Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Things Fall Apart (Janie essays
Things Fall Apart (Janie essays Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone. Dawn and doom was in the branches." Throughout the life of Zora Neale Hurston, she has accomplished all that a woman in her time could achieve. She has been a best selling author, and she has set an inspiration for women of all ages today. From the 1930s to the 1960s, she published seven books, many short stories, magazine articles, and plays and was known as an outstanding folklorist and novelist as well as being the most prolific black woman in America. She lived through a time of poverty and rough times for black people but she didnt see anything wrong with being black. She felt that her blackness was so special that others could benefit just from being around her. Her works were seen as manifestos of womanhood and shared positive aspects of black life. In her most famous story, Their Eyes Where Watching God, she depicts Janie Crawford, a 40+ year old woman who tells her life to her friend Phoebe Watson. In Their Eyes Where Watching God, Janie is trying to find love but she does not know the correct places to loo k for love. Her first two attempts at love, one that was forced and the other that was not equal at the start, but finally third time is a charm as she love. Zora Neale Hurston life serves much purpose in the story and by reading Their Eyes Where Watching God, the reader will not only enjoy the story of a woman life from the other side of the horizon but also some personal information about the author. (Their Eyes Were Watching God, University of Illinois Press, 1937) In my report I will explain why Zora Neale Hurston is an inspiration and serves as a model for Janie and debate on the many similarities and difficulties between Janie Crawford and Zora Neale Hurston in Their Eyes Where Watching God. Before Zora Neale Hurston started to write, she was born on a small farm in Eatonvil...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Conjugating Andare in Italian
Conjugating Andare in Italian As people are always going somewhere, â€Å"andare†is an incredibly common verb in Italian, so you’ll want to be very comfortable with conjugating it in all its tenses. What’s more, it’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -are verb ending pattern. Below you’ll find conjugation tables with examples so you can become more familiar with how to use it in everyday conversation. Some definitions of â€Å"andare†include: To goTo travelTo functionTo fit What to know about andare: It’s an intransitive verb, so it does not take a direct object.The infinito is â€Å"andare†.The participio passato is â€Å"andato†.The gerund form is â€Å"andando†.The past gerund form is â€Å"essendo andato†. INDICATIVO/INDICATIVE Il presente io vado noi andiamo tu vai voi andate lui, lei, Lei va loro, Loro vanno Esempi: Vanno in piazza, vuoi andare pure tu? - They’re going to the piazza, do you also want to go?Vado a lavoro tutti i giorni tranne la domenica. - I go to work every day except Sunday. Il passato prossimo io sono andato/a noi siamo andati/e tu sei andato/a voi siete andati/e lui, lei, Lei à ¨ andato/a loro, Loro sono andati/e Esempi: Sei andato alla festa di Marco? Com’era? - You went to Marco’s party? How was it?Dove siete andati giovedà ¬ sera? - Where did you (all) go Thursday evening? L’imperfetto io andavo noi andavamo tu andavi voi andavate lui, lei, Lei andava loro, Loro andavano Esempi: Da bambina andavo spesso al mare con la mia famiglia. - When I was a little girl, I often went to the sea with my parents.Mi ricordo che tu andavi spesso a studiare in biblioteca. - I remember you used to go often to study at the library. Il trapassato prossimo io ero andato/a noi eravamo andati/e tu eri andato/a voi eravate andati/e lui, lei, Lei era andato/a loro, Loro erano andati/e Esempi: Eravamo gi andati al mare quando ci siamo resi conto che stava per piovere. - We had already gone to the sea when we realized that it was about to rain.Mi sono ammalata quando tu eri andato in America. - I got ill when you were in the US. Il passato remoto io andai noi andammo tu andasti voi andaste lui, lei, Lei andà ² loro, Loro andarono Esempi: Audrey Hepburn andà ² in Africa per aiutare bambini. - Audrey Hepburn went to Africa to help children.Molti italiani andarono in America in cerca di un lavoro. - Lots of Italians went to the United States looking for a job. Il trapassato remoto io fui andato/a noi fummo andati/e tu fuiste andato/a voi foste andati/e lui, lei, Lei fu andato/a loro, Loro furono andati/e Esempi: Non appena Sophia Loren fu andata a Roma per girare un nuovo film, un’altra compagnia le offrà ¬ un ruolo principale. - Just right after Sophia Loren had gone to Rome to film a new movie another company offered her a principal role.Quando i miei genitori furono andati via, mi misi a dormire. - When my parents had left I fell asleep. TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry about mastering it. You’ll only find it in sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io andrà ² noi andremo tu andrai voi andrete lui, lei, Lei