Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Launching a Womens Magazine Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Launching a Womens Magazine - Assignment Example The marketing environment being essentially dynamic, it is essential for the organisation to keep up with the changes (Marketing Environment 2004, p.34). The marketing environment comprises of forces that are internal and external to its marketing functions. Internal forces are those that are inherent to the organisation and hence, can be controlled by the organisation. External forces affect the industry as a whole and cannot be controlled by individual organisations. It is imperative for an organisation to predict, recognise, analyse and understand these forces, and strategically plan its marketing activities. Macro-environmental factors include political, economical, social and technological factors along with demographic, cultural and legal factors that affect a marketing environment. Government policies, political stability, legislations, and prevailing domestic politics and international politics are factors that can affect the publishing industry. Economic factors of a region greatly influence the purchasing power parity (PPP) of that region. The higher the purchasing power parity in a region, the higher its buying potential (Marketing Environment 2004, p.41). The socio-cultural forces refer to the attitudes, beliefs, norms, values and lifestyles of individuals in a society. These forces can present opportunities and pose threats to the magazine sector of the industry. Increasing health challenges can lead to increasing sales of healthcare-related literature. Technology shapes needs as well as helps bring down prices. Technology also helps easy distribution of products. Technology ha s revolutionized advertising, and launching such a superior product as a women's magazine essentially needs promotion with high quality, creative advertisements. Some macro-environmental factors that affect the introduction of a new women's magazine into the market can be cited here. The possible threat of an EU-wide imposition of VAT on books and magazines can greatly affect the market of a new women's magazine. The Office of Fair Trading has recommended that the distribution of magazines should be opened up to greater competition (PEST analysis n.d., p.17). Under the initiative of The Reading Agency, funded by the Government, the year 2008 was announced as a National Year of Reading to encourage reading among the younger people (PEST analysis n.d., p.18). This is likely to have a significant impact on the market of a new women's magazine, and the possibility has to be thoroughly explored. Publisher's rights regarding territories where they are allowed to sell their publications are also factors that have to be looked into while launching a new women's magazine. 3. Micro-environmental factors Micro-environmental factors are those external factors that are close to the company "that affect its ability to serve its customers" (Marshall n.d.). The micro-environmental factors include mainly suppliers, marketing intermediaries, competition and customers. Suppliers provide the resources that are needed to produce the products. They form an important link in the value delivery system (Marshall n.d.). Increase in raw material prices will affect the cost of production, which will inevitably lead to an increase in price. This can affect the marketing environment negatively. Maintaining close relationships
Monday, October 28, 2019
Wal-Mart principles Essay Example for Free
Wal-Mart principles Essay Introduction As pointed out by Craig Herkert, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Wal-Mart International, â€Å"Every day low prices, quality assortment, and exceptional service are Wal-Mart principles that transcend borders, languages and cultural differences.†(Daniels, Radebaugh and Sullivan, 2004). Wal-Mart’s success in the retail industry depends on how the company may incorporate its customer strategy in a market completely different from its home business. Wal-mart inevitably find their operations growing more complex. One reason for this is the large number of individual decision makers (buyers, distributors, and store personnel) who have a significant effect on strategy and execution and who add complexity through their everyday actions (Bianco et al, 2007). Another is that the high fixed costs of retailing exert continual pressure to add new products and capture incremental revenue. Not only does this ratchet up complexity, it also raises the cost of selecting, buying, and delivering each product. The predictable result: buyers have to make too many decisions for too many different types of store on too little information. Although sometimes Wal-Mart underestimate the cost financial and operational of added retail complexity (Bailey and Schultz, 2000). In financial terms, this complexity is directly reflected in selling, administrative, and other operating costs. Among department stores, the cost gap between good and average performers can be 3 percentage points or more; among specialty stores, up to 5 percentage points. In operational terms, lower sales, slower inventory turns, and lower gross margins occur when buyers cannot cope with the complexity of their business. These effects can readily be seen in the gap between good and average performers markdown rates: a 2.5 percentage point difference among department stores; 4 percentage points among specialty shops. Leading retailers have achieved these performance premiums by reducing complexity. They have stopped trying to be everything to everybody (Bianco et al, 2003). Regardless of their format or the market segment in which they compete, each has created a huge competitive advantage by focusing product offerings, narrowing market concentration, standardizing store size and layout, and simplifying the buyers job. Retailer like Wal-mart carries tens of thousands of items: 70,000 stock keeping units (SKUs) is not unusual for a discounter; a full-line