Friday, May 31, 2019
Global Effects of Ozone Depletion Essay -- Environment Ozone Layer Ess
Global Effects of Ozone Depletion Ozone depletion in the earths atmosphere is under constant scrutiny by the American press and people. Perhaps the tutelage is warranted the ozone layer protects life on earth by absorbing 97-99% of the damaging ultraviolet radiation from the sun (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2006). Over the past cardinal years, the stratospheric ozone has decreased approximately 3% per decade. Possible concerns have been raised about loss of polar caps, DNA damage, increased human health risks, and environmental outgrowth disturbance. Emerging research has helped clarify effects of global ozone depletion. Three areas that have received recent scientific attention include UV effects upon macroalgae, decomposition, and due north fixation. Ozone is depleted both by natural and industrial sources. One natural source of depletion is volatile organohalogens, which are haved by marine macroalgae (Laturnus, et. al., 2004). Scientists are not certain (predicate) why macroalgae produce organohalogens, but many believe it is due to stress. UV radiation is a known source of plant stress. If this is the case, then plants would likely produce more organohalogens if exposed to increased UV radiation. To test this hypothesis, a group of Swedish scientists applied increased levels of radiation to five marine macroalgal species. After four-spot hours, the levels of organohalogens produced by the macroalgae were measured. The scientists found that exposure to ultraviolet radiation rendered a significant increase in the concentration of four or more of the volatile organohalogens for for each one of the studied macroalgal species (Laturnus, et. al., 2004). Although the findings appear quite disturbing initially, the inc... ...a A. Sala, Osvaldo E. Robson, T. Matthew Caldwell, Martyn M. Scopel, Ana L. 2005. Direct and indirect effects of solar ultraviolet-B radiation on long-term decomposition. Global Change Biology 1119821989. Solh eim, Bjorn Zielke, Matthias Bjerke, Jarle W. Rozema, Jelte. 2004. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on nitrogen fixation in arctic ecosystems. Plant Ecology 182109118. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2006. Ozone. http// Wikipedia Encyclopedia. 2006. Ozone Depletion. http// Yang, Eun-Su Cunnold, Derek M. Salawitch, Ross J. McCormick, M. Patrick Russell, James tierce Zawodny, Joseph M. Oltmans, Samuel Newchurch, Michael J. 2006. Attribution of recovery in lower-stratospheric ozone. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 111 (D17) Art. No. D17309.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Analysis of Keats To Autumn Essay -- Keats To Autumn Essays Poetry
Analysis of Keats To dusk antic Keats poem To downfall is essentially an ode to Autumn and the change of inures. He was apparently shake up by observing nature his detailed description of natural occurrences has a pleasant appeal to the readers good gutss. Keats also alludes to a certain unpleasantness connected to Autumn, and links it to a time of finish. However, Keats association between stages of Autumn and the process of dying does non take away from the ode effect of the poem. The three-stanza poem seems to create three distinct stages of Autumn growth, harvest, and death. The theme going in the first stanza is that Autumn is a season of fulfilling, yet the theme ending the concluding stanza is that Autumn is a season of dying. However, by using the stages of Autumns as a metaphor for the process of death, Keats puts the concept of death in a different, more favorable light. In the first stanza, the growth stanza, Keats appeals to our sense of visualization. The reader pictures a country setting, such as a cottage with a yard full of fruit trees and flowers. In his discussion of the effects of Autumn on nature, Keats brilliantly personifies Autumn. A personification is when an object or a concept is presented in such a way as to give vivification or human characteristics to the idea or concept. Not only does Keats utter of Autumn as if it had life, (e.g., in lines 2 and 3, where he creates a friendship between Autumn and the sun, in which they conspire to load and bless the trees with ripe, bountiful fruit), simply he also gives personality to the life-form Autumn. He first defines Autumn as a season of mist and mellow fruitfulness. The references to both mist and mellow... as funerals, or recessionals. It is appropriate that this change of imagery into musical imagery in the final stanza because it is not only the end of the poem, but it is the description of the end of Autumn as well (While barred clouds bloom the padded-dying day). The use of the word soft in soft-dying day helps to take away the Grim Reaper sense of death and define it as a natural, inevitable occurrence that ends a cycle. The final line and gathering swallows twitter in the skies gives the reader a expressed sense of ending (the swallows are preparing to migrate for the winter season). At this point, the poem seems to comes to a rest, and this final line creates an effective sense of closure. BibliographyTo Autumn. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. recent York W.W. norton, Inc., 2000. Analysis of Keats To Autumn Essay -- Keats To Autumn Essays PoetryAnalysis of Keats To Autumn John Keats poem To Autumn is essentially an ode to Autumn and the change of seasons. He was apparently inspired by observing nature his detailed description of natural occurrences has a pleasant appeal to the readers senses. Keats also alludes to a certain unpleasantness connected to Autumn, and links it to a ti me of death. However, Keats association between stages of Autumn and the process of dying does not take away from the ode effect of the poem. The three-stanza poem seems to create three distinct stages of Autumn growth, harvest, and death. The theme going in the first stanza is that Autumn is a season of fulfilling, yet the theme ending the final stanza is that Autumn is a season of dying. However, by using the stages of Autumns as a metaphor for the process of death, Keats puts the concept of death in a different, more favorable light. In the first stanza, the growth stanza, Keats appeals to our sense of visualization. The reader pictures a country setting, such as a cottage with a yard full of fruit trees and flowers. In his discussion of the effects of Autumn on nature, Keats brilliantly personifies Autumn. A personification is when an object or a concept is presented in such a way as to give life or human characteristics to the idea or concept. Not only does Keats speak of Autumn as if it had life, (e.g., in lines 2 and 3, where he creates a friendship between Autumn and the sun, in which they conspire to load and bless the trees with ripe, bountiful fruit), but he also gives personality to the life-form Autumn. He first defines Autumn as a season of mist and mellow fruitfulness. The references to both mist and mellow... as funerals, or recessionals. It is appropriate that this change of imagery into musical imagery in the final stanza because it is not only the end of the poem, but it is the description of the end of Autumn as well (While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day). The use of the word soft in soft-dying day helps to take away the Grim Reaper sense of death and define it as a natural, inevitable occurrence that ends a cycle. The final line and gathering swallows twitter in the skies gives the reader a definite sense of ending (the swallows are preparing to migrate for the winter season). At this point, the poem seems to comes to a rest, and this final line creates an effective sense of closure. BibliographyTo Autumn. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York W.W. norton, Inc., 2000.
Medieval versus Renaissance Eras :: Compare Contrast History Art Essays
Medieval and Renaissance ErasIt is amazing how significantly various aspects of society can and willchange over a protracted period of time. Between the time periods of theMedieval era and the Renaissance, one can note numerous significant changes,mainly those pertaining to art and religion. In general, ideals and subjectsduring the Renaissance became to a greater extent secular. In Medieval times, people seemedto focus mainly on the church, God, and the afterlife during theRenaissance, the focus was more secular humans and life on earth. Althoughthese two eras discord in many ways, the most concentrated differences deal withthe realms of architecture, painting, and philosophy. architecture noticeably shifted from religious awe to classical reasonbetween the Medieval era and the Renaissance. During the heart Ages,architecture was aimed mainly at making advancements in the church. Medieval cathedrals had very distinct features, such as pointed spires, which wereexactly that -- spir es, or steeples, that were pointed and extended upward fromthe brood area the rose window, which was a large stained glass window thatwas located on the front of the tower and squared-off exterior walls, whichwere a contrast to the everyday rounded exterior designs that people wereaccustomed to. Overall, cathedrals during this time could have very elegantfeatures due to the excellent techniques of support and stabilization.Buttresses, simple extensions of the cathedral wall to elevate support, andflying buttresses, stone structures set away from the cathedral wall andattached at the top, contributed to the excellent support that Medievalcathedrals experienced. While architectural advancements during the MiddleAges were concern mainly with making elegant reformations in the structure ofthe cathedral, architecture during the Renaissance was much less religion-centered, and revolved more around classical reason and secularity.Architecture in this time was concentrated mostly with t he design of castles,such as the home of the prevailing Italian Medici family, perhaps the richestfamily in Europe. Architectural focus had changed from the cathedral in theMedieval era to other, more classical and secular subjects, such as castles andhomes of significant rulers.The style, subjects, and overall attitude of painting was something thatunderwent very significant changes during the cash advance from Medieval timesto the Renaissance. Generally, paintings became more secular, and less focusedon aspects of the church, as the Renaissance approached. Medieval paintingsseem to be focused almost entirely on religion and are given heavenlyattributes, while paintings of the Renaissance consist mainly of secularsubjects and contain much more realism, especially noted in human subjects. InGiottos Madonna With Child, a Medieval painting, any observer will obviouslynotice that the child and woman are very awkwardly proportioned, indicating the
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Christopher Columbus :: Christopher Columbus Essays
Christopher capital of Ohio is the most well known explorer by most school grow children. When children are young, teachers tell them that Columbus was a very(prenominal) good person, a hero even. To be politically correct though, Christopher Columbus brought death and destruction with him to the Americas. He stole, killed, and tortured the natives. Christopher Columbus was not a true explorer, but he was a conqueror of sight. When Christopher Columbus set out on his voyage (August 3rd, 1492) to rise a new route to the Indies there was no way that he could know that it would turn out the way it did. When he landed at the Caribbean Islands (October 12th, 1492), the people there were scared, but still friendly toward him. This next quote is from Columbus journal As I saw that they were very friendly to us, and perceived that they could be much more easily converted to our holy faith by gentle means than by force, Weapons they have none, nor are acquainted with them, for I showed t hem swords which they grasped by the blades, and mow themselves through ignorance, But they seemed on the whole to me, to be a very poor people. They all go completely naked, even the women. I was very attentive to them, and strove to learn if they had any luxurious. Seeing some of them with little bits of this metal hanging at their noses As you can see it was very easy for Columbus to take them over and treat them badly because they had no protection. That is a good example to show how cruel Columbus could act toward people he knew couldnt fight back. This is one proof of Christopher Columbus being a conqueror. In the movie we watched in class, it told us how Columbus was just out to get favourable and riches. He ordered the natives to proclaim him governor of the lands. Since he was governor he made a law that said the natives had to bring him one bag of gold dust every three months. If they did not give him this gold (simply because their wasnt that much gold on the islands) he would order to have their hands cut off, and they would bleed to death. If they escaped, then he would hunt them down with dogs. Christopher Columbus also ordered his men to hang and burn some natives that wouldnt do just now as he told them.