andr loro, Loro andranno Esempi: Andranno al mercato e poi torneranno a casa. - They will be going to the store and then they will return home.Lui andr in Italia fra un mese. - He will be going to Italy in a month. Il futuro anteriore io sarà ² andato/a noi saremo andati/e tu sarai andato/a voi sarete andati/e lui, lei, Lei sar andato/a loro, Loro saranno andati/e Esempi: Maria à ¨ appena partita, sar andata all’universit. - Maria just left, she must have gone to university.Quando saranno andati via, sar molto tranquillo qua. - When they will have gone away, it will be very calm here. CONGIUNTIVO/SUBJUNCTIVE Il presente che io vada che (noi) andiamo che tu vada che (voi) andiate che lui, lei, Lei vada che (loro, Loro) vadano Esempi: Dubito che vadano a scuola per studiare, oggi c’à ¨ una festa da non perdere al mare. - I doubt they are going to school to study, today there is a must-attend party at the seaside.Spero che andiate a vedere la mostra su Pollok, à ¨ meravigliosa! - I hope you’re going to visit Pollok’s exibition, it’s amazing! Il passato io sia andato/a noi siamo andati/e tu sia andato/a voi siate andati/e lui, lei, Lei sia andato/a loro, Loro siano andati/e Esempi: Penso che siano andati nel posto sbagliato. - I think they went to the wrong place.Ritengo che tu sia andato molto bene nell’ultima interrogazione! - I think you did really well in your last oral test! L’imperfetto io andassi noi andassimo tu andassi voi andaste lui, lei, Lei andasse loro, Loro andassero Esempi: Credevo che andassero a Milano per l’expo. - I thought they went to Milan for the Expo.Pensavo che ci andassimo domani! - I thought we were going there tomorrow! Il trapassato prossimo io fossi andato/a noi fossimo andati/e tu fossi andato/a voi foste andati/e lui, lei, Lei fosse andato/a loro, Loro fossero andati/e Esempi: Se fossimo andati in Italia, avremmo avuto una bella vacanza. - If we had gone to Italy, we would have had a great vacation.Se tu fossi andata alla festa, avresti visto Marco. - If you had gone to the party, you would have seen Marco. CONDIZIONALE/CONDITIONAL Il presente io andrei noi andremmo tu andresti voi andreste lui, lei, Lei andrebbe loro, Loro andrebbero Esempi: Se volessimo fare un viaggio in Spagna, andrebbero con noi? - If we wanted to take a trip to Spain, would they go with us?Se dovessi scegliere, andrei con loro. - If I had to choose, I’d go with them. Il passato io sarei andato/a noi saremmo andati/e tu saresti andato/a voi sareste andati/e lui, lei, Lei sarebbe andato/a loro, Loro sarebbero andati/e Esempi: Sarei andato al mare, perà ² mia madre aveva bisogno del mio aiuto. - I would have gone to the seaside, but my mom needed my help.Saremmo andati in Spagna, perà ² ci hanno detto che non volevano fare un viaggio l. - We would have gone to Spain, but they told us that they didn’t want to take a trip there. IMPERATIVO/IMPERATIVE Presente noi andiamo tu va’, vai voi andate lui, lei, Lei vada loro, Loro vadano Esempi: Va’ a scuola! - Go to school! (informal)Vada dal dentista! - Go the dentist! (formal)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case Analysis-Milton Manufacturing Company Study
Analysis-Milton Manufacturing Company - Case Study Example Issues at Milton Manufacturing Company Companies that face issues must identify them in order to evaluate its effects and to find solutions to resolve the problems. The managers of the company are directly responsible for the performance of the employees and the company as a whole. Resolving problems can help improve the productivity, efficiency, and profitability of a company. Milton Manufacturing Company faces three types of problems. The three types of problems present at the firm are accounting, operational, and ethical issues. The accounting department is responsible for recording, tracking, and monitoring the economic activity of a firm (McGuckin). It is of the utmost importance for accountants to comply with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and to maintain a high level of ethical conduct by the professionals that practice accounting. The first financial problem that the company faces is that its revenues decreased by 10% in comparison with the previous year. Lower sales results hurt the bottom line of the company by lowering its profitability. Another issue with lower sales is that it can deplete the cash reserves of a firm. A second accounting issue was that the capital expenditures of the company were increasing at a rate of 26%. A third accounting issue Milton Manufacturing Company faced was a reduction in its cash flow position. ... Lower sales results hurt the bottom line of the company by lowering its profitability. Another issue with lower sales is that it can deplete the cash reserves of a firm. A second accounting issue was that the capital expenditures of the company were increasing at a rate of 26%. A third accounting issue Milton Manufacturing Company faced was a reduction in its cash flow position. Cash is the most important assets a company holds because it is used to pay for the short and long term obligations of the company which include payments of payroll, utilities, and debt. The cash