department store often carries close to a million. Many of these items require fundamentally different sourcing and distribution methods and are in demand for only a few short months before seasons and hence assortments change (Bonache, 1999). One retailer we studied carried more than 1,200 different styles of knitwear, yet only 5 percent of them contributed almost 40 percent of sales. This retailer was carrying the cost of offering all those SKUs when less than half that number would provide a selection adequate for most customers needs. Internal Analysis Several Companies in the commercial and industrial business where Snap-On is major players are in a race that gets more difficult every year, with bigger, stronger, and more innovative competitors. In addition, the rules of the race are constantly changing with the emergence of electronic business, globalization, disruptive technologies, innovation and convergence of industries. Competitors who have been in other races suddenly join your race with strength, technology, and new approaches to the market, often becoming instant leaders (Palmer, 1997). Moreover, it is possible to lead in this race for long periods of time and to create significant value for shareholders and employees. To make the possibilities of these, different sectoral organizations need a strategy that sustains their strong position in the race, anticipates changes, and helps them continue to lead. The rules to be ahead are the following: †¢ Competitive advantage is short-lived †¢ Today’s competitive advantage is tomorrow’s competitive requirement †¢ Companies without a competitive advantage should expect, at best, zero return. For a variety of reasons, many companies have underdeveloped strategies. Sometimes an underdeveloped strategy is effective, a single spectacular idea can carry a business a long way, even without an explicitly stated strategy. Management intuition and organizational willpower can substitute temporarily as well. However, with the pace of business today, industry leaders need to think through and plan for the next industry lifecycle or risk being dethroned (Briscoe, 2004). It is possible in today’s environment to fully engineer a company from a strategic point of view in a way that was unthinkable five years ago. Advances in technology, combined with worldwide deregulation and decontrol of product and financial markets, allows new flexibility in the implementation of company strategies. SWOT Analysis Strengths. Compared to the retail industry competitors of Wal-mart, the company exercises an almost direct access to the market-base. Since the company originated and developed in the U.S. economy, Wal-mart is highly of advantage compared to its competitors. This gives Wal-mart is well- experience, skilled, and knowledgeable of the people in the market. The centralized aspect of Wal-mart ensure capitalization of its brand globally which results to good return of investments and profits while the decentralized business approach of the franchises extends possible business opportunities for the entire business in terms of product innovation, design, research and development. This makes possible continuous growth of the business enterprise through a pool of creative staff and employees that contribute to the competence, security, image and integrity of the company. Other strengths of the company are as follows: Good strategic positioning has been the foundation of company’s success. High employee productivity as a result of its good scheme. Vibrant and independent culture is supported with a generous profit-sharing plan and stock ownership plan for all employees. Technology innovations. An efficient management team. Constant focus in the company’s mission. Weaknesses. Basically, tools and equipments in today’s modern world is everywhere, with the help of globalization nonetheless. However, the problem with this is that world of the retail business has witnessed a dramatic shift in the way in which the market are determined away from an intrinsic interaction between the regional environmental factors towards the dominance by global capitalism. Retail goods are now being considered more of a retail material rather than a medium on which artists can express their artistic ideas to the fullest (Hill and Jones, 1998). Globalization has made statements of different cultures available to every individual around the world. Although mass production of this merchandise is being created with extensive consideration on production budget and marketing research, Wal-mart should be sensitive to the importance of maintaining art in its products and designs so as not to fall into the common retail-crafted orientation perception regarding today’s market. As such, the development efforts and research initiatives and projects that the company invest in order to maintain continuous operation and competitive position call for wise selection of business opportunities as well as skilled leadership and risk management skills among its decision-makers. But more importantly, the company should foster tasteful and intrinsic creative designs for the consumers at the lowest possible prices. Good relationships with the suppliers and other business affiliations for the successful operation of the company lie should be observed. Moreover, technological innovations and facilities in tools and equipment marketing should be fully exhausted in order to serve the economic and aesthetic purposes of the company. Opportunities To survive in todays world globalization is important. Wal-mart have a wide opportunity to go global to improve and expand its business. They also have the opportunity to include more overseas supplier, which will actually give them cost advantage, as suppliers then can be available on a local level. Before they are able to take these opportunities they need to fix themselves up more strongly (Child and Faulkner, 1998). They also have the opportunity to use available technology to improve their functioning and to gain competitive advantage. Additional