Uploadng Your Brain Essay -- essays research papers
UPLOADING YOUR BRAIN"Im sorry, Jim, but I just dont think its right for a mans atoms to be scattered all over creation and consequently brought back together again. Its just not right." (Character, Dr. Leonard McCoy, original Star Trek series) I wonder what Bones would have to say about swallowing, or existence injected with billions of microscopic robots, or nanobots, to enter into a three dimensional cyberspace - a virtual reality environment or to enable him to lie with incessantly? In an article that could be taken from a Star Trek Voyager script, I think Dr. Kurzweil is proposing the coming of the perpetual human as a resolution of nanobot technology. I guess its not that strange a c onception for science and sci-fi to be bedfellows. Its actually quite exciting to see some of the fantastic ideas once seen only in the entertainment media come to fruition. I just wish theyd work on the teleporting theory so that commuting would become a matter of the past. It would sure help the ozone layer. In due time, I suppose, but I dont know if Im ready for an energizer bunny type of human being.Neural implants atomic number 18 now being used to counteract tremors from Parkinsons disease as well as multiple sclerosis. Cochlear implants are helping the deaf to percolate and a retinal implant is now underway in the hopes that the blind may one day see again, or for the first time. Along those lines, Dr. Kurzweil, believes that nanobot base implants will enhance the human brain and in effect I believe, create a race of super intelligent humans.At present, the nanobots cannot be make small enough. But he states that in 30 years we will be able to miniaturize (shades the movies Fantastic Voyage and Inner Space) them and send billions of the fund cell sized scanning machines through every capillary of the brain to create a complete noninvasive scan of our every neural feature. perhaps noninvasive on a physical level, but what about our emotional and spiri tual levels?Right now we find our rights being stepped on much and more as the federal government takes control of areas in which we should be governing ourselves. When governments, extremist groups and terrorists get hold of this of kind of technology the results will be devastating. heading boggling, if you will. Instead of bugging your phone or house you could be slipped a "nanobot mickey" and the "spy nanobots"... ...l your thoughts and actions. Talk about the ultimate violation. They could be put in the feed or water supply of an entire population. Forget cryogenics or cloning. If you combine cybernetic and nanobot technologies you could upload your knowledge and experiences into a computer and then be put into a cybernetic body (the Bionic Man/Woman meet Bicentennial Man) you could, quite conceivably, live forever. But, would you want to? I might if I could outrun a car and eat all the cheeseburgers and chocolate cake I wanted without gaining an ounce Serio usly, though, I doubt that I would. I in person do not feel comfortable with the human race having access to this kind of knowledge. Were not exactly the most stable of species. I want to live my natural life in my biological body as I was meant to. Not some man made super body.Dr. Kurzweil regards the freeing of the human mind from its distasteful physical limitations as a necessary next step in evolution. He sees it as moving us inexorably closer to becoming same God. Maybe God had a very good reason for our physical limitations. No, Id rather take the natural, age-old approach to God myself - dying as we were meant to do.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Hope Essay -- essays research papers fc
White 2HopeStephen King published his novelette Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption in 1982. In 1994 this novella was turned into a movie called The Shawshank Redemption. crude(a) Darabont wrote the screenplay. A good adaptation will capture the same overall essence of the written book or novella. Darabont did a wonderful job of adapting this novella into a movie. He captured the overall essence in a way that makes a heart rejoice in happiness and relief. The adaptation of The Shawshank Redemption is very well done.One of the major motifs of the story is limit busy living, or get busy dying. This phrase sticks out(a) the most in the movie. In the novella it is said once by Red secure before he leaves to go to McNary, Texas, where Andy Dufresne crossed the border into Mexico later he escaped. Red was contemplating not going. He figured that so much of his life was already gone and wondered if it was even worth the trouble. But he told himself, get busy living, or get bus y dying (King 105). In the movie this phrase is first said by Andy in the prison yard just before he escaped. At this point in the movie Andy seems to be completely depressed. Throughout the movie, Andy always seemed to have a little smile on his face, but at this point it seemed as all hope was gone from him. He was talking to Red about Zihautanejo, Mexico. This is the outrank Andy wanted to go to subsequently he got out of Shawshank. He talked about how beautiful it was and how he wanted to go down there and start a hotel White 3on the ocean. Red told him to stop dreaming those shitty pipe dreams. This is when Andy said, Get busy living, or get busy dying. After that Andy tells Red about a place in Buxton where under a rock there w... ...ed. He stated, It was great-too great, I thought, to be produced by any company in California (King). White 6Works CitedCannon, Damian. The Shawshank Redemption. Movie Reviews UK 1998. 6 pars. 23 Apr. 2000 .Darabont, Frank, and Stephen King. Th e Shawshank Redemption The Shooting Script. New York New Market Press, 1996.Washington Post. The Shawshank Redemption. Washington Post. 23 Sep. 1994. 23 Apr. 2000 .King, Stephen. Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption. DifferentSeasons. Penguin Group, NY Signet 1983. 15-106.The Shawshank Redemption. Niki Marvin, exec. prod. Frank Darabont, dir. Videocassette. Castle Rock Entertainment. Warner Home Video, CA 1997.
Hope Essay -- essays research papers fc
White 2HopeStephen King published his novella Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank crimsonemption in 1982. In 1994 this novella was turned into a movie called The Shawshank Redemption. Frank Darabont wrote the screenplay. A good fitting will capture the same overall essence of the written book or novella. Darabont did a fantastic job of adapting this novella into a movie. He captured the overall essence in a way that makes a heart rejoice in happiness and relief. The adaptation of The Shawshank Redemption is very well done.One of the major motifs of the story is get busy living, or get busy dying. This phrase sticks come to the fore the most in the movie. In the novella it is said once by Red just before he leaves to go to McNary, Texas, where Andy Dufresne crossed the border into Mexico after he escaped. Red was contemplating not going. He figured that so much of his life was already gone and wondered if it was even worth the trouble. But he told himself, get busy living, or get busy dying (King 105). In the movie this phrase is first said by Andy in the prison yard just before he escaped. At this point in the movie Andy seems to be completely depressed. Throughout the movie, Andy always seemed to have a little smile on his face, but at this point it seemed as all hope was gone from him. He was talking to Red about Zihautanejo, Mexico. This is the place Andy wanted to go to after he got out of Shawshank. He talked about how beautiful it was and how he wanted to go down there and start a hotel White 3on the ocean. Red told him to gunpoint dreaming those shitty pipe dreams. This is when Andy said, Get busy living, or get busy dying. After that Andy tells Red about a place in Buxton where on a lower floor a rock there w... ...ed. He stated, It was great-too great, I thought, to be produced by any company in California (King). White 6Works CitedCannon, Damian. The Shawshank Redemption. flick Reviews UK 1998. 6 pars. 23 Apr. 2000 .Darabont, Frank, and Stephen Ki ng. The Shawshank Redemption The Shooting Script. New York New Market Press, 1996.Washington Post. The Shawshank Redemption. Washington Post. 23 Sep. 1994. 23 Apr. 2000 .King, Stephen. Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption. DifferentSeasons. Penguin Group, NY Signet 1983. 15-106.The Shawshank Redemption. Niki Marvin, exec. prod. Frank Darabont, dir. Videocassette. Castle tilt Entertainment. Warner Home Video, CA 1997.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Monogamy in Marriage
Western grows generally believe that monogamy in marriage tends to protect women. Societies such as Saudi Arabia that praxis polygamy, however maintain that allowing a valet to have more than one married woman is a more equitable way of organizing relationships. Notions of family and marriage change from culture to culture. One cultural approach to family practiced in some parts of Middle East is polygamy.However, Just like in the United States sometimes culturally permissible is not always condoned. Women having a career in Saudi Arabia is limited, woman marry to have children and to have companionship. More popular for a man to have many wives, they feel then they know the child is theirs. Where if a woman takes more than one husband, there is, the question is whom the father of her child is. approximately believe that a man in that country is Just being given a license to satisfy their lust.Where woman have a committedness to one man they marry. The parents of many daughters request when they arrange marriages that the husband not take more than one wife, before the permission to marry is given. The first wife detests the husband taking a second wife creates Jealousy, and if the man takes more than ne wife that they treat them equally. The second wife will remove herself from the home if she does not feel she is treated equally or with kindness.Same sex marriages moved to the toretront last month As gay marriages are now against the law in every state, the Massachusetts ruling has generated fierce opposition. Lawmakers pledge to strengthen their states law prohibiting same sex marriages interracial marriage has strong public support, and no undefeated politician or prominent public fgure is in favor of outlawing such unions. Some Senators and representatives proposed a constitutional amendment specifying, Marriage in the United States shall consist further Offa union of a man and a woman.Another interpretation of family and gender roles are being eva luated in a study of children of same sex parents. The raising ofa 2 year old, the boy was offered three different toys, two different. The two year old selected the baseball mitt and the truck instead of a doll and a small stuffed pony fgure dressed in pink. Two mothers are raising the boy. That has heterosexual couples as friends. So the boy has male role models around him at times. This study showed he was the typical, boys will be boys.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Allstate Insurance Company and the insurance industry and the affects of globalization and technology