flow from operating activities of the company decreased from $1,925,000 to $1,722,000. The firm’s cash outflow from investing activities increased from $1,834,000 to $2,244,000. The only positive activity in the statement of cash flows is that cash from investing activities received an inflow of $168,000 instead of the outflow the firm had the previous year of $376,000. The cash position of the company was ext remely important due to the fact that the company was in the process of obtaining a $20 million loan from Second Bankers Hour & Trust Co. Ann Plokin determined that if the company keeps spending at its current pace it would not be able to pay for the $20 million loan. In order to remedy the situation she implemented a control measure to limit the capital expenditures of the different plants to the 2009 level of expenditures. Milton Manufacturing Company also faced production problems. One of its plant managers, Sammie Markowitz, identified a major operational deficiency in the machinery and equipment of the firm. He notified the problem to the VP of operations. The problem he identified was
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
In what ways do reggio emilia philosophies and practices of pedagogy Essay
In what ways do reggio emilia philosophies and practices of pedagogy support and enhance children's creativity and their understandings of the world - Essay Example It was deeply felt that children should be given firsthand experience of their surroundings, and that they should explore and establish relationships with the world around them using their own natural curiosity, instincts and gifted abilities; instead of being taught about the world with a preset curriculum. â€Å"One of the focal points of the Reggio Emilia philosophy... develops a complex system of abilities, learning strategies and ways of organizing relationships.†(Rinaldi, 2006, p. 83). My experience in Reggio Emilia convinced me that all children have the right to work and play with a wide range of the highest-quality materials in the highest quality settings in their daily life in school. It is in this way that children are able to build rich and complex relationships with the world, which will grow and evolve over time. (Cadwell, 1997, p. 72). The Reggio philosophy was based upon giving the children the freedom and the right to set their own curriculum, according to their individual needs and interests; it incorporated parents as partners, and teachers as learners. The teacher in Reggio Emilia is not viewed as the expert or sole dispenser of information; rather, the role of the teacher becomes one that is shared among members of the group... The teacher’s role is to create a partnership with the learners ... and begin the process of the co-construction of knowledge. (Fraser & Gestwicky, 2002, p. 46-47). She always directs their attention back to the essence of their own lives [and invites them] to turn their own language upon this world...At the same time she knows that she is initiator at the outset... if the children are to take over, it is because she has opened up the possibilities and established the tone. (Connie & Harold Rosen, 1973, p. 64) A very important aspect of the Reggio philosophy is the use of documentation of the child’s progress and development through various critical
Sunday, November 17, 2019
African American Essay Essay Example for Free
African American Essay Essay My name is Michelle Williams-Agwagu and my ethnicity group is African American. African Americans came here by forced immigration. They were not invited here to America, and they certainly did not come here by choice. They were forced and taken on ships that brought them to America just to become slaves to the white people. Upon arrival to America, African Americans were treated poorly. Many of them were torn apart from their family members and some were infants that had no knowledge of whom they were as they became older. The group faced many challenges such as prejudice, segregation, and racism. A set of codes were implemented that all African Americans had to adhere to, or they would be punished by either getting beat by their master or possibly killed. African Americans were not allowed to have any education; therefore, no one was allowed to learn to read or write. The slave owners made sure of that and if any slave did learn to read or write, he or she would be punished by their owner. They were separated from the other people because of the color of their skin and was not allowed to eat, play, drink or have any interaction with the masters or the master’s family members unless it was to do household chores as their servant. They did not have many opinions when it came to making decisions. Unfortunately, African Americans were affected by dual labor market and red lining. In the early stages of African American emancipation, not many of them had education or access to quality higher education. Even if they had this education, they were forced into the lower labor market and regardless of the quality of their education they would start in much lower positions than that of their white counterparts. African Americans were