content area or expansion is an opportunity for the company to boost its market coverage. Joint ventures with other company paves way for integrating new business practices and would definitely be a good basis in their plans for international expansions. The company can form additional alliances that will facilitate the culture and business systems of a foreign neighbor to support its foreign growth strategy. Consumers want to effortlessness of shopping. Growing opportunities in internet shopping. Increase in dollar value Threats The continuous transformation of the monopolistic economic environment of U.S., the competitors in the local as well as the international children’s merchandise is a major intimidation to Wal-mart since highly acclaimed, recognized, popular and sophisticated companies in the fashion industry can exercise the same market penetration initiatives of the company. In particular, there are highly stable local apparel manufacturers that supply and distribute materials, designs and products to other internationally acknowledged clothing lines. These local manufacturers are also distributing their products and designs in the local market under their own respective brand names. At the international level American designs and products are existent and likewise persistent in increasing market share in lucrative business locations (Hessan and Whiteley, 1996). Small towns do not want entry of Wal-mart. Variety of Competition in the national, regional and local market. There is a powerful competition among substitute products As a result of the very competitive rivalry substitute products come in easily. Conclusion Wal-mart have been the best performers have learned to focus on a well-defined target market even as they expand geographically (Shah and Phipps, 2002). Wal-Mart, for example, has largely maintained its focus on customers with similar needs as it expanded across regions. The traditional Wal-Mart customer lives in a small town and is willing to drive a great distance to stock up on a wide range of items at the best possible price (Shah and Phipps, 2002). As the search for growth has brought Wal-Mart closer to urban customers, the company has had to support its merchandising performance by making additional investments in systems, communications, and executive travel in order to coordinate its widespread store network. Wal-Mart is considered to be a geographically-dispersed retailer, maintains market focus by expanding its store network region by region, building up enough scale in each one to justify regional buying offices dedicated to the specific needs of local customers (Briscoe, 2004). References Bailey, S. Schultz, D. (2000). Customer/Brand Loyalty in an Interactive Marketplace. Journal of Advertising Research, 40 (3), 41. Bianco, A. , B., Der Hovanesian, M., Young, L., Gogoi, P. (2007). Wal-Marts Midlife Crisis; Declining growth, increasing competition, and not an easy fix in site. Business Week. New York, April 30, 2007, Issue 4032, page 46. Bianco, A., Zellner, W., Brady, D., France, M., Lowry, T., Byrnes, N., Zegel, S., Arndt, M., Berner, R., Palmer, T., A. (2003). IS WAL-MART TOO POWERFUL? Low prices are great. But Wal-Marts dominance creates problems for suppliers, workers, communities, and even American culture Business Week. New York: Oct 6, 2003., Iss. 3852; pg. 100 Bonache, J. (1999). The International Transfer of an Idea Suggestion System. International Studies of Management Organization. 29(4), p. 24. Briscoe, D. R. (2004). International Human Resource Management: Policies Practices for the Global Enterprise. New York: Routledge. Child, J Faulkner, D (1998), Strategies of cooperation: managing alliances, networks, and joint ventures, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Daniels, J, Radebaugh, L Sullivan, D (2004), International business: environments and operations, 10th edn, Prentice Hall, London. Hessan D. and Whiteley R.. (1996). Customer Centered Growth: Five Proven Strategies for Building Competitive Advantage. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books. Hill, C.W.L. Jones, G.R. (1998), Internal Analysis : Resources, capabilities, competencies, and competitive advantage. Strategic Management Theory. An Integrated Approach. 4th ed, Houghton Mifflin Co., pp 107-139 Palmer, A. (1997) Defining Relationship Marketing: An International Perspective, Management Decision, Vol. 35, No. (4), pp. 319-21, ISBN 0025-1747. Shah, A Phipps, T 2002, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc 2001. In: F. David, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, pp. 41-55, Prentice Hall International, Inc. Shaoming, Z. and Tamer, C. (2002) The GMS: A Broad Conceptualization and Measurement of Global Marketing Strategy, Journal of Marketing, 66 (4), 40-56
Friday, October 25, 2019
MP3 - A Controversial Technology Essay -- Expository Essays
MP3 - A Controversial Technology Technology is constantly changing and reinventing itself. With every new invention there will be controversy on how it affects the industry it is within. There will also be those who exploit the new technology is some way or form. MP3’s is an example of a controversial break through in technology. The question arises should the music industry embrace the opportunities MP3’s can offer or fight it. MP3 is an audio compression that speeds up the transfer of digital music files. By shrinking the size of the track, downloads take only a fraction of the time that they used to. MP3’s also feature solid-state technology, flash memory and the ability to download and store high fidelity music. With an MP3 you not only create your own personalized music soundtracks you can email them to friends all around the world. MP3’s change the way that music is distributed. Only marks the start of a new market in Portable Digital Audio Devices (DAD) By simply logging on to your favorite music portal site you can use MP3 playback software at no char...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Good management Essay