Globalization and Influence on Corporations In many cases, corporations consider globalisation as a matter of taking a outstanding business model and extending it geographically, with basic modifications, in order to exploit the firms economies of scale. Based on this perspective, therefore, the corporations key challenge is simply to decide how some(prenominal) to adapt the business modelhow much to standardize from country to country versus how much to localize to respond to local differences (Ghemawat, 2004).Ghemawat further says that the future of the globalization plow is by no means obvious since he looks the market will integrate further once economic conditions improve. However, some people argue that the border could actually shift into reverse, toward even greater economic isolation, if the experience between the 2 World Wars is any precedent. Amidst the complex situation that globalization possesses, Malcom Waters (1993) defines globalization as a social process in w hich the constraints of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people become increasingly witting that they are receding.In addition, Waters (1995) sees the globalization continually erodes the authority of traditionally sovereign states. In this situation, he suggests that within the sense that the sovereign states have tame over motions, events, and persons within their borders, he sees that the powerful states will touch their vital interests abroad. In this situation, Waters (1995) describes the processes of globalize economic as the process that gives up the particular(a) power into a variety of cross borders or transnational player.These player or economical actors composes of people and institutions such as transnational business, corporations, and financial interests. In these circumstances, Waters (1995) considers globalization as one forceful global process and sees the results of global society in the growing number of multinational companie s (MNCs), international action of human rights and many others. In addition, globalization also enables the communication between people in other parts of the world.This is useful since the communication between two or more parties over the Internet may lead to business deals. Concerning globalization, this paper will discuss about an insurance company and the insurance constancy and the affects of globalization and technology. To be precise, this paper will elaborate the adoption of technology on Allstate Insurance conjunction. 2. Information Technology as the Engine of the Global thrift In general, tuition technology is considered as the main engine that enables the adoption of global economy.This is true especially in relation with the globalization ideas where as corporations grew to be larger and more complex, managerial activities could no longer rely on traditional organizational methods to produce the demanded daily operational quality. Under such circumstances, a multin ational companies (MNCs) need more integrated way of communication, a plan delegation and decisions, record and exchanging information, in order to save time and increase productiveness of daily operations. To meet the needs, the use of information technology has been increasingly significant for business nowadays.Firms who lack the sensitivity to realize the benefit of this development and being the make it to take advantage of the technology are lagging behind its competitors in terms of managerial efficiency and effectiveness. Computer-based Management Information System has now the expertness to provide managers with Easier ways to records, stores and process data and corporate information Strategic decision making support system, which allows managers to ask the system the what if questions, and then receiving the most right response.The system has now become an integral part of decision making activities. Performance monitoring system, which will immediately alert manage rs if actual conditions differ materially from expected ones. No wonder if nowadays companies spend millions of dollars to provide themselves with the best and the latest design of information technology equipments. Various service providers of installing specializer software and hardware appliances for establishing information system infrastructure had make millions in benefits because increasing importance of the technology.Almost every company is now development or requiring using this important corporate resource. The need does not vary greatly by differences of corporate size, corporate stage of development, and the nature of the industry in which the firms are operating. dickens companies operating in different industries, being in different stage of development and having a significantly different annual income might have comparable needs of providing managers with a helpful and trustworthy information system. 3. Allstate Insurance Company 3. 1 Corporate BackgroundAllstat e is established in 1931 and became a traded company publicly in 1993. Currently, the company 40,000 employees manage assets more than US $134 billion and US $32 billion in revenue. The company, which headquartered in Northbrook, Illinois, USA, currently serves over 16 millions of customers by oblation a wide range of protection and savings tools to fulfill financial security. 3. 2 IT Implementation on Allstate Insurance Company The important of having suitable information system for insurance company has driven Allstate Insurance Company to develop powerful information technology.They consider information technology (IT) as a fine area. The company reveals that they have IT team that combines technology, creativity, and expertise to fulfill the companys needs in dealing with competitive market (Allstate Insurance Company, 2008). Concerning the IT implementation in Allstate Insurance Company, prior to 2000, the company did not employ any formal IT control framework. In order to en hance the operation, the company adopts information technology.It is the new manager of internal audit who starts the implementation of information technology by introducing Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) as the platform of IT governance for Allstate Insurance Company (ISACA, 2008). In addition, the use of COBIT especially rule out when the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in the U. S. to deal with the monitoring of Allstate internal audit operations, evaluating the companys IT governance and control, conducting benchmarks for beat key business processes.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Surah Khaf
surah khaf 181 to roundabout Sahih International All praise is due to Allah , who has sent down upon His Servant the platter and has not made therein any deviance. 182 to top Sahih International He has made it straight, to warn of severe punishment from Him and to give good countersign to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a good reward 183 to top Sahih International In which they will uphold forever 184 to top Sahih International And to warn those who say, Allah has taken a son. 185 to top Sahih International They have no friendship of it, nor had their fathers. Grave is the word that comes out of their mouths they speak not except a lie. 186 to top Sahih International Then perhaps you would kill yourself through with(predicate) grief over them, O Muhammad, if they do not believe in this message, and out of sorrow. 187 to top Sahih International Indeed, We have made that which is on the existence adornment for it that We may test them as to which of the m is best in deed. 88 to top Sahih International And indeed, We will make that which is upon it into a barren ground. 189 to top Sahih International Or have you thought that the companions of the cave and the inscription were, among Our signs, a wonder? 1810 to top Sahih International Mention when the youths retreated to the cave and said, Our Lord, assignment us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Characteristics of Religion
The quest for answers to the meaning of life is universal. It is non surprising then that the worlds major Religious Traditions sh ar soldieryy another(prenominal) characteristics. Using the characteristic headings from the Oxford Studies of Religion text book -Name each of the characteristics of religion. -Write a comprehensive definition for each characteristic. For each characteristic, give TWO detailed modellings from the Christian tradition, and ONE detailed example from another tradition. 1 ? 2 pages) Religion provides us with a set of beliefs, set and attitudes, a focal point for exploitation ritual as well as a variety of social networks therefore giving us a purpose to our lives. Religion comprises of four important characteristics, including beliefs and believers, sacred texts and writings, ethics and rituals and ceremonies. All religions ar sustained by beliefs and its believers. It is frequently the belief in oneness or many Gods that defines a religion.It may not only be the belief in one deity, such as the Christian and Islamic faiths, but could be the belief in more than one divine being, as seen in Ancient Hellenic Polytheism. Christians believe that there is only one God, and he created everything, all that is seen and unseen, from cats and dogs to the air we breathe. Alternatively, in Ancient Greek Polytheism, there were many Gods, each responsible for a certain part of nature. For example, Poseidon, was the God of the Sea and it was believed that he controlled everything to do with the sea from waves to sea creatures.Another example of Christian belief is that Jesus of Nazargonth, the son of God, was crucified, suffered death and was buried. In most religions, believers derive majority of their basic beliefs from the sacred texts and writings specific to their religion. Sacred texts are texts which both dictate beliefs and are of central importance to a certain religion or religions. All religions throw off sacred texts from whic h they get their basic beliefs. in that location are three main types of sacred stories.These include myths which are often about the formation of the universe, legends that often include sacred and key figures and parables which loosely have layers of meaning that believers try to shape their lives around. Often, these texts are believed to be supernaturally inspired. For example, majority of the writings in the Christian Bible, are about or by passel who are directly in contact with God. The Bible is a point of reference for Christians to the regulations of their religion, for example the Ten Commandments or the Beatitudes.The Bible is split into two books, the vernal and Old Testament, both of which are considered sacred. Whilst the Bible is the main source of writings for Christians, the Quran, which is about the length of the New Testament, include most of the divine revelations received by Muhammad from his first encounter with the angel Gabriel, until his death. Another ex ample of a sacred Christian text is the Didache. This sacred text, also known as the Doctrine of the 12 Apostles, was written in the first century and persuades its readers to choose Life over Death.The Didache was considered from entry into the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The sacred text and writings of religions often provide its believers with a set of ethics and a way to live and behave as well as traditions to follow within the religion. Ethics are the rules of conduct based on ideas of right and wrong and are recognised to belong to a extra class of human actions or a particular group. Central to any religion, their purpose is to determine right from wrong and to clarify what believers should do freely and what they should refrain from doing.Ethics usually vary from religion as they generally originate from sacred texts, ancestors etc and dictate what is morally correct in society. The main sources of ethics for Christians are the Ten Commandments and the Beatitude s. The Ten Commandments list ways in which Christians should pay respect to God and those around them. For example, the first commandment is I am the LORD your God. You shall have no other gods before Me The Beatitudes give Christians a way to live as individuals.For example, the Beatitude Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God, instructs Catholics to be free of selfish intentions and to perform acts free of private gain. For Buddhists, the Five Precepts are the main code of ethics for Buddhists and comprises of withholding from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication. Rituals and ceremonies are the practices relating to beliefs. They are usually in place to affirm values and make the religion more substantial.Rituals and ceremonies are usually formal or structured actions. An example of this in the Christian religion is the mass. Generally, in most Churches, Christians join forces on a Sunday to celebrate mass. Every Sunday, most Christian Chu rches complete the same structure of mass, possibly with different readings or songs but generally the same structure every week. For the Jewish male childs, the Bar Mitzah is a substantial part of the young mans life where he becomes a man and is therefore required to follow Gods commandments.The Bar Mitzvah involves a ceremony which is performed at a certain time in the boys life, usually around the time of puberty. Another example of ritual in the Christian faith is baptism. Baptism is the admission into membership of the Christian Church through the pouring of water on ones head, and the cleansing of ones soul. There are four main characteristics which define a religion, these are as above beliefs and believers, sacred texts and writings, ethics and rituals and ceremonies. These four characteristics work together to make the religion dynamic and enable it to be a way of life.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Why Global Warming Isn’t Real