affected by this because they were not given any meaningful jobs with any type of significant pay structure and benefits. The jobs were more short-term than long-term. Red lining is a reality in African American communities across the United States. Red lining is a practice which discriminates against Blacks of all economic sectors when they apply for home and business loans and consumer credit. Blacks, more than any other racial or ethnic group (with the possible exception of Native Americans), receive less credit. Through all the bad treatment that African Americans received from â€Å"white†Americans, they (AA) still participated in reverse discrimination. Reverse discrimination is still a problem here in the United States because it is racism; and racism is racism, no matter how we try to spin it. â€Å"Society classes an African American discriminating against a Caucasian as reverse discrimination because for most of American history, it was the African Americans who were persecuted for something that they could not control their ethnicity. †(Libra, n. d. ) African Americans have also been affected by the glass ceilings form of discrimination, and that is still an ongoing problem also. â€Å"The glass ceiling refers to the barriers that often confront Ethnic Americans and women in trying to reach the upper ladders of corporate America. African Americans do not earn the same pay for comparable positions†(The Glass Ceiling for African, Hispanic (Latino), and Asian Americans, 2008. ) as that of their white counterparts in the same job. Environmental justice issues have plagued African Americans in the past and continue to do so today. In the past century, factories emitting toxic fumes and hazardous waste were positioned near large African American sections of major cities as well as small towns inhabited by mostly African Americans. Today, in areas of Louisiana along the Mississippi River known as â€Å"Cancer Alley†, petroleum and chemical manufacturing plans spew fumes and release carcinogenic chemicals near the water supplies of African Americans. There has long been controversy over this modern issue however no other ethnic or racial group has the desire to have these companies relocate factories near their living areas. African Americans have participated in affirmative action since the very beginning, in fact, affirmative action was implemented in the United States largely for the benefit of this group. Affirmative action makes a valiant attempt to make up for past and current discrimination against a certain group and makes jobs and opportunities that members of this group would not have access to ordinarily. Some African Americans agree with Affirmative Action, while some others disagree with it because they perceive it to be a handout and not being able to get jobs or opportunities on one’s own merit. We, as African Americans have and still face many forms of discrimination. Will it ever end, I do not think so. There have been attempts to close the gap and bring us into that circle of equality but I do not see that ever happening in its entirety, all though we know that all men are â€Å"supposedly†created equal. I culturally identify more with African Americans because it is who I am. However, it is evident that racism with any prefix is a problem in America it is a problem in the entire world, and I hope people will start accepting people as people rather than accepting that they must hate people because of the color of their skin. Reference Page Libra, Themis. (n. d. ). Is reverse discrimination a problem in the United States?. Helium The Glass Ceiling for African, Hispanic (Latino), and Asian Americans (2008). Ethnic Majority.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Searching for knowledge: method, gloss, and the failure of information :: Ethnography
I. Sketching Knowledge I have a recurring nightmare that I am on my way to becoming a post-modern positivist. In the dark recesses of my inner sanctum, my constant justifications of the worth of inductive, nonhypothesisdriven, participatory, and emic-centered research finally give way under the pressure of graduate student’s dismissal of methods as unimportant and an all too often dismissal of anthropology by some given that its â€Å"just†anecdotes. These fears are backed by a frightening realization that I have colleagues in other disciplines (i.e., critical geography, social work, and even sympathetic political science) who appear to take our method more seriously than we do. Is anthropology doomed? This semester I am teaching ethnographic methods to a class of first year graduate students and I am often struck by how keen they are to know â€Å"how it is done.†But simultaneously, how difficult it is for them to specify any concrete method beyond interviewing and observing. Often they are actually most interested in questions of logistics: the real â€Å"how is it done†questions. How did you get a visa, where did you live, how long did you stay, how did you afford it, did your partner come with you, were you insured? And of course, a professor who has taught the course before advised me that I shouldn’t prepare lectures, but rather just â€Å"tell stories.