â€Å"Good management is working through others to accomplish task that help fulfill organizational objectives as efficiently as possible. †a) Would you agree to the above statement? Please explain your answer. No, I disagree with the above statement as efficiency was more towards achieving specific objective with minimum usage available resources and time consumption. In view of my current job in sales and marketing, if I just blindly drive my sales team to sale the products and services to fulfill the organizational sales target without considering the quality of delivery in terms of knowledge, skills, competency, and experience, time required for delivery, methods used for delivery and resources available for delivery. How long can I maintain the sales target without considering the effectiveness of the delivery system? An example of a service manager, Mr Raymond Ling from Jimisar Autotrade Sdn Bhd, Sibu branch said that the top management has set the target where every mechanic must service one unit of car in 30 minutes to prove the efficiency of the service team else disciplinary action will be taken. As a result, the mechanic gets the job done within the given timeframe without considering the quality of the service and types of service required by the customer. At the end, the sales advisor has been receiving a lot of customer complaints such as â€Å"why my car so dirty after the service? †, â€Å"why you don’t check the air of the tyres†? At the end, they have been losing their customer. However, UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd – Sibu branch service centre, Mr Mathew Tiong said that their top management do set the time frame but according to types of services – general service, minor repair or major repair? The customer must call to pre-book the services and inform the service advisor the suspected problem of their car that need the service centre to troubleshoot. The head office organizes training in technical, motivation, customer service by routine and weekly review to ensure they improve and fast in respond to rectify the problem. The customer satisfaction level has been increase and manages to retain their old customer even though the free service period has over but they still come back to them to service their car. This show that efficiency can drive a person or a team to complete the task as per requirement but in terms of management, it should not be just looking into efficiency but effectiveness also very important especially in the sales and services industry. b) If you were tasked the role of a CEO, how would you make others to accomplish tasks effectively. I am an Advance Diploma in Computer Studies holder with around 12 years of working experience from administration, event management, sales and marketing in retail and education. If I am being tasked the role of CEO in my company. I definitely will take the challenge. First, I will go to google and read some good example of a CEO in some well-known company such as SAMSUNG, APPLE, DISNEY and etc to get some inspiration and better idea on how to become a good and effective CEO in my company. I believe lead by example. I also believe people are the most important asset of an organization. How to become an effective CEO? I believe an effective CEO must be able to lead and work through people. How to tap on their talents? How to make them work for you and how to motivate them? What is their strengths and weakness? I must know my staff well and delegates the job by tapping on their talents. Being the top of the pyramid, a great CEO must be able to clearly communicate the vision of the company in order to inspire staff, customers and investors. As the company bearer, all eyes turn to the CEO for direction and example. It is the key for the CEO to understand the every-day activities of the organization and how all parts fits all together to move the company forward. As CEO, I should not get dragged into the seductive lure of micro managing granular details. Instead I should trust my management team that there are capable in handling it. I need to build up a strong and good quality management team where they should know and accountable for their responsibilities. I must know how to mentor and accomplish them to keep them motivated, involved and on the track to meet the company goals. People are the most important resource available to me to build up a strong management team. I must be SMART in managing them when there is an issue, problem, demands or even crisis. I must be an effective leader. How? First I should be a good listener and willing to listen to problems and concerns my employee as a friend to get more concrete information about their comments or problems. I should be giving positive reinforcement and is about asking or requesting them to do something not commanding them. I must posts influencing power and don’t mind to get the hands dirty to make my team to follow my recommendations and willing to works together with me. I must realize that I am not just a figure head or a boss! To be a successful and effective CEO, it first comes from the way that you treat your staff or coworkers. I must know how to respect their ideas and not just simply brush them off and only use my own ideas. I must treat everyone equally and everyone feel like they are part of the group. When they are given full respect, they are more willing to give respect back and I will be able to gain more loyal followers. I also must involve them in some of the management process and valued them according to their contribution and commitments. I must do what is the best for the group and sometimes it involves making tough decisions and willing to take risks if it will benefit the whole. I should realize and remind myself that working with different personalities can be challenging especially when there is a project that needs to be done. I must know how to work with each of these different personalities and at the same time encourage and motivate them to get the job done. An effective CEO must be able to position my team according to their strength to get the best and most effective output of them. As an effective CEO, I will be involved in the overall management process where people will be the most important asset. Why? Because every process from decision making, organization, leading and controlling, people will decide whether it will works effectively or not. The team commitment, competencies, loyalty and sense of responsibility will determine how far the company can achieve its goal.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ielts Homework
