Monday, August 12, 2013


Chapter 3: Atoms and molecules * Refer the zero(pre zero(prenominal)nal)prenominal)prenominal)es prone to you in class as well as your NCERT textbook * Laws of chemical substance combinations- explanation with example-section 3.1 * law of sparing of mass-sec 3.1.1 * law of definite proportions-sec 3.1.2 * nuclear symbols- set back 3.1(pg. no. 34) and bow 4.1 (pg. no. 51) * amu-definition-sec 3.2.2 (pg. no. 35), put off 3.2 (pg. no. 35) * Difference among molecule of an segment and molecule of a commingle with examples-sec3.3, Atomicity -Table 3.3(pg. no. 36) * Determination of atomic symmetry from mass symmetry Table 3.4(pg. no. 36) * Water(mass proportion of atomic number 1 & atomic number 8 is 1:8) * Ammonia (mass dimension of nitrogen &hydrogen is 14:3) * Carbon dioxide (mass proportion of cytosine & oxygen is 3:8) * Carbon monoxide (mass ratio of carbon paper & oxygen is 3:4) * Methane (mass ratio of carbon & hydrogen 3:1) * rendering of ion, cation, anion, polyatomic anion, polyatomic cation with examples-section3.3.3(Table 3.6, pg, no. 37) * Valency of elements- (Table 3.6, pg, no. 37), Table 4.1 (pg. no. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
51) * Chemical formulae- Hydrochloric acrid (HCl), nitric acid(HNO3), sulphuric acid(H2SO4), phosphoric acid(H3PO4), ammonia(NH3), carbon dioxide(CO2), carbon monoxide(CO), methane(CH4), limewater( atomic number 20 hydroxide)-Ca(OH)2, limestone or marble (calcium carbonate)-CaCO3, Quicklime ( calcium oxide)-CaO, atomic number 11 nitrateNaNO3, acidulated soda( sodium hydroxide)-NaOH, Caustic potash (potassium hydroxide)-KOH, baking soda( sodium hydrogen carbonate)-NaHCO3, potassium nitrate-(KNO3), Ammonia-(NH3), ammonium ion chloride(NH4Cl), Ammonium sulphate(NH4)2SO4, Ammonium carbonate(NH4)2CO3, atomic number 13 nitride(AlN), aluminium sulphate-Al2(SO4)3, Aluminium oxide-Al2O3, sodium sulphate-Na2SO4, Sodium oxide-Na2O, Sodium carbonate-Na2CO3, carbonaceous acid(H2CO3) * locomote to derive chemical formulae-All examples give in NCERT * pen the symbols of the elements * create verbally valency below their...If you indispensableness to get a full moon essay, order it on our website:

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