Global modality change has been an issue for decades and so the great unwashed ar trying to stop it by going green and blaming carbon dioxide for the cause because there has been an increase of it. The truth is, it is not real. People imbibe tricked into idea world(a) warming is real and the media makes a big deal about it and because people rely on the media for what is going on, and they believe what they say. That it is why they want them to get fuel efficient cars and energy star products along with solar and wind power to lessen the reliance on fossil fuels to help stop spherical warming.A lot of research has been done to show that carbon dioxide does not affect global warming. Scientists believe global warming is real based on the data that has been collected over the geezerhood. Tim Pawlenty had two claims on global warming, the first one is that evidence points toward climate change being natural and not a man made phenomenon. The U. N. Intergovernmental Panel on Clima te Change (IPCC) said that over the past 50 years, global warming was observed as tender induced emissions such as the burning of fossil fuels like bragoline in our cars and clearing forests.The IPCC also claims that surrounded by 1995 and 2006, eleven of the twelve years were the warmest years on record. The second claim that Pawlenty made is that science about causes of climate change is dispute. The 2010 survey showed that of 1,372 scientists surveyed, 97-98% of them said that humans are to blame for on climate change. This was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences which is the official publication of the US National Academy of Sciences. (Holan, Angie Drobnic, and David G. Taylor) There are a lot of facts and research as well to show why global warming is something that people are overreacting to.The Berkley ground Surface Temperature (BEST) showed that the worldwide temperatures devour increased only by 1degree Celsius since 1950 while also showin g that in the past decade, the temperature has been unchanged. Anthony Watts analyzed the US temperature data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Climate selective information Center and found some stunning results. He said that the dry land is cooling and not warming and broke down the data into winter, summer and yearbook temperatures in nine different regions. Every region has shown a drop in temperature for the winter, ranging from -1. 3 to -8. 4 degrees Fahrenheit in the west and east magnetic north central regions respectively. for the summer, five of the nine regions have negative temperature trends falling 1. 95 degrees in the northwest region. Only the northeast region has shown positive temperature trends for the annual temperatures. (Tennant, Michael) The IPCC has no creditable evidence that the Earth is warming like they claim. In fact, 17,000 scientists signed a petition saying that there is no convincing evidence that global warm ing exists. Satellite readings from the troposphere show that there is no warming since they started being used for the past 23 years.These are very accurate in taking temperature readings. The only data that shows there is global warming is the land base stations. With the heating and emissions from vehicles, The data collected shows that human error is factored in therefore would have scientists believe it is real. The efforts to reduce the greenhouse emissions s very costly and it would not stop the climate from changing. Reducing the carbon dioxide to the 1990s levels within the next catch years requires higher energy taxes and regulations. This allow cause 2. million jobs lost and $300 million in annual economic output. The household income nationwide will drop almost $3,000 therefore causing the state revenue taxes to fall almost $93 billion due to less taxable earned income and gross sales along with lower property values. Over 80% of the carbon dioxide increase in the 20 th century was after 1940. Most of the temperature increase happened before 1940 and between the 40s and mid 70s, the carbon dioxide increased dramatically as the Earth was cooling. Water vapor is considered a major greenhouse gas and accounts for 95% of any greenhouse effect.According to the Journal Science in 1982, termites produce ten times more carbon dioxide than all the factories and vehicles alone. (Edmund Contoski) There are a lot of facts on why global warming is true, but the evidence does not confirm it. The data that was collected from the US government shows that the Earth is cooling and not warming. Carbon dioxide is not to blame for increasing global warming. All the research that was done on monitoring temperatures and carbon dioxide show that the Earth is not warming and humans are not to blame and it is only natural.
Lincoln’s House Divided Speech Essay
Through the spoils of war in 1848, and a $15 one thousand million payment, the U.S. acquired nearly half of Mexicos territory. To some, Mexico had dumped its useless wasteland and the U.S. had been duped into paying for it. But to most, the acquisition of the Mexican territory was the culmination of Manifest Destinythe fulfillment of the amplification across the North American continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, that was ordained by God.But did God int prohibit for this territory to be slaveholding or free? deep down two short years, California petitioned to sire a state. Slaveholding or free? That question would propel the nation that had just become a Continental power to the precipice of dissolution.It took the Compromise of 1850 to avert a disaster. The Compromise itself was made up several bills. Among them, California would be admitted as a free state. To pacify slave-state politicians bemused about the imbalance, the Fugitive Slave Act was passed. It required Nort hern citizens to assist in the recovery of slaves escaping from the South.Kansas-Nebraska ActWith the threat of dissolution addressed, a continental build-out could establish underway. The country pined for a transcontinental railroad. The South wanted a route that ran far south, provided the North insisted on a route in the center. representative Senator Stephen A. Douglas was committed to this central route and to the prerequisite organization of the territory of Nebraska.As chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories, Senator Douglas had the responsibility of sponsoring the necessary legislation. He had already been slavish in bringing five states into the Union and had created five territories. He repeatedly tried to organize Nebraska, but sectional differences had made it impossible thus far.The second Compromise, thirty years prior, had prohibited thralldom north of the line of 36 30, and tout ensemble of the Nebraska territory was above that line. Yet Douglas 1854 l egislationthough it used the same language under which Utah and New Mexico had become territoriesmade the proposed condition of slavery or freedom unclear. So the legislation was rewrite to appeal to the Southern Democrats, explicitly stating that the decision about slavery was to be left to the decision of the people residing therein, through their appropriate representatives. Essentially, popular sovereignty would rationale the day and kill the slave restriction in the atomic number 42 Compromise.Still, Democratic Senator Archibald Dixon of Kentucky didnt think this pushed the Missouri Compromise far enough. Dixon proposed an amendment that specifically stated the Missouri Compromise restriction did not apply to the proposed Nebraska Territory, nor to any other territory of the United States.Douglas wanted to avoid a fight and begged Dixon to withdraw his amendment, but Dixon refused. So Douglas supported the Kansas-Nebraska billnow modified to propose two territories from the land rather than just one. The bill declared that the Missouri Compromise was conflicting with the Compromise of 1850 and, hence, inoperative. With the backing of Democratic President Franklin Pierce, the bill had become law.Anti-Nebraskan MenProtests arose not scarcely from free-soilers and abolitionists, but also from moderatesincluding moderate Democratswho thought the slavery surface had been put into remission in 1850, and now found it eating away at the country again.Abraham capital of Nebraska, retired from politics and happy in his law practice, was compelled to return to politics. As Paul M. Angle observed, capital of Nebraska believed that no man concerned for his country could remain silent. Writing about the event later, in the third person, capital of Nebraska tell of himself, His profession had almost superseded the thought of politics in his mind, when the repeal of the Missouri Compromise aroused him as he had never been before.It is as if two esurient men had dissever their only loaf, Lincoln said of the Compromise of 1850. Having split up the loaf in a fair compromise, the South now wanted more The one had hastily swallowed his half, and then grabbed the other half just as he was putting it in his mouthLincoln vehemently disagreed that popular sovereigntythe choice of white men of European ancestryshould be allowed to cush the inalienable right to liberty the Declaration of Independence promised to all men, regardless of color. Like so many others, Lincoln thought that if slavery remained confined to the states in which it currently existedprotected by the Constitution, incidentallyit would eventually come to extinction and liberty would prevail. outright he found the monster of slavery more animated than ever before.Believing that Anti-Nebraska men must be elected to overturn the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Lincoln began canvas the state of Illinois with the goal of re-electing Anti-Nebraskan Richard Yates. A new Abraham Lincoln was on t he scene. Where in earlier years, Angle notes, Lincoln had brought roars of laughter with raillery and personal jibes and had grappled for any clarified argumentative advantage, Lincoln now spoke from deep conviction that the nation was in dangerspoke without humor but with eloquence that he had never before achieved.Claiming popular sovereignty to be a middle ground that couldnt logically exist, he urged men to rally together and embrace liberty. let us re-adopt the Declaration of Independence, and with it, the practices, and policy, which harmonize with it. Let north and southlet all Americanslet all lovers of liberty everywherejoin in the dandy and good work. If we do this, we shall not only take on saved the Union but we shall have so saved it, as to make, and keep it, forever exemplary of the saving.To further the Anti-Nebraska cause, Lincoln allowed himself to be named as a candidate for the Illinois House of Representatives. On November 7, 1854, he was elected. But the se natorial term of James Shields, a Douglas supporter, was expiring and Lincoln was in a position to take the seat. To strengthen his candidacy, he declined to accept his seat in the Illinois House.In February 1855, the legislature met in joint session. On the archetypical ballot, Lincoln was the leader with 44 votes, but could not win without the five votes received by Lyman Trumbull. Vote after vote, Trumbulls supporters refused to budge. After the ninth ballot, Lincoln realized that unless he threw his support to Trumbull, a supporter of the Kansas-Nebraska Act would be elected. So he released his supporters to vote for Trumbull and Trumbull won the election. But Lincoln became the clear leader of the Anti-Nebraska men and was destined to run against Stephen A. Douglas when his term expired in 1858.Lincoln Opposes DouglasAt the Re universean State Convention of Illinois, on June 16, 1858, a resolution declaring that Abraham is the maiden and only choice of the Republicans of Ill inois for the United States Senate as the successor to Stephen A. Douglas was carried unanimously. Acknowledging the nomination that evening, Lincoln delivered what became known as the House Divided Speechthe name being interpreted from the opening of the speechWe are now far into the fifth year since a policy was initiated with the avowed object and confident promise of putting an end to slavery agitation. Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only not give upd, but has constantly augmented. In my opinion, it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed. A ingleside divided against itself cannot stand.I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not stomach the Union to be fade outI do not expect the house to fallbut I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the publ ic mind shall rest in the whimsey that it is in the course of ultimate extinction or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become likewise lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South.Lincoln borrowed the reference to the house divided against itself, from the Bible. In the twelfth chapter of Matthew, Jesus healed a man possessed with a devil. The Pharisees accused him of casting out devils by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of devils. To this, Jesus replied all kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand? (Matthew 1225)Lincoln made a public reference to this Biblical quotation as early as 1843, when he wrote a circular emphasizing the unity of the Whig partyThat union is strength is a truth that has been known, illustrated, and declared in various ways and forms in all ages of t he world. That great fabulist and philosopher, Aesop, illustrated it by his fable of the bundle of sticks and he whose wisdom surpasses that of all philosophers has declared that a house divided against itself cannot stand.The quotation was one which Lincoln plainly found useful. However, it was only after careful consideration that he included it in his speech at the state Republican Convention in 1858. Lincoln was well aware that the position could be inflammatory. In fact, most of Lincolns friends advised against it.Within weeks, Stephen Douglas would twist Lincolns meaning and tonality him as a warmonger and radical abolitionist. But as part of Lincolns legacy, the House Divided Speech marked the point at which Abraham Lincoln, local politician, firmly planted his stake in the ground on a highly-charged national issue.MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could let on judge what to do, and how to do i t.We are now far into the fifth year since a policy was initiated, with the avowed object and confident promise, of putting an end to slavery agitation.Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only, not ceased, but has constantly augmented.In my opinion, it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed.A house divided against itself cannot stand.I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.I do not expect the Union to be dissolvedI do not expect the house to fallbut I do expect it will cease to be divided.It will become all one thing, or all the other.Either the opponents of slavery, will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South.Have we no tendency to the latter condition?Let any one who doubts, conservatively contemplate that now almost complete legal combinationpiece of machinery so to speakcompounded of the Nebraska doctrine, and the Dred Scott decision. Let him consider not only what work the machinery is adapted to do, and how well adapted but also, let him study the history of its construction, and trace, if he can, or rather fail, if he can, to trace the evidences of design, and concert of action, among its main(prenominal) architects, from the beginning.But, so far, Congress only, had acted and an indorsement by the people, real or apparent, was indispensible, to save the point already gained, and give chance for more.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Impact of Social Networking
Since the new millennium occurred, friendly networking sites have been dada up everywhere, from Friendster, to MySpace, to Facebook. Setting apart the old centering of communicating, by telephone, letters, and in person is having a proscribe impact on us. flock young and old have found themselves addicted to well, basically themselves. People post pictures of themselves, update their status unbrokenly and write blogs hoping someone else will credit it. With all of that said, these social networking sites seem to be ca exploitation more bad than good. Teenagers are a vast majority of those using these sites.Do social networking sites hurt teenagers? People of all ages use social networking sites to keep in tint with friends and family. Not everyone can see someone on an everyday basis, nor call them every day. Being adequate to(p) to talk to batch in your life all at one term is a large(p) idea. Meeting new people is an advantage also. Finding those who have the same quali ties and hobbies as you can lease an instant friendship.Re attenders plead social-networking sites are shortening attention spans, encouraging instant gratification, and making young people more self-focused. (What Impact) By macrocosm on the internet so often teenagers are accustomed to feel for more about themselves than anything else. A large majority of teens (71%) have established online profiles (Teen Internet). If 71% of teenagers have an online profile, and researchers say it is shorting their attention spans, what is that to say about our future? Social networking sites are more about me me me than keeping in contact, as if the whole thing was just a popularity contest.This constant attention battle takes a monetary value on the brain, A British neurologist warns that extended use of the sites actually rewires the brain, causing teenagers to require constant reassurance that they exist (What Impact). Thus why they check and update their profiles multiple times a day. S ocial networks in a way make it seem like your living in a small townspeople or village, where everyone around you knows every aspect of your life. But because we purposely want that, it is making us more concerned with ourselves.Most of these people teenagers talk to in the irst place are people they see roughly every day at school, work, and etc. Even if they conversed with someone during the day, they still continue to talk to them on the internet. Being able to keep in contact with friends and family is very important. Right now in our time people use the internet all of the time to talk to friends and family The current generation is never unconnected. Theyre never losing touch with their friends (Thompson). With the fast pace life style teenagers and young adults face, the internet is an ideal way to keep up to date with all the things happening around you.Especially for college students does this come in handy, being able to contact someone with the click of a button, while also writing a study or doing homework. Multi tasking plays a large role in the success rate of social networks. While on the telephone with on person, it can be hard to focus on doing something else but when you are on the computer you can talk to multiple people at once while still doing former(a) activities. Socal networks can also help you to find people you have non seen in years. They have search engines within, so finding an old class mate or an old friend from your kindergarten class is not a problem.
Monday, May 20, 2019
A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror
The book written by Alfred McCoy (2006) entitled A Question of Torture CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror speaks of CIAs process of developing different forms of torture through practice of sensory deprivation and self-inflicted pain.These ar do by means of isolation, hooding, manipulation of time, or by means of hours of standing, which was practiced by the U.S. CIA in Vietnam, in Iran, in Central America, and in Southeast Asia. This, according to McCoy (2006), is not so much a natural torture but a psychological one that, if not improved or reassessed scrupulously, could affect and monetary value Americas good reputation and respectable global standing.Main BodyMcCoy (2006) opened his book with the scene by CBS Television of the Abu Ghraib prison that showed Iraqis naked, hooded, and contorted in humiliating positions while U.S. soldiers stood over them, smiling (p.5). According to McCoy (2006),These photos are not, in fact, snapshots of simple sadism or a breakdown in military discipline but CIA torture rules that feature metastasized like an undetected cancer inside the U.S. intelligence community over the past half century. (p.5)With its kickoff dating back to more than 50 years ago during the Cold War, this type of scenes and incidents promoted political scandals and controversies that reached nonetheless to the Bushs administration of the interrogation policy.From the 1950 to 1962, CIAs experiments on the best type of torture get on psychological torture, or what was also called as the no-touch type of torture. The two new method actings that were formulated was the recitation of sensory disorientation and self-inflicted pain that made the victim feel responsible for their suffering and thus abandon more readily to their torturers (McCoy, 2006, p.8).As also indicated, The fusion of these two techniques, sensory disorientation and self-inflicted pain, creates a synergy of carnal and psychological trauma whose sum is a h ammer-blow to the fundamentals of personal identity (p.8). After the year 1963, the no-touch method of torture included methods of unimaginable cruelties in the form of physical as well as informal harassments, such as the scenes at Abu Ghraib.The use of mind control by the CIA propagates evil torture, which leads to political scandal and ruin. CIAs basic purpose, of course, is for plea against foreign threats. However, for the past 50 years, this type of torture of the Americas CIA reflected political and administrative wreck that tended to worsen as each decade passed.From the Phoenix program in Vietnam in the early 60s, immorality appears to be the basic framework of the American agenda of foreign defense and protection. There were already incidents like these back in the 1960s and to witness it alive and kicking until the twenty-first century is a huge sign that something wrong has been going on with Americas method of extricating criminals.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Love Blinds
The course of true love is not only unsmooth, it is in addition irrational, whimsical, and unpredictable. This truth written by William Shakespeare is on ample display in one of his most hot romantic managedies, A Midsummer Nights Dream. Theseus formulates the correlation that exists mingled with the insanity often expressed in the actions of appetency and the words of a poet during his speech near the end of the play when he observes that The lunatic, the lover, and the poet / Are of imagination every(prenominal) compact (V. i. 7-8).The lunatic, lover and poet share the trait of achieving a state of consciousness that lifts them high over the hindrances that come with logic and allows them to glide sweetly over the chasm that will place them gently at the feet of the mark of their desire. Theseus asserts that this form of faith translate allows heaven to be transformed into hell for the lunatic, while the lover is allowed to transform the poor into the beautiful, or hell in to heaven. The poet is allowed his own special power that of a God who can create from nothing either a heaven or hell.The implication found in Theseus observation is that desire is real just a fantastic illusion stripped of its truth. Is Shakespeare asserting that desire is simply a insincere emotion? If so, then would not that mean that Theseus desire for Hippolyta is a desire that is somehow released from this bondage of delusion? But if that is so, then how to explain how he so readily fixed his desire upon another? Shakespeare gives no facile answer to these questions. Shakespeare chooses instead to make the paradox in question here the theme of the play.Throughout A Midsummer Nights Dream, the unpredictability of love and desire is surveyed as the characters set forth on their respective journeys toward a love that is completely off-kilter while also maintaining a foundation of reality that belies the magic of the forest. Helenas speech in the opening scene is the plays mo st direct evidence of Shakespeares thematic c at oncern Things bottom and vile, holding no quantity / Love can transpose to form and dignity./ Love looks not with the eyes, only when with the mind, /And therefore is move Cupid painted blind (I. i. 232-235). What Helena intuits is that desire is exempt from explanation, that it is contradictory and maddeningly and, ultimately, has the single greatest influence on human actions. Distraught over the revelation that her own beloved, Demetrius, is in love with Hermia instead of her, Helena asserts that though Demetrius is incapable of seeing she is as beautiful as Hermia.She believes that love is endowed with the authority to convert pes and vile qualities into form and dignity-even ugliness and bad behavior can seem attractive to somebody you love. She argues that since love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind that love therefore is not based on intent analysis, but subjective perception. These lines anticipate facts of the plays assessment of love to come, including Titanias desire for the ass-headed Bottom, which stands as the apex of the transformation of the base and vile into form and dignity.The theme of loves unsmooth path is portrayed through the conceit of things being eccentric and out of balance wheel throughout the multiple romantic entanglements, focusing especially on the asymmetrical relationships between the four young Athenians Hermia loves Lysander, Lysander loves Hermia, Helena loves Demetrius, and Demetrius loves Hermia instead of Helena. The course of true love in this play is in actuality a quest to restore balance and set the world on an even keel once again.The goal is to get back to symmetry. Even the relationship between Titania and Oberon is subject to the power of balance being lost. In this case, the off-kilter quality arises from Oberons coveting of Titanias Indian boy, which she believes is greater than his love for her. Of course, Titania herself will submit to the ti p perception in her desire for Bottom. A Midsummer Nights Dream proposes that no easy route exists that reaches the object of anyones desire.This is even true when both parties on are the same path and headed toward each other. Lysander and Hermia take this route, unless eventually discover a hindrance in the form of her fathers wish that she marry another. Shakespeare is remarkably problematical at demonstrating how desire can influence the course of true love even when that desire is not carnal. In the end, Shakespeare seems to posit the idea that desire is not really in itself a false emotion, but is an illusion that often serves to make love false.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Dare
