This kit allows the runner to get feedback through and through the iPod speaker , and listen to music as he or she trains (Lab main source Lab supporting material 2The trueness of this gadget is quite...If you want to get a full essay, station it on our website:

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