Monday, September 16, 2013

From Heaven

From Heaven to Hell Right time, veracious place, and problems argon created. They are solely interchangeable virus, evermore waiting for their chances to appear. Even when we overtake with apiece others, for instance, people can misunderstood finished what you say, and; so; open a way for problems to be born. Likewise, existence obscure to that kind of problem, I know how deadly and multiform it is, particularly in the US, where English is non my main language. Heaven, a name that described the best when I went back to my uncouth pass away year, was actually existed. No school no homework for tomorrow, a beautiful phrase that forever and a day makes me feel lucky in the US, was now turned to No school no homework for every years right in that respect, in my 84 days expired heaven. notwithstanding 84 days, however, that was one share that built my holy world. much advanced, nothing belongs to normal breeding such as gainful bills, cooking, washing dishes, or unconstipated cleaning my own chamber and clothes. Otherwise, liked every days when I woke up in the late afternoon, there was always some money that my call down left in the prorogue for me to consume whatever I liked. Everything were taken care of, and my feel there was stated with three words: sleeping, eating, and hanging around. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
However, the 84 days of happiness was calculation down, and behind the holy world, there was a hell waiting. As a flow of time, it doesnt wait for anything in the adult males world. Therefore, the day that my present heaven expired had eventually come. During the flights, I was thi nking closely every happiness moments that ! I had had in my heaven, and it made me like a drugs abuser. Sat restfully and smiled unreasonable. I was in that mode, level off when I stepped into the Sea-Tac airport, until I faced a deadly interview. I was interviewed by a lady, who looked overweight but sat in a really tiny room. I wasnt accepted where she is from, but not from a cloudy or blurred country because her peel is not lighter than anyone around me, and the problems began. She...If you need to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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