l1. Look at the list of energy sources and answer the questions below. Wood Wind Water Nuclear Coal Human power Animals Gas Oil a. How has one had an impact on human history? b. Which sources do you think have a future? c. What other sources are there? 2. Look at the diagram and answer the questions a and b. a. What does the diagram show? b. What types of words are needed to label the diagram? Make some predictions. 3.Label the diagram using no more than TWO words from the passage below for each blank space. Thomas Newcomen’s steam engine was one of the first devices to use the power of steam for mechanical work. It was originally used to pump water from mines. A boiler, encased in brick and sitting over a coal fire, generated steam, which drove the piston in the open top cylinder above the boiler. When the steam built up, the pressure opened a value allowing the steam to fill the cylinder and push the piston up.When the piston reached the top of the cylinder, the first valve was closed and the second valve opened. This second valve sprayed cold water into the cylinder from a cistern, condensing the steam and creating a vacuum. The air pressure from the open-top cylinder pushed the piston down again, thus pulling the rod down with it. The cycle then repeated itself all over again. 4. Decide if the following sentences about machines are true or false. Use a dictionary to help you. a. Read also Homework Solutions – Chapter 3A washing machine contains a pump and motor. b. An air conditioning unit contains a coin and a fan. c. A photocopier has various components, including rollers and a piston. d. A filter and a tube can be found in a television. e. A lever and a spring are component parts of a toaster. f. A valve and a switch can be found in an aerosol spray. g. Inside a hoover, there is a filter and rotating brushes. 5. Name one object for each of the following components. Battery Axle Blade Handle Lens Turbine Switch
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
International Negotiation Essay Example
International Negotiation Essay Example International Negotiation Essay International Negotiation Essay I found various Interesting concepts to talk about however; I will focus on three significant elements, Role of the Chief Negotiator (CNN), Choosing Appropriate Negotiation Style and Cultures?was Impact on International Negotiation. While reading the book, I observed that the author expressed a distinctive way of thinking and I slightly disagree with his pessimistic view of considering the world as a dark place full of people who are trying to cheat and take advantage of each other. The Role of the Chief Negotiator (CNN) I found the role of the chief negotiator (CNN) Is a fundamental key to drive successful negotiation that requires a wide variety of technical, social, communication, ethical kills, ability to deal with multidimensional pressure, self control, and keeping the team on track. The (CNN) is responsible for unifying the strategy, tactics and overall style to be used by a particular company. Therefore, being a successful manager doses?wet necessary lend to successful negotiator. The author describes remarkable character traits such as shrewdness, patience adaptability, endurance, gregariousness, sense of humor, caution, and self-evaluation. In Dalton, the author highlighted many other matching criteria such as ethics, cultures, technical expertise. Ointment, loyalty, and motivations. I value all mentioned skills, traits and criteria. However, in my perspective the author might be too evocative as we don?wet live in a perfect world and having all above mentioned skills, traits, and criteria in one human being is not practical. I believe that the main goal of the (CNN) is to maximize the long- term benefits of the venture while securing short-term needs. I agree with the majority of his views and realistically, I would summarize the required qualities to achieve the negotiation goal such as communications, research, planning skills, ability to think clearly under stress, general practical intelligence, product knowledge, personal integrity, and ability to perceive and exploit power. When my husband and I moved to Canada, negotiated buying a house, we were exposed to international arena, language and culture differences. We prioritize our demands, aspiration, and limits, understood the conceptual framework of the negotiation process, organized Information most Important to the least Important so we can trade some when needed, researched, prepared to maximize our objectives which are price, location, and potential resale value. Another point caught my attention when the author described the delegation of responsibility as of little value. I disagree with the author as I consider that applying a good quality of delegation method within the negotiating team is imperative to build harmonize successful organization. This Is why delegation Is such an Important skill, and Is one that the (CNN) have to portray. On ten Tall sloe, when you delegate, you are Kelly to rills not navels ten Joy cone to a certain degree, so the (CNN) should instinctively find the balance. Choosing Appropriate Negotiation Style I learned interesting negotiating element linked with developing a matching style of negotiation such as compliant, aggressive, passive, intimidating, and unemotional for each environment. Assembly of the right combination of talents, styles, and flexibility will result in a team that can handle virtually any negotiating session. The (CNN) must assure that team members