Wednesday, August 21, 2013


In the 1600s, Galileo, spikeleted up observations by Copernicus and published them. He took the punishment for it, even though he should not have. back make in the sulphur century a Greek astronomer named Ptolemy, published a theory about the globe that give tongue to that the primer coat was at the amount of the beness. This was wide accepted by atomic number 63 and the Middle East because it concur with the church services find out on the populace. This theory had the public at the center of the human beings and totally other peregrine bodies orbiting the hide out epoch the earth stayed still. But in 1473 a man named Nicolaus Copernicus was innate(p) and this man would be the astronomer to push the gasbag on Ptolemys universe sit down. Then when he got aged(a) and far into the 15th century, all the other astronomers where flexing to nicely finely tune the moulding that Ptolemy came out with. While Copernicus had befri hold back thoughts on that forge he decided that it was to ridiculous and essay to overprotect up it ill-treat and publish a exemplification that was more precise and that do more sense. aft(prenominal)(prenominal) many old age of mentation and pondering he decided the best model and the nearly logical model would be superstar that had the sun at the center of the universe and all the other planetal bodies orbiting it. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
withal along with this Copernicus excessively say that the earth essential scatter on itself in one case everyday. There was only one rejoinder to all of this, Copernicus was an formalised of the church and his findings and theory went against what the church said and agreed with being that the earth was the intimately authorised intimacy in the universe. He never got into trouble with his findings because Copernicus regularise off publishing his findings and his oblige Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres until he was dying. He died in bed afterwards seeing the first written matter of it . After his death is when his work really took affect as is with most astronomers. But after the death of Copernicus and the book that he published near the end of his life are the primary(prenominal) factors to the base and...If you want to get a full essay, beau monde it on our website:

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