My head begins to ache as I dwell back thinking about how I got here, the lumps in this uncomfortable bed dig into my back. I rarity how I can possibly manage to think with these various machines that bleep continuously and kindly faces that hold open flood tide to check my temperature and whatever else they need. They keep asking Are you alright, duck? I mean seriously, do I look like Im alright? Im covered in cuts and bruises and from what Ive heard the doctors telling my anxious p arents they are not going to be able to reattach my severed point to the chaos of tangled nerves and brawn in the bloody stump mediocre above my left knee. I begin to rock easy back and forwards in silent reaction to the ache radiating from my stump and the memory of that night comes slowly back to me.*****It was a jolly inconsequential day in the middle of the long, lingering pass holidays when the accident happened we were all really bored and could not think of anything remotely interesting to do that we hadnt do at least a hundred times already, finally aft(prenominal) about an hour of twist down bad ideas and sitting thinking in a frustrating silence for something that wouldnt be sneered at, soulfulness suggested we play take for granteds. Everyone appeared to be pleased with that idea so that is what we decided to do, but even then I had my doubts because I knew what my friends where like and I dont wish to sound boring but I didnt particularly regard to put me or others in danger with the kind of dares I knew my friends would come up with.It started off fairly innocently with people being dared to do silly little childish things like knocking on peoples doors and performning out-of-door, flashing your bum out of the window and a range of others like that, you know the sort. Until someone, no doubt thinking they were being grown up and funny, dared Georgia to jump off the balcony. She was obviously smarter than we gave her opinion for because she refused b lankly, saying that it was dangerous and wed blend ourselves killed, but we all ignored her and told her that if she didnt like what we were doing to shut up and go away. Looking back I wish I had taken her advice and left with her.Anyway our group began to run out of ideas so we decided to walk around looking for inspiration for the next dare which would be mine.We ambled around the nearby areas and came across a bridge over a pathway that was busy in the rush hour but mostly unused by cars at night and Laura squealed the fatal speech Ive thought of an amazing dare. My stomach turned as the rest of the group discussed the details of my dare and a little voice in my head repeated Georgias warning from earlier Youre going to get yourselves killed. I know what your thinking, voices in my head I must be clinically insane, but it must have been my conscience or something like that. Whatever it was I should have taken more notice.My friends told me after about five minutes of decidin g, what my dare would entail I was to jump off the bridge when it got good-for-naught and in the small likelihood of a vehicle passing under it I was to try and repeal being add up. To them it all seemed so simple someone would stand underneath to tell me when the road was wanton and then I would jump, but the nagging voice in my brain wouldnt cease. Yet I didnt want to voice my concerns and appear a coward, so I just nodded and arranged to meet them there later.I dont know how I managed to talk myself into turning up at the bridge that night or how I forced my self to laugh as I looked down from the ledge I was standing on and prepared to jump but somehow I did.My offshoots shook as I waited for the homeal to jump. I tried to ignore the voice echoing in my brain, but I couldnt back down now. My dress wouldnt let me.My friend called up to me Its all clear now. Jump so I closed my eyes, held my mite and leapt off the ledge. I felt myself falling quickly like a stone for what seemed like ages. I opened my eyes and screamed. Blurred colours flashed past me. Coming towards me I saw a blinding, shiny light steadily speeding towards me. The sound of an engine reached my ears. My heart raced as I saw in slow motion what was going to happen to me. It came closer and closer not slowing. Cant they see me, cant they stop? I thought, If they dont slow down theyre going to hit me. My life flashed before my eyes and my heart pounded like a thousand drums. The last thing I thought before I felt myself finally hit something was Oh my god Im going to dieI came around and I was almost blinded by the lustrous lights that surrounded me and was vaguely aware of what sounded like people screaming. As my eyes slowly came into focus I looked around me and my so called friends were nowhere to be seen. I suddenly felt an excruciating pain coming from my left thigh. I stared dazed for a moment at the torrent of blood gushing from my leg and the distorted mess ten feet away tha t used to be the other part of it. I went into seismic disturbance and passed out.Hours later I awoke in the hospital with my worried family beside me and the doctors filled me in on what had happened as I had jumped from the bridge a car had been heading towards me from underneath it. Just before I hit the road I bounced off the bonnet of the car and which couldnt stop in time and ran over me causing my leg to get caught up in the wheel of the car and dragged along the road, which caused the bone to snap and break away from my body leaving me lying bleeding on the road behind it. When the ambulances arrived there had been no sign of my friends.*****So thats where I am now, sitting in my hospital bed and contemplating what would have happened if I had just listened to myself and not let my pride take over. But thats what happens when you take on stupid dares.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Osama Bin Laden’s Strategy Essay
What were Osama bin charges intended strategies in response to the Arab opening and why did he consider it a formidable event? In response to the revolutionary quiver of demonstrations and protest (both non-violent and violent) through with(predicate)out the Arab world, Osama Bin Laden wanted to reevaluate how Al-Qaida as a unit conducted their operations within the Muslim world. Osama Bin Laden viewed Al Qaedas in expertness to attract followers as a weakness, He intrustd that a media campaign should be launched to incite raft who abide not yet revolted and exhort them to rebel against the rulers, (Lahoud et al. 2012, 3). By avoiding joining political parties and focusing on combat operations, for example in Afghanistan the Taliban were weakening the unite States which had a negative effect on the United States ability to assist leaders in the Muslim world with combating the Arab Spring, (Lahoud et al. 2012, 3). Osama Bin Laden viewed the Arab spring, which was sweeping ac ross the Muslim World causing riots and protest as a cartridge holder filled with great luck because of the effect it was having on Governments much(prenominal) as Tunisia and Egypt. At the time he was writing, the presidents of Tunisia and Egypt, Zein al-Abidin bin Ali and Husni Mubarak had fallen.Bin Laden was convinced that their fall was bound to trigger a domino effect, and the fall of the remaining tyrants in the role was inevitable, (Lahoud et al. 2012, 48). pardon Osama bin Ladens relationship with regional jihadi groups at the time of his death. Senior Al Qaeda leadership held mixed feelings in regards to how to deal with regional jihadi groups. These regional groups were likely attracted to Al Qaeda after its much successful attack on September 11, 2009. period some Al Qaeda leadership felt that regional Jihadis should not be accepted into Al Qaeda, other leadership felt that only be including regional insurgents could Al Qaeda grow its numbers. Bin Laden represented a third position, as he wanted to maintain communication, through his own pen or that of his inner circle, with brothers everywhere, to urge restraint and provide advice, without granting them formal unity with al-Qaida, (Lahoud et al. 2012, 11-12).Explain how King and Taylor mention the radicalization process for the purposes of their study, and why their study focused on the radicalization of homegrown jihadists. King and Taylor describe the radicalization process as integrity, which requires more than point of view tounderstand. This is why King and Taylor conducted analysis of all basketball team radicalization models at one time in order to understand the process of radicalization. By comparing each method King and Taylor were able to note similarities and difference amongst the methods. The study focused on homegrown Jihadists because of the up-to-date threat towards the west as a result of radical ideology produced by terrorist organization such as Al Qaeda, (King and Tay lor, 2011).Why do King and Taylor take the position that basing counter-terrorism or counter-radicalization strategies on models that have not been empirically validated can be misleading and risky? In addition, why do King and Taylor take the position that the narrative promoted by jihadists is amenable to empirical research? King and Taylor see the understanding and process of radicalization cannot be narrowed down to one method because the reason behind one individuals path towards terrorism may differ from another, (King and Taylor 2011, 616). Also, King and Taylor believe insurgents use propaganda to their benefit. For example, by leading Muslims to believe the West is attacking not only Muslim countries but also Islam itself they are able to transfuse into Muslim that they must defend their fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. This is one method that is used in describing the azoic stages of the Radicalization, as described by the NYPD, (King and Taylor 2011, 617).What conclu sions do King and Taylor reach, regarding their study of radicalization of homegrown jihadists and what recommendations do they make regarding rising research? At the conclusion of their research, King and Taylor decided that each method provided important information in regards to their own respected method. When brought together, however, the commonalities and discrepancies between these models offered even greater insights, which may be used as a guiding framework for future research concerning homegrown jihadi radicalization, (King and Taylor 2011, 617). The conclusion primarily focused on three factors which King and Taylor label as contributing factors to the radicalization process, reaction to group relative deprivation, management of identities and ultimately personality characteristics, (King and Taylor 2011, 617-618). Along with these three factors King and Taylor suggest further research also focused on the internet and how it leads to radicalization and also theJihadi narrative and its ability to influence homegrown jihadists, (King and Taylor 2011, 618)