and negotiation style fit the environment to achieve the overall goals while acknowledging that sometimes the same style will not necessarily work in every situation. Nevertheless, negotiators must be flexible, able to change Tyler as easily as they change environment. In my view, it?was rare for someone to adopt a style that runs opposite to his/her personality. Going back to the above mentioned house purchase example, during the negotiation, my husband was more aggressive with the seller?was agent following his firm personality and negotiation style. Alternatively, when we moved forward to the final phase of negotiation, my husband switched his negotiation style to a complaint one in order to fit the seller sees style. Culture?was Impact on International Negotiation Since we are discussing across cultural negotiation, hence, culture is a fundamental component that impacts the negotiation process. Culture is defined as socially transmitted behavior patterns, norms, beliefs and values of a given community. Culture greatly influences how individuals think, communicate and behave. Thus, it has a great influence on some aspects of negotiation. Let?was take the Americans who are considered more individualists and they value networking, information, and time. Living in four countries, I established a decent degree of cross cultural experience , there are elements that consistently arise to cause difficulties in intercultural negotiations such as Negotiation Goal, Attitude, Personal Style, Sensitivity to Time, High or low Emotionalism, ?: . Etc. Applying the later element to my personal experience, I found attitudes to time vary among cultures. In Israel, we prefer slower negotiations, whilst the Americans, believe that time is money and are in a hurry to conclude the deal. This reflects their contrasting views on the purpose of a negotiation. The Americans try to reduce the formalities and get the contract signed whilst the Israeli?was invest time in the pre-negotiating phase to get to know their potential business partner and determine if there is possibility for a long term business relationship. Further, I have observed that some cultures show their emotions at the negotiation table, while others hide their feelings. The Egyptians tend to show low emotion during negotiation and they are really concerned about saving face and maintaining their self-control. Hence they would be deeply offended by opposing negotiators that would embarrass them. In sharp contrast, Americans re generally known to speak out their mind even if it might cause other counterparts discomfiture. A real example at the University Group meetings, I kept my emotions low during the bargaining negotiation class while other students from different cultures were more out spooking and sometimes hurt other mates?w feelings. They feel all facts should be presented before an agreement is reached which other does consider it honesty. However, it is important for negotiators to be aware of the certain cultures tendency to act emotional or vice versa. Conclusion I en International negotiations are much more complex tan ten ones contacted domestically. The main reason why this is the case lies in the differences in negotiators?w cultures. These differences have a great impact on negotiators?w behavior and in international negotiation become even intensified by the perception of the participants. As demonstrated by various research results, the differences in cultures are manifested in distinct differences between negotiating styles typical for these cultures. This does not mean that all members of a particular culture negotiate n the same way but rather that there are patterns of behavior which are typical for most of them. To be successful in the international negotiation arena, negotiators need to develop high sensitivity to cultural factors, identify and pursue a culturally responsive strategy most appropriate in a given negotiation setting but at the same time acknowledge and consider also individual and structural aspects occurring in this setting. Armed with this knowledge and advice I realize that the road to a successful agreement is still very long and rocky but at least we know how to avoid intercultural traps waiting for the unprepared.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Writing a Case Analysis
Writing a Case Analysis Writing a Case Analysis Writing a Case Analysis: How to Cope with Case Analysis To write a good writing a case analysis, you have to be good in case analysis matters. In order to study the notion of case analysis you have to spend some definite amount of time, as this activity demands much of your attention and hard working. While you are going to read this article, it is essential to make notes in order you not to miss a single idea while reading. Success Depends on Depth of Case Study Analysis To make a successful case analysis and to manage to cope with writing a case analysis essay, you have to analyze the history of the company or business you are going to deal with in your essay and its growth in a projection of time passing. You see the past of any business is an aspect, which greatly influences the present situation of running business and the future one. That is why you have to make a thorough analysis in your writing a case analysis of the history of foundation and running the business in the past in order to evaluate the state and position of the business at the present time and in order to be able to make any business forecasts for future. Structure of the company is another point to be analyzed in your writing a case analysis, as structure is one of the key elements, which predetermines either success or failure of the company under consideration: Focus on Strong and Weak Points The following step you should make in writing a case analysis is to analyze all strong and weak points of the company under discussion, its strengths and weaknesses if speaking with the other words. External Environment Analysis Is Equally Important Analyzing external environment is that