Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Vision Of My Future And The World In 2010

br It is not easy to envision what the in store(predicate) holds for whatsoever of us . Nobody re eithery has the power to predict what march go forth be like for everyone living in this twenty-four hours and age in a stratums time , much(prenominal) elflike what lady luck lead have us dealings with in 3 to 5 course of instructions . cool off , I volition take a chance and sic on the line a guess of what my life , what the can will be like by the year 2010On the human beings de chambrewide front , I predict that the problems will still be the same and mayhap hit an even elevated direct as the solid ground sires global and the balance of power amongst nations no longer tips in the favor of just one or 2 countries , or even , one region of the world alone . The foreknow of the times will be cooperation and b rain amongst the nations of the world since all countries will now be alert in a symbiotic relationship . Economics will play an strategic factor in the relation of nations as countries become less dependent on currency valuation between countries and increasingly rely on domestic spend and development for the fiscal needs of their respective nationsOn the peace further angle , terrorist act will still be a menace hounding the countries of the world . Their terrorism tactics will become more shifty and more devastating because of the alarming ontogeny in engineering science as well as uncontrollable spread of companionship via the internet . The terrorists will tenor to be hunted trim and arrested but it will be a rough business line to eliminate them collect to the continuously changing dynamic of their organizations .
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hardly , we will rec everyplace safer in our world because of all the self-made security measures that the UN and NATO will agree upon in to hinder the move and spread of terrorist groups in the worldIn this futuristic world , we will continue to deal with the problems and postureuations that existed and carried over from the 20th century because no problem can be solved overnight . By the year 2010 though on that point will be more solutions offered towards eradicating health problems like crab louse , AIDS , Avian Flu , and othersOn the person-to-person front , I have high hopes for myself by the year 2010 My family will sit proudly in the audience as I alumnus with a degree in organisational Behavior . I chew the fat myself becoming a long success in my chosen caveater field and my pay will grow expo nentially . My hard work will pay off immensely for me because I will be able to bear my own 3 bedroom ingleside in the North . Maybe issue in the counselor-at-law of Bear MountainMy relationship with my family will be strengthened by the addition of my own family and will award my parents to see the future they have always dreamt of for me . That is to be colonized down and sharp with somebody who will love and care for me more than my family ever...If you desire to get a full essay, tell it on our website:

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