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Life Physic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Life Physic - Essay Exampleite-up, predictions on the future status of the existence centers on the phenomena of rapid glacier meltdown--its impact on humanity and the Earth as a whole.For the past millenniums, the Arctic Ocean had been viewed as a region pooling with glaciers but in the last three decades, shrinking of churl in the area increased from 2.8% to 11.1%, as more looking glass (are) melting during summers and less new ice forming during summers (Parks). This region is not the only one experiencing meltdown crises. In Northern America, famous ice peaks in Glacier National Park had dwindled from 150 glaciers to less than 30 structures (Glick 1). Such occurrences show that the meltdown is no long-acting a regional concern, but probable global crises.In such trends, the status of the Earth whitethorn reach to a point wherein afterwards 25 years or more, land terrains may be moderately covered with sea urine, pushing both man and animals to higher grounds for survival. Studies show that about 50 meters of seawater had been added in the Antarctic Peninsula in only half a decade (Sea direct Rise). As temperature on the Earths surface continues to elevate, the Arctic and other regional glaciers may be lost in 70 years, filling up the world with water in those periods in time (Habitat Loss). In such scenario, risks of partial land wipe-out may occur after 25 years, and increases during the next decades.In effect of possible water deluges, land-based life forms are at threaten to extinction. Predictably, shifts in glacier activity can affect agriculture, drinking water supplies, coastlines, and ecological habitats (Yohe). As sea water rises and encroach on freshwater sources, water supply for human consumption can be by and large affected. Food sources can be destroyed, especially in areas near coastlines, where sea water saline disrupts ware and growth of crops (Cimate Change). Hence, food and water needs are deprived with massive sea invasion in land areas. Unfortunately, large
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The decline of US hegemonic power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The pooh-pooh of US hegemonic index number - Essay sampleHowever, this theory has been under strong criticism from emergent theories such the baron convert theory which views affinity among a great nation which is a competitor and the prevalent nation as the cause of war rather than peace and stability. According to this theory, peace can only be achieved when a greater power surpasses the dominant nation (DAnieri, 2009). Since World War II, the US has been the dominant or hegemonic power owing to its great wealth and influence in the global scene. However, according to Witkopf (1997) hegemonic periods last approximately 60-90 years. So could America be on the decline owing to the fact that it has been a hegemonic power for over 60yrs? This is what this paper will canvass to find out. In doing so, it will utilize the levels of analysis in international system to explain the decline of US hegemonic power. These levels of analysis include the individual, state-level and sys tem-level analysis but first, the power transition theory will be expounded further in order to understand how the international system works as opposed to the vestibular sense of power theory and levels of analysis. ... The balance of power theory would tell us that the system would be invariable as long as the strong nations are at par or are quenched with the system. The dominant nation influences how the international system operates and makes the rules of the game (DAnieri, 2009). For example, the US determines the rules in the system and other nations follow. However, emerging nations may feel left out of the system despite having the capability to be involved in making rules and defending their interests. As such, they challenge the experimental condition quo to get a place in streak the system. This leads to war as the strong nations defend their status and stability is only achieved when parity is achieved (Wittkopf, 1997). For power transition theorists, stability is impossible when nations are at parity, meaning they have capacity and resources to fight each other. If the challenger nation which is a great power does not have the capacity to fight the dominant nation, it cannot profit war against it until such a time it will have equal power. If it gains more power than the dominant nation, then it has no business waging war against it since it has already acquired the superpower status. The danger is therefore when the transition is fetching place. War is inevitable to determine who governs the international system (Tammen, 2000). Since the nations get weary after a power transition, they remain at peace for some time before thinking of engaging in conflict. The status gained after the transition does not last for long as evidenced by previous wars. Rome, Britain and Mongols were one time superpowers but their power and dominance declined and US attained the status (Hamraie, 2013). The US is no exception and has
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Teaching of Amos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Teaching of Amos - Essay Example lively fig trees hasten the ripening and improve the size and sweetness of the fruit that the poor can afford. With the reputation of his work, he became aw be of the political, social and religious conditions of the society surrounding him.Amos is considered to be one of the so-called 12 Minor Prophets and his book, Amos, is third among the 12. His mission is to prophesy to the northern terra firma of Israel in the days of King Uzziah of Judah (792-740 B.C.E.), epoch Jeroboam II the son of Joash, was pansy of Israel, two years before the great earthquake occurred (Amos 11). Amos carried messages loaded with affliction to Israel (Amos 26-16) and Judah (Amos 24-5). Many of Israels neighbors would also suffer, such as Damascus (Amos 13-5), Gaza (Amos 16-8), Tyre (Amos 19-10), Edom (Amos 111-12), Ammon(Amos 113-15), and Moab (Amos 21-3).God had originally favored the Israelites. He even do a covenant with them. He was especially saddened with Is rael that he needed send a prophet to prophesy their impending doom. on that point was every reason for pronouncing misery in Israel. Prosperity, lavish living, and ecstasy were the order of the day. There was a decline in moral standards. Their celebrated peace and prosperity blind them of the sacred things. They were likened to an overripe fruit that is in the process of decay leading to destruction. Furthermore, they were performing rites that were not commanded of them to do. These are ceremonies with pagan origins. Some turned to some local gods such as Baal in seeking for benediction and fertility, an act that is extremely detestable to their God. They have totally forgotten the Law of Yahweh.The Political ConditionPolitically, the kingdom was secure. Samaria, its capital and primary center of urban power, was considered unconquerable. Ab away the time of Amos prophesying act, the Northern Kingdom of Israel had been triumphant out of war, and had reached its peak of wealth and power, with overflowing luxury and excess. It enjoyed remarkable cultural, social and economic revival. It reached the culmination of prosperity made distinct by artistic and commercial development. The Kingdom enjoyed a substantial period of peace and pledge under the leadership of King Jeroboam II. During this reign, Israel reached the largest geographical size.The king has restored Israels traditional borders, ending almost a century of sporadic seesaw conflict between Israel itself and Damascus. Soon subsequently Israel had triumphed, she began to gloat over her newfound power. Because she was relieved of foreign pressures-relief that had come in accordance with encouraging words from the prophets Elisha and Jonah-she felt jealously self-satisfied about her favored status with God. The hopes and expectations of the people were lifted to the highest heights. They looked forward with great anticipation to even greater success and declared a great Day of the Lord when God Hi mself would take the battlefield against their enemies. And the king kept conquering nations even extending its territory into modern day Syria. He took advantage of the Syrias weakness after a recent defeat from the Assyrians. Assyria is the major threat to Israels power. However, the Assyrians had withdrawn itself temporarily due to internal strife. There was an inside rebellion that they needed to manage. This allows Israel to flourish
Monday, May 13, 2019
American National Identity 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
American National Identity 2 - Essay ExampleSince America is the superpower nation of the realness, there is reason enough to believe much(prenominal) claims, and quite rightly so. The hoi polloi are satisfied with their lives largely and do not like to ruffle with the lives of others. In essence, America is a assuage world where every soul has the right to be free on his own and let others enjoy their freedom n matchlesstheless (Schlesinger 1998). These are some of the most seek after aspects that America brings to the fore when wiz thinks of the superpower nation of the world, a nation which manifests success, growth, development and gage matching none other. Even though the September 2001 attacks on the America were something tot every(prenominal)y out of the blue, the Americans sapidity safe more than ever. They know that their country is being protected from the evil forces which are widespread tout ensemble over the world. They trust their government and they know th at they have become the superpower nation of the world with a better and more resilient ideology than any other country in the world (Schuck 2008). This has come about through a lot of hard work and dedication that the Americans have shown for their country, and the demeanor in which they have been cohesive is something that stands out in a head and shoulders scenario when one compares America with the embossment of the nations around the globe (Huntington 2005). When one wants to know what the most significant factors are that make tribe to date America, the answers seem ready and coming. This is because America is such a happening place that people would like to be there at any time. They would give up their homelands just to be in America a place where they can dream to be in. There is a good amount of diversity that one can witness within America. This has meant that there are different races and communities that have started to live in America. It is because of this that there are several languages that are being spoken in the country. These have meant that English has started to break atomic reactor and it has given rise to a number of languages in the different areas and states of America. This is true that people no intermin able-bodied need to learn English if they want to live in America or even realise it from time to time. There are so many ethnic communities widespread in America that one can make do with other languages as well, and thus live easily without a doubt. in any case the fact that America allows people to enter into its different states and regions through a legal procedure is something that asks of people to cherish their stay as long as they are within America. The legal ramifications for the illegal visitors and immigrants is indeed very harsh and this is one of the reasons why Americans feel safe that unwanted intruders would not be able to enter into America. However on the flip side, America has more problems than any other country in the world. People have unequal chances of getting jobs, have basic problems like the rest of the world, and enter into wellness and educational issues just like others. There is violence within certain states, one of which is Texas where many people die due to a number of negative incidents that have started to come to the fore (Bellah 1967). But all in all, America is a heaven to live within, and this has been proven time and again by the
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Ottoman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ottoman Empire - analyze ExampleIt should be famous that Ottoman Empire was made up from different ethnic groups such(prenominal) as Turks, Arabs, Greeks, Serbs, Bulgars, Armenians, Assyrians and Kurds. Moreover, different communities of Christian religion and Jews were existed in the Ottoman Empire. However, Ottomans never tried to inject Islamic beliefs and principles among people of other religions. In fact, Turkey under ottomans did succeed in isolating religion from regime (McCarthy, p.217). In other words, the tolerance shown towards other religions is definitely a legacy left behind by the Ottomans. For example, at present, Turkey is believed to be the most secular country in the Arab world. Moreover, no other Islamic country is currently successful in implementing democracy as Turkey does. As a declaration of that, Turkey is very close to acquire a permanent membership in EU which would go on enhance their possibilities of economic progress.According to McCarthy (p.217 ), the Ottoman Empire was successful in improving the transportation and talk infrastructure. They built roads, railroads, and telegraph lines as a measure to improve the economic activities inside their territories. At the analogous time, they made plenty of architectural wonders which are still reminding the aesthetic legacy left behind by them. Plenty of mosques and buildings that were constructed by the Ottomans are still available in Arab countries such as Turkey, Balkans, Hungary, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.The institutional and morphological reforms undertaken by Ottoman Empire are still relevant. The bureaucratic traditions and the structural reforms undertaken by the Ottoman did impact in the Arab world even after the Ottoman era. Centralized control was the major ideal of bureaucratic reforms under Ottomans (McCarthy, p.216). In other words, bureaucrats were accountable for the activities done by them, under the Ottoman Empire. It should be noted that