point without which it is impossible to cope with writing a case analysis in a successful way. Threats and opportunities of the market are those elements to be paid a special attention to. At this point, you have to determine the level of the ability of the company to be competitive at the market, its bargaining powers, and the existing threat of copies of the products, or if speaking with scientific language the level of threat of appearance of substitute products. Our Writers Are Ready To Help With Writing A Case Analysis These are the main steps you have to walk while writing a case analysis essay. Hope, with the help of our article you are going to write a successful work. By the way, writing a casual analysis paper is another one assignment, which is often used by the professors. If you have received a task of writing a casual analysis paper, you are welcome to visit our site and find all the necessary information you may need to write a case analysis paper. Popular posts: Science Research Paper Research Papers Proposal Research Paper Topic Ideas Research Paper no Plagiarism Research Paper Help
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Union Order of Battle - Battle of Gettysburg
Union Order of Battle - Battle of Gettysburg Army of the Potomac Major General George G. Meade General Staff and Headquarters Staff: Chief of Staff: Major General Daniel Butterfield (wounded) Assistant Adjutant General: Brigadier General Seth Williams Assistant Inspector General: Colonel Edmund Schriver Chief Quartermaster: Brigadier General Rufus Ingalls Commissaries and Subsistence: Colonel Henry F. Clarke Chief of Artillery: Brigadier General Henry J. Hunt Chief Ordnance Officer: Captain Daniel W. Flagler Chief Signal Officer: Captain Lemuel B. Norton Medical Director: Major Jonathan Letterman Chief of Engineers: Brigadier General Gouverneur K. Warren Bureau of Military Information: Colonel George H. Sharpe General Headquarters: Command of the Provost Marshal General: Brigadier General Marsena R. Patrick 93rd New York: Colonel John S. Crocker 8th United States (8 companies): Captain Edwin W. H. Read 2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry: Colonel R. Butler Price 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry (Companies EI): Captain James StarrRegular Cavalry (detachments from 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th US Cavalry) Guards and Orderlies: Oneida (New York) Cavalry: Captain Daniel P. Mann Engineer Brigade: Brigadier General Henry W. Benham 15th New York (3 companies): Major Walter L. Cassin 50th New York: Colonel William H. Pettes US Battalion: Captain George H. Mendell I Corps Major General John Reynolds (killed) Major General Abner Doubleday Major General John Newton General Headquarters: 1st Maine Cavalry, Company L: Captain Constantine Taylor First Division - Major General James Wadsworth 1st Brigade - Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 19th Indiana: Colonel Samuel J. Williams (wounded), Lt. Colonel William W. Dudley (wounded), Major John M. Lindley (wounded) 24th Michigan: Colonel Henry A. Morrow (wounded), Lt. Colonel Mark Flanigan (wounded), Major Edwin B. Wight (wounded), Captain Albert M. Edwards 2nd Wisconsin: Colonel Lucius Fairchild (wounded/captured), Lt. Colonel George H. Stevens (mortally wounded), Major John Mansfield (wounded), Captain George H. Otis 6th Wisconsin: Lt. Colonel Rufus R. Dawes, Major John F. Hauser 7th Wisconsin: Colonel William W. Robinson, Lt. Colonel John B. Callis (wounded/captured), Major Mark Finnicum (wounded) 2nd Brigade - Brigadier General Lysander Cutler 7th Indiana: Colonel Ira G. Grover 76th New York: Major Andrew J. Grover (killed), Captain John E. Cook 84th New York (14th Militia): Colonel Edward B. Fowler 95th New York: Colonel George H. Biddle (wounded), Lt. Colonel James B. Post, Major Edward Pye 147th New York: Lt. Colonel Francis C. Miller (wounded), Major George Harney 56th Pennsylvania (9 companies): Colonel John W. Hofmann Second Division - Brigadier General John C. Robinson 1st Brigade - Brigadier General Gabriel R. Paul (wounded),  Colonel Samuel H. Leonard (wounded), Colonel Adrian R. Root (wounded captured), Colonel Richard Coulter (wounded), Colonel Peter Lyle​16th Maine: Colonel Charles W. Tilden (captured), Lt. Colonel Augustus B. Farnham 13th Massachusetts: Colonel Samuel H. Leonard, Lt. Colonel Nathaniel W. Batchelder, Major Jacob P. Gould 94th New York: Colonel Adrian R. Root, Major Samuel A. Moffett 104th New York: Colonel Gilbert G. Prey 107th Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel James M. Thomson (wounded), Captain Emanuel D. Roath 2nd Brigade - Brigadier General Henry Baxter 12th Massachusetts: Colonel James L. Bates (wounded), Lt. Colonel David Allen, Jr. 83rd New York (9th Militia): Lt. Colonel Joseph A. Moesch 97th New York: Colonel Charles Wheelock, Lt. Colonel John P. Spofford (captured), Major Charles Northrup 11th Pennsylvania: Colone l Richard Coulter, Captain Benjamin F. Haines, Captain John B. Overmyer 88th Pennsylvania: Major Benezet F. Foust (wounded), Captain Henry Whiteside 90th Pennsylvania: Colonel Peter Lyle, Major Alfred J. Sellers Third Division - Major General Abner Doubleday, Brigadier General Thomas A. Rowley 1st Brigade - Brigadier General Thomas Rowley, Colonel Chapman Biddle 80th New York (20th Militia): Colonel Theodore B. Gates 121st Pennsylvania: Colonel Chapman Biddle, Major Alexander Biddle 142nd Pennsylvania: Colonel Robert P. Cummins (mortally wounded), Lt. Colonel Alfred B. McCalmont, Major Horatio N. Warren 151st Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel George F. McFarland (wounded), Captain Walter L. Owens, Colonel Harrison Allen 2nd Brigade - Colonel Roy Stone (wounded), Colonel Langhorne Wister (wounded), Colonel Edmund L. Dana 143rd Pennsylvania: Colonel Edmund L. Dana, Lt. Colonel John D. Musser (wounded) 149th Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel Walton Dwight (wounded), Captain James Glenn 150th Pennsylvania: Colonel Langhorne Wister, Lt. Colonel Henry