†So I spend a lot of my time in this class telling stories, (which satisfies my pedagogical fears over not knowing enough about method to cover 20 hours of course-time – having had a significant part of my own training in the â€Å"go out and do it†approach), but also imploring these anthropologists-in-training to think about what information they are interested in, and the best ways to get it. I tell them that we need to take data collection seriously, or at least we need to have a serious think about what will answer our questions. However, some of them seem to think of it as busy-work. As they repeatedly tell me, one of the dogmas of Malinowski-as-practiced dissertation fieldwork is â€Å"your 2 questions will change once you are in the field,†so why should they spend loads of time thinking about how to answer their original question? Also, some ask, doesn’t this jeopardize the nature of inductive research? I believe in the necessity of the anthropological flexibility that these students are highlighting through their questioning of research preparation. However, it seems to me that some of them are conflating fixity and research design, rather than giving real consideration to particular methodological
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Dramatic devices in ‘An Inspector Calls’ Essay
J.B Priestly presents his play ‘An Inspector Calls’ with contrasting views of responsibility and guilt within the Birling family and the Inspector. He utilizes a variety of dramatic devices throughout the play to create tension between the characters. One of the many dramatic devices he applies is when the Birling family are interrupted by an inspector while having a celebration. Inspector Goole is a firm socialist, he strongly believes wealth should be shared equally between all people, for example Eva Smith. He sticks up for the poorer classes rights to freedom of life. I suggest Priestly communicates his views through the character of the Inspector as he has fixed feelings about fairness and equality of everyone. He states ‘With privileges comes responsibility’ showing the understanding of those who are well to do should take responsibility for those who are less fortunate. The Inspector is a powerful character in this play. He intimidates the Birling family and makes them seem dense. â€Å"He speaks carefully, weightily and has a disconcerting habit of looking hard at the person he addresses before actually speaking.†He looks sternly in to their eyes before interrogating them. This makes the characters feel insecure and agitated, giving the impression of being responsible or guilty of something. Goole is very confident and can come across naive. He speaks like he knows everything about the Birling family and tries to drain the truth out of them. This shows the inspector has a function within the Birling household, he is there to make the family realise they need to take responsibility for their actions. He shows a contrasting view of responsibility to what the family believe. They don’t consider taking responsibility as must. Goole displays no emotion and is calm throughout the whole play. When Mrs Birling says â€Å"you seem to have made a great impression on this child†He replies â€Å"coolly†and also â€Å"the inspector will take offence†He responds â€Å"cutting in calmly†Where as Mr Birling becomes very distraught towards the inspector and wants to receive a reaction from him. He sharply informs the Inspector â€Å"I Don’t like that tone†I imply Birling doesn’t think responsibility is something that he should require within him. But Shelia is diverse she is very distressed. Her character develops into disturbance when the inspector reveals the news about Eva’s death. She illustrates remorse towards Eva, by projecting responsibility and becoming saddened. Shelia is one of the few characters in this play who takes responsibility for her actions. She realises they have to change their attitude in life and tries to convince her parents, but doesn’t succeed. â€Å"The point is, you don’t seem to of learnt anything†â€Å"it doesn’t much matter who it was who made us confess†(flaring up) â€Å"between us we drove that girl to commit suicide†The inspector takes control of the pace, he demonstrate leadership within the Birling family, taking one query at a time. â€Å"Massively taking charge†Priestly does this to keep the audience on their toes, creating apprehension. This is another dramatic device in its self. Priestly interoperates the opposite views in the characters of Mr Birling and Inspector Goole. They are both dominant and prevailing. Mr Birling tries to take power of his home but Goole is much more controlling and takes power of the event. This shows there is a battle between the two. Mr Birling is a capitalist, he judges that man should look after himself and take no responsibility for others. This proposes he’s a selfish person and is out for himself only. He articulates â€Å"you’d think everybody has to look after everybody else.