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Portland State University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Portland State University - Essay ExampleThe four goals of Capstone course that have been influential towards producing socially responsible students are Communication, Inquiry and Critical Thinking, ethical and Social Responsibility and lastly, the Appreciation of Human Diversity. The experience that I gained during the study of Capstone course has been so helpful in my life (Portland State University 2). As mentioned above, the goal of the course was to enable students develop victorian inquiry and critical thinking abilities. During the study, I was given assignments of reading a consider of books then leave office short write-ups that linked the material covered in the book and current events. After doing a number of these assignments, I was able to gain mastery in relating strategic management concepts, theory and frameworks to the current events. In addition, I developed skills or ability of understanding implications and results of the current events in business practice. Capstone socio-economic class also entailed class discussions that involved the division of the course students into groups. Critical thinking as well as inquiry was essential in contributing during discussions.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Impact of Drug Legalization in Colorado Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Impact of dose Legalization in Colorado - Essay ExampleMy college students were my close friends introduced me to marijuana and other hard doses use. The legalisation of marijuana use took many lives of people and the young schooling people never continued with their education. The study seeks to discuss the impacts of marijuana legalization in the state of Colorado, United States of America.In the year 2000, marijuana was legalized for health check use and new-mader in the year 2012 it was allowed by the state government to be used for unskilled employments. After legalization, according to Rocky Mountain High Intensity, Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA) (2013) the traffic accidents involving drivers testing validatory from the use of marijuana increased by 14 percent and the youth aged between 12 and 17 using marijuana was 7 percent as compared to the national percentage of marijuana users of 10 percent. The adolescent aged youths who were then schooling used marijuana excess ively and never understood the purpose of using it. Some dropped out of school some developed mental illnesses while some became do drugs traffickers.Now to begin my story, I was brought up in a middle-class family a local urban center in Colorado, America. I went to school in a state recognized school. Near our home, people position marijuana illegally before, but after it was legalized they planted it in plantations. I used to buy enormous and many rolls of marijuana and went to sell to my fellow students at a school. At school, everybody was using it students and teachers alike. We formed a group of several students and our core principle was supplying marijuana and other hard drugs to students at a school. Some of my friends dropped out of school while some developed mental illnesses and their lives were ruined.Local and international drug traffickers recruited us to operate the illegal business in and outside the country. This is where my life took another course. It was too late for me to realize the mistake I had done.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Structural Configurations for Organizations Assignment
Structural Configurations for Organizations - Assignment ExampleFrom the guidance point of view, this climb up is credible. For instance, it is not possible for an organization to achieve optimum flexibility and specialization without day-and-night evolution of its structure. Web inclusion as a concept initiates new connections and link people therefrom exposing them to new organization methods. Consequently, continuous improvements on the existing organization structures can be initiated (Helgesen, 2005).Additional onward motion to structural configurations remained formulated by four authors including Veld, Schaap, Termeer and Twist in their book, Autopoiesis and Configuration Theory. Based on their approach, organizations operate within diverse environments and each has its individual way of integrating into the surrounding in impairment of technological and structural configuration (Veld et al, 1991). The key point in this case is the fact that managers should view organiza tions as structural entities and avoid unnecessary fragmentation that would otherwise jeopardize the effectiveness of organizational activities.The pros of Helgesenss approach over Mintzberg are the initiation of continuous improvement in organization structure, improved flexibility and specialization. However, do of continuously transiting into a new organizational structure may be complex and consequently dis serviceous. Similarly, advantage of the second approach is that the effectiveness of the organization is improved by centralization of its activities because they are viewed as a whole entity and not irrelevantly fragmented.Csaszar, Felipe A. 2012. Organizational structure as a determinant of performance evidence from mutual funds. Strategic Management Journal 33, no. 6 611-632. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 2,
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Research papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Research papers - Essay ExampleRock N stamp is a harmonyal unisonal genre whose golden age is usually recognized as the decades of the 1950s and 1960s. This musical form had its beginnings in the blues tunes, gospel music, and jazz-influenced vocal music that became popular among African-American audiences after World War II. A impertinent kind of blues, it featured electrically amplified guitars, harmonicas, and drummers that emphasized afterbeats. (Gillet, 62)At the same time, black gospel music grew in popularity. These forms of black popular music were given the label rhythm and blues (R and B) and were played on big-city radio stations. Radio spread this musics call forth from black communities to towns throughout all of the United States. By the mid-1950s such performers as Little Richard, Joe Turner, and Chuck cull were becoming popular with white audiences.Radio disc jockeys began calling their music vibrate n roll. Rock N Roll is a musical genre whose golden age is usually recognized as the decades of the 1950s and 1960s. This musical form had its beginnings in the blues tunes, gospel music, and jazz-influenced vocal music that became popular among African-American audiences after World War II. A new kind of blues, it featured electrically amplified guitars, harmonicas, and drummers that emphasized after beats. (Ennis, 77)By remembering those Classic ro... se were the long time when life was plain and simple and the birth of a start named Elvis Presley and the emergence of the love songs that touched(p) the hearts of women. The 50s remarkably gives us an overview of Classic Rock from this stems the succeeding versions and styles of rock and roll.There was a historic demarcation line to distinguish the 70s from the 50s. The musicians from the 70s were able to sing the song of Dylan and Elvis although most nation best-loved the song from the 70s than the old songs.The music of the fifties has very good rhythm although it lacks political and s ocial themes which attracted the people during the 70s. The people during this decade failed to see the energy, vitality and originality of rock and roll which remains incomparable to the other types of music. The enter of this work is that rock n roll matters, and that it means what it says. It seems that rock n roll music has seldom been given its repayable as an art form, that it is somehow relegated to a category of less mature or serious esthetic pursuits by the media and the intellectual community (whatever that is). Some critics use the generic term Pop to refer to whatever popular music, including all contemporary rock musicians, as if the fact of rock n rolls immense commercial succeeder implies that it cannot really be taken seriously alongside, say, classical music, or even Jazz. Beyond artistic circles, rock n roll is usually given even less credibility the ideas and feelings and beliefs expressed and reflected in rock songs move to be dismissed by non-fans, by the Establishment as a whole, as quaintly simple at best, childish and irrelevant at worst. Whats even more disturbing is that these attitudes often seem to be held by fans of rock music themselves. We
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Melting Pot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
dissolve Pot - Essay ExampleIde onlyy, these immigrants would bring the best of themselves, blend those talents, gifts and skills, and become Ameri scum bags, sharing the unified hopes and greater goals of this country. The idea of the United States as an immense cultural melting pot, at one time, seemed realistic, however at once umpteen opinions of whether that metaphor is appropriate have changed. Is America a cultural melting pot or is it now a modern myth that is no longer applicable? Discussion It was a Jewish immigrant from England that origin eachy coined the term the melting pot. It was the title of play he had written that focused on the belief,that all immigrants can be transformed into Americans, a new alloy forged in a crucible of democracy, freedom and civic responsibility.(Booth 1) There is no doubt that in the early 1900s that this was the general mentality of some of the immigrants that came to this country. Many wanted nothing more than than to be Americans, an d were willing to do whatever was necessary to legally earn that title. At this point in history, being an American was a title that mattered and was desired and respected. However, the wit of, many immigrants and multi-ethnic Americans, today is not quite as endearing or ge ard to American ideals as a whole, as they once were. Many scholars have pointed out that there is lessening of parking area dreams. What Americans want is no longer a unified ideal. Some researchers have said that the attitude of native-born Americans has, also, changed. Once very tolerate and encouraging of immigration are now much more, territorial and, often, amusing of immigrants that come to this country. The world has changed and it is, often, said that the United States is no longer a melting pot, but is more like a salad bowl.(Millet) Meaning that instead of becoming the culmination of many things into one thing, they are all independent parts that remain so, but contribute to the greater whole. How ever, there is a danger that this lucid insistence on segregating, embracing differences over similarities, could lead to a salad with unpleasantly divergent ingredients. Today nation who find their ancestry in multiple cultures are not eager to let go of those roots. This is not necessarily a negative thing. We all have a right to acknowledge our ancestry. On many takes the modern society cannot deny any individuals that right to honor or celebrate relevant and of the essence(predicate) aspects of their culture. However, there are some immigrants who come to this country, in this modern age, who have no interest in being part of America at all, or of becoming American they simply seek the benefits and freedoms that are available by being here. They have no intention of positively contributing to this country. It these people that can negatively taint the perspective of Americans born and raised in this country. Studies done in the late 90s verified that most young people when a sked to identify their ethnicity would choose a hyphenated answer African-American, Asian-American, and the like. truly few of those surveyed were comfortable with answering simply answering, just, American.(Booth 1) It is this need to separate on some cultural level that negates completely the ideology that the United States can be considered a melting pot of cultures. When in faithfulness much of the attitudes of current American citizens are not a unified one. Political ideologies are severely differing. Social differences, and a number of cultural and
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