S. Huidekoper (wounded), Captain Cornelius C. Widdis Artillery Brigade -  Colonel Charles S. Wainwright Maine Light, 2nd Battery (B): Captain James A. Hall Maine Light, 5th Battery (E): Captain Greenleaf T. Stevens (wounded), Lieutenant Edward N. Whittier 1st New York Light, Batteries EL: Captain Gilbert H. Reynolds (wounded), Lieutenant George Breck 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery B: Captain James H. Cooper 4th United States, Battery B: Lieutenant James Stewart (wounded), Lieutenant James Davison (wounded) II Corps Major General Winfield S. Hancock (wounded) Brigadier General John Gibbon (wounded) Brigadier General William Hayes General Headquarters: 6th New York Cavalry, Companies D and K: Captain Riley Johnson (Escort) 53rd Pennsylvania, Companies A, B and K: Major Octavus Bull (Provost Marshal 2nd Corps) First Division - Brigadier General John C. Caldwell 1st Brigade - Colonel Edward E. Cross (mortally wounded), Colonel H.Boyd McKeen 5th New Hampshire: Lt. Colonel Charles E. Hapgood, Major Richard E. Cross 61st New York: Lt. Colonel K. Oscar Broady 81st Pennsylvania: Colonel Henry Boyd McKeen, Lt. Colonel Amos Stroh 148th Pennsylvania: Colonel Henry Boyd McKeen, Lt. Colonel Robert McFarlane, Major Robert H. Foster 2nd Brigade - Colonel Patrick Kelly 28th Massachusetts: Colonel Richard Byrnes 63rd New York (2 companies): Lt. Colonel Richard C. Bentley (wounded), Captain Thomas Touhy 69th New York (2 companies): Captain Richard Moroney (wounded), Lieutenant James J. Smith 88th New York (2 companies): Captain Denis F. Burke 116th Pennsylvania (4 companies): Major St. Clair A. Mulholland 3rd Brigade - Brigadier General Samuel K. Zook (mortally wounded), Lt. Colonel Charles G. Freudenberg (wounded), Colonel Richard P. Roberts (killed), Lt. Colonel John Fraser 52nd New York: Lt. Colonel Charles G. Freudenberg (wounded), Major Edward Venuti (killed), Captain William Scherrer 57th New York: Lt. Colonel Alford B. Chapman 66th New York: Colonel Orlando H. Morris (wounded), Lt. Colonel John S. Hammell (wounded), Major Peter A. Nelson 140th Pennsylvania: Colonel Richard P. Roberts, Lt. Colonel John Fraser, Major Thomas Rodge 4th Brigade - Colonel John R. Brooke (wounded) 27th Connecticut (2 companies): Lt. Colonel Henry C. Merwin (killed), Major James H. Coburn 2nd Delaware: Colonel William P. Bailey (wounded), Lt. Colonel David L. Stricker (wounded), Captain Charles H. Christman 64th New York: Colonel Daniel G. Bingham (wounded), Major Leman W. Bradley 53rd Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel Richards McMichael 145th Pennsylvania (7 companies): Colonel Hiram Loomis Brown (wounded), Captain John W. Reynolds (wounded), Captain Moses W. Oliver Second Division - Brigadier General John Gibbon (wounded), Brigadier General William Harrow 1st Brigade - Brigadier General William Harrow, Colonel Francis E. Heath 19th Maine: Colonel Francis E. Heath, Lt. Colonel Henry W. Cunningham 15th Massachusetts: Colonel George H. Ward (mortally wounded), Lt. Colonel George C. Joslin, Major Isaac H. Hooper 1st Minnesota: Colonel William Colvill, Jr. (wounded), Captain Nathan S. Messick (killed), Captain Henry C. Coates 82nd New York (2nd Militia): Lt. Colonel James Huston (mortally wounded), Captain John Darrow 2nd Brigade - Brigadier General Alexander S. Webb (wounded) 69th Pennsylvania: Colonel Dennis OKane (mortally wounded), Lt. Colonel Martin Tschudy (killed), Major James M. Duffy (wounded), Captain William Davis 71st Pennsylvania: Colonel Richard P. Smith, Lt. Colonel Charles Kochersperger 72nd Pennsylvania: Colonel De Witt C. Baxter (wounded), Lt. Colonel Theodore Hesser, Major Samuel Roberts 106th Pennsylvania: Lt. Col onel William L. Curry, Major John H. Stover 3rd Brigade - Colonel Norman J. Hall 19th Massachusetts: Colonel Arthur F. Devereux, Lt. Colonel Ansel D. Wass (wounded), MajorEdmund Rice (wounded) 20th Massachusetts: Colonel Paul J. Revere (mortally wounded), Lt. Colonel George N. Macy (wounded), Captain Henry L. Abbott 7th Michigan: Lt. Colonel Amos E. Steele (killed), Jr, Major Sylvanus W. Curtis 42nd New York: Colonel James E. Mallon 59th New York (4 companies): Lt.Colonel Max A. Thoman (mortally wounded), Captain William McFadden Unattached Massachusetts Sharpshooters, 1st Company: Captain William Plumer, Lieutenant Emerson L. Bicknell Third Division - Brigadier General Alexander Hays 1st Brigade - Colonel Samuel S. Carroll 14th Indiana: Colonel John Coons, Lt. Colonel Elijah H. C. Cavins, Maj or William Houghton 4th Ohio: Lt. Colonel Leonard W. Carpenter, Major Gordon A. Stewart 8th Ohio: Lt. Colonel Franklin Sawyer (wounded) 7th West Virginia: Lt. Colonel Jonathan H. Lockwood (wounded) 2nd Brigade - Colonel Thomas A. Smyth (wounded), Lt. Colonel Francis E. Pierce 14th Connecticut: Major Theodore G. Ellis 1st Delaware: Lt. Colonel Edward P. Harris, Captain Thomas B. Hizar, Lieutenant William Smith, Lieutenant John T. Dent 12th New Jersey: Major John T. Hill 10th New York (battalion): Major George F. Hopper 108th New York: Lt. Colonel Francis E. Pierce 3rd Brigade - Colonel George L. Willard (killed), Colonel Eliakim Sherrill, Lt. Colonel James M. Bull, Colonel Clinton D. MacDougall (wounded), Colonel Eliakim Sherrill (mortally wounded) 39th New York (4 companies): Major Hugo Hildebrandt 111th New York: Colonel Cl inton D. MacDougall, Lt.Colonel Isaac M. Lusk (wounded), Captain Aaron P. Seeley 125th New York: Lt. Colonel Levin Crandell 126th New York: Colonel Eliakim Sherrill, Lt. Colonel James M. Bull Artillery Brigade - Captain John G. Hazard 1st New York Light, Battery B: Captain James M. Rorty (killed), Lieutenant Albert S. Sheldon (wounded), Lieutenant Robert E. Rogers 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery A: Captain William A. Arnold 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery B: Lieutenant Thomas F. Brown (wounded), Lieutenantt William S. Perrin 1st United States, Battery I: Lieutenant George A. Woodruff (wounded), Lieutenant Tully McCrea 4th United States, Battery A: Lieutenant Alonzo H. Cushing (