†This implies he is highly against socialism and refuses to take responsibility for his community. Mr Birling is extremely unaware of the consequences he will suffer for the reason of his self indulgent attitude. He likes to impress people, â€Å"I speak as a hard headed business man who has to take risks and know what he’s about†. He expresses his thoughts with no consideration, to determine how he assumes how important and dependable he is. But the Inspector presents Birling as if he has no importance to the community. He interrupts Mr Birling and his speeches numerous times. When Birling states â€Å"that a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own – and-†Priestley creates a dramatic devise by generating sound. â€Å"There was a sharp ring of the door bell†I propose he does this to confirm how self absorbed Mr Birling and his speeches are, or how he judges what Birling utters is erratic and immoral. The inspector physically challenges Mr Birling’s beliefs about responsibility using these interrupting sounds. Throughout this play Mr Birling doesn’t change his beliefs, his attitude and nor his actions. He refuses to take responsibility for what he had done to Eva’s life, how he began the chain of events leading to Eva’s tragic death. I believe Priestly formed a domino effect in these events, one leading to another, until the final stage, with Eva’s life at the finishing point. I suggest Mr Birling is set in his ways; he has just the one view of everything, a selfish view. He chooses his views to evolve them around himself and his life, trying to make himself more important. He desires people to think of him as a leader, a role model. He wishes they where devoted to him. On the other hand, Shelia’s attitude and actions change drastically towards the end of the play. At the beginning she was a spoilt child but now she has become a young woman. She realises, unlike her father, that everybody has responsibilities. She is the key character that is moral with the most truth and decency; she faces the facts and knows she has to change her behaviour. But she is ashamed of her parents and concerned they won’t. â€Å"I remember what he said, how he looked and how he made me feel. Fire and blood and anguish, and it frightens me the way you talk.†This gives me an impression of Hell; this is why Shelia is changing, she doesn’t want to repeat the dreadful experience she has had that evening. I imply J.B Priestley’s point in this play â€Å"An inspector calls†is People need to realise they have to change their attitude towards general things in life or people will suffer consequences.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
R.K Narayan Biography Essay
R. K. Narayan (born 1906) is one of the best-known of the Indo-English writers. He created the imaginary town of Malgudi, where realistic characters in a typically Indian setting lived amid unpredictable events. Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayanswami, who preferred the shortened name R.K. Narayan, was born in Madras, India, on Oct. 10, 1906. His father, an educator, travelled frequently, and his mother was frail, so Narayan was raised in Madras by his grandmother and an uncle. His grandmother inspired in young Narayan a passion for language and for people. He attended the Christian Mission School, where, he said, he learned to love the Hindu gods simply because the Christian chaplain ridiculed them. Narayan graduated from Maharaja’s College in Mysore in 1930. In 1934 he was married, but his wife, Rajam, died of typhoid in 1939. He had one daughter, Hema. He never remarried. Narayan wrote his first novel, Swami and Friends, in 1935, after short, uninspiring stints as a teacher, an editorial assistant, and a newspaperman. In it, he invented the small south Indian city of Malgudi, a literary microcosm that critics later compared to William Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha County. More than a dozen novels and many short stories that followed were set in Malgudi. Narayan’s second novel, Bachelor of Arts (1939), marked the beginning of his reputation in England, where the novelist Graham Greene was largely responsible for getting it published. Greene has called Narayan â€Å"the novelist I most admire in the English language.†His fourth novel, The English Teacher, published in 1945, was partly autobiographical, concerning a teacher’s struggle to cope with the death of his wife. In 1953, Michigan State University published it under the title Grateful to Life and Death, along with his novel The Financial Expert; they were Narayan’s first books published in the United States. Subsequent publications of his novels, especially Mr. Sampath, Waiting for the Mahatma, The Guide, The Man-eater of Malgudi, and The Vendor of Sweets, established Narayan’s reputation in the West. Many critics consider The Guide (1958) to be Narayan’s masterpiece. Told in a complex series of flashbacks, it concerns a tourist guide who seduces the wife of a client, prospers, and ends up in jail. The novel won India’s highest literary honor, and it was adapted for the off-Broadway stage in 1968. At least two of Narayan’s novels, Mr. Sampath (1949) and The Guide (1958), were adapted for the movies. Narayan usually wrote for an hour or two a day, composing fast, often writing as many as 2,000 words and seldom correcting or rewriting. Narayan’s stories begin with realistic settings and everyday happenings in the lives of a cross-section of Indian society, with characters of all classes. Reviewing Narayan’s 1976 novel The Painter of Signs, Anthony Thwaite of the New York Times said Narayan created â€Å"a world as richly human and volatile as that of Dickens.