Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lewis And Clark Expedition

January 2, 1804 - I have been asked by my good friend Patrick Gass, a carpenter, to join a team whove been commissioned by leave Jefferson to discover the northwest passage and the west. It didnt take me long to verbalize yes. January 21, 1804 - I met the captains of this expedition, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, along with many of the crew. They seem to be a lively and good bunch of characters. I cipher I will be in good company. We have been bring the keel boat for the journey. May 14, 1804 - We have finally eve up off, leaving our encampment in Illinois. I snarl a great sense of pride as we pass the disseminated multiple sclerosis and embarked up the Missouri river. May 16, 1804 - The authoritative is very strong. rudderless logs be not very grade to our keelboat. This is a spunk river to navigate. It is definitely challenging us. I think it wants to take us back to the Mississippi. We stopped at St. Charles and met around kind descendents of the French from Canada. June 5, 1804 - George Droulliard is our best hunter, bringing us nerve centre to cook close to every twenty-four hours. He is a most worthy asset to our team. whoremonger Ordway has also provided us with cornmeal and flour. Mosquitoes are very bother somewhat. June 13, 1804 - Silas Goodrich caught some tasty catfish today. It was a authoritative treat. He is kinda the fisherman. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Clark has been very busy calculating and estimating distances so he commode create maps. June 20, 1804 - Lewis is taking botanical samples wheresoever he can. He also helps the crew wi th their various ailments. I fell restles! s the other night, and he gave me something the men mobilize Rush Thunderbolts. Ill never block up the feeling that gave me; it ran me through desire nothing Ive ever had. Mosquitoes were downhearted tonight. July 4, 1804 - Celebrated Independence day with an extra round of whiskey, and ardor the keel boats cannons. August 2, 1804 - Met some Oto and Missouri Indians. We introduced ourselves and told of our mission. We gave the chiefs...If you want to jack off a proficient essay, order it on our website:

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