Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gender And Sex

How is Gender Socially Constructed? Gender: Social definitions and expectations associated with being womanlike or male Personal traits Social positions Sex: ones biologic identity Socialization Family boy or girl? womanly and masculine traits Games with peer groups Schooling Media peach myth How do we explain gender inequality? Structural Functionalist Perspective Pre-industrial soaring edict required a division of labor Wo cargo hold: c ared for children Men: responsible for significant needs industrialisation traditional division of labor less functional, entirely tactual sensation system remains Wo men Expressive roles: Emotional, sensitive Men slavish roles Rational, competitive, self-assured Helps society associate smoothly Builds social sensation come together to form families encroach Perspective devil beliefs Women are inferior outside the home Women are more than valuable in the homeƂ  Gender limit s personal growth Divides society men gull power over women patriarchy becomes stronger What are the basic patterns of gender inequality?
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Household year of fight:?Housework mens income housework mens term womens time womens income housework slight mens time womens time Supermom syndrome Second shift Education Women Hold 60% of bachelor and Associates degrees socialized to choose man and married woman and motherhood over career preparation Men motionlessness predominate in some fields Associated with higher compensation Gaps are closing Work Women make up 59% of U.S. labor fo! rce work in jobs with lowly prestigiousness in roles where they are facilitators for others more likely to have little or no authority in workplace If have authority: requisite to be more gentle, understanding, compassionate to be viewed positively by workers Glass Ceiling Invisible restraint women and minorities from moving up collective ladder Can plug into to opportunity structure Role models Structured choice Through...If you motivating to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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