†His next novel, A Tiger for Malgudi (1983), is narrated by a tiger whose holy master is trying to lead him to enlightenment. It and his fourteenth novelTalkative Man (1987) received mixed reviews. In his 80s, Narayan continued to have books published. He returned to his original inspiration, his grandmother, with the 1994 book Grandmother’s Tale and Other Stories, which Publishers Weekly called â€Å"an exemplary collection from one of India’s most distinguished men of letters.†Donna Seaman of Booklist hailed the collection of short stories that spanned over 50 years of Narayan’s writing as â€Å"an excellent sampling of his short fiction, generally considered his best work†from â€Å"one of the world’s finest storytellers.†Narayan once noted: â€Å"Novels may bore me, but never people.†R.K. Narayan was born in Madras, South India, in 1906, and educated there and at Maharaja’s College in Mysore. His first novel, Swami and Friends and its successor, The Bachelor of Arts, are both set in the enchanting fictional territory of Malgudi and are only two out of the twelve novels he based there. In 1958 Narayan’s work The Guide won him the National Prize of the Indian Literary Academy, his country’s highest literary honor. In addition to his novels, Narayan has authored five collections of short stories, including A Horse and Two Goats, Malguidi Days, and Under the Banyan Tree, two travel books, two volumes of essays, a volume of memoirs, and the re-told legends Gods, Demons and Others, The Ramayana, and the Mahabharata. In 1980 he was awarded the A.C. Benson Medal by the Royal Society of Literature and in 1982 he was made an Honorary Member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Narayan died in 2001. Works of R.K.Narayan (a) Novels: 1.Swami and Friends (1935) 2. Bachelor of Art (1973) 3. The Dark Room (1938) 4. The English Teacher (1945) 5. The Guide (1958) 6. The Painter of Signs (1976) (b) Story Collections : 1. Malgudi Days 2. Dodu and Other Stories 3. Cyclone and Other Stories 4. Gods, Demons and Others (1964) (c) Autobiography : 1. My Days (1974) 2. My Dateless Diary (1960) (d) Other Works : 1. Ramayana. It is an English version of the Tamil epic by Kamban
Friday, November 8, 2019
Wethersfield Connecticut essays
Wethersfield Connecticut essays The United States is a country which developed its advancement of democracy in stages. One can say that some areas were more highly evolved than others, however at some point in time the regions and states lacking in the proper balance between freedom and authority would learn from those that were better developed. The town of Wethersfield, Connecticut is a paragon that portrays how one town may be more constitutionally focused in some ways than others, which paved the way for the remaining lands to improve and alter their laws, rules and freedoms to further the nation to a well A Democracy can be explained as a system with equality of opportunity. In this form of democracy, every citizen of the country has the same chances at acquiring the most benefits for himself, no matter what they be. In the small community of Wethersfield, Connecticut, there are many progressions in democracy. For example, many of the residencies were equal in size, however there is a difference in tax payment. The assumption is made that those who pay more are the people who might have more property in addition to the house itself.(Document E). Those who have more property are usually those people who are wealthier. Therefore, it is shown that the affluent people are actually paying more taxes than the less wealthy. This is a step towards developing a better sense of Democracy because the amount of taxes being paid are decided in a fair manner. This is just one example of how Wethersfield is growing democratically. Although it is long before the Civil War, slavery is already becoming a major issue in the territories. However, by 1774, the amount of African American Slaves had decreased, just as the amount of free African Americans has significantly increased. (Document A). From this count, it can be inferred that masters were freeing their slaves, perhaps realizing the injustice being done to the African American...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Questions to Ask in a Grad School Admissions Interview
Questions to Ask in a Grad School Admissions Interview An invitation to interview at the graduate program of your choice is an amazing opportunity to let the graduate committee get to know you - but the purpose of the grad school admissions interview is also for you to learn about the graduate program. All too often applicants forget that they too are conducting an interview. Take advantage of the opportunity an admissions interview offers you good questions that will gather the information that you need to determine if this is the right program for you. Remember that you are interviewing the graduate program - you must choose the program that is right for you. Asking good questions not only tells you what you need to know about a graduate program, but it tells the admissions committee that you are serious. Good, genuine, questions can impress admissions committees. Questions to Ask During a Graduate Admissions Interview What characteristics are specific to this program and distinguish it from competitors? (Be sure to refer to specific characteristics)Where are recent alumni employed? What do most students do after graduation?What types of financial aid are offered? What criteria are used for choosing recipients?Are there any scholarships or fellowships available? How do I apply?Are there teaching opportunities, such as teaching assistantships and adjunct positions?Do most students publish an article or present a paper before graduation?What applied experiences are included in the program (e.g., internships)? Ask for examples of internship placements.What is the relative importance of admissions test scores, undergraduate grades, recommendations, admissions essays, experience, and other requirements?Does the department prefer applicants immediately out of undergraduate programs or do they prefer applicants with work experience? If they prefer or require experience, what kind of experience are they lo oking for? How are mentoring and advising relationships established? Are advisors assigned?How long do most students take to graduate? How many years of coursework? How long do most students take to complete their dissertations?Do most students live near campus? What is it like to live in this area as a graduate student?How closely do students work with faculty? Is it common for students and faculty to publish together?How long does the average student take to complete a dissertation, roughly?How is the dissertation process structured? Are committee members assigned?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Issue 15 yes 2510 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Issue 15 yes 2510 - Essay Example assessment covered studies that had information on Africa, calculated cost and effectiveness, transmission rates and methods, drugs prices and their availability. The data from the studies were a spun of thirteen years. In most of the studies, the investigators depended on cost from the provider perspective only. Therefore, in order to ensure a wide comparability among the interventions, the report gives a standardized cost and effectiveness data (Haacker 25). However, the report has several limitations. The information was limited since not all the studies focused on the same things. The cost data was not enough to under go a standardized analysis. In addition, the study may underestimate the effects of some of the interventions. Therefore, the interpretation needs caution (Haacker 26). Despite the challenges in coming up with data, the information can still be accurately used to advice on the intervention in Africa. This is because it shows that despite the little information provided, it gives the direction needed to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa. The studies show that preventive methods are to be in place first, and then followed by the treatment cost on those already affected. Thus, the interventions potential maximizes and results to a general cost-effective mechanism (Haacker
Friday, November 1, 2019
Is There a Relation Between Art and Class Essay
Is There a Relation Between Art and Class - Essay Example Let us consider the facts. The United States of America has long been a part of the caste system of the world. But unlike other cases, the American caste is easy to discern and determine. There are only 3 classes of Americans in our society which are identified as the â€Å"lower, middle and upper†classes of society. For each type of class, there is a specific lifestyle and social portrayal that becomes imprinted in the minds of the people because of the way mainstream media subconsciously plants these ideas and images in our heads. Although the social classes in the United States are not openly discussed nor widely tacked in mass media, it is still covered by the artists such as painters and photographers who have a keen eye not only for the composition of a photograph but also for its deeper meaning. That is why the discussion of social class occasionally comes up at art shows and the like. Photos such as Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother, which depicts a migrant worker at re st at a migrant camp in Nipomo, California, has often been used to depict the struggle of the middle and lower class in the country. It is described by many as the embodiment of the aftermath of World War 2 in the United States. It is viewed as depicting â€Å"... both social documentary and the populist politics of the great depression†(Stein, 345). With the image of the Migrant Mother in mind, get a clearer example of how art serves to be an indirect commentary of the times that we live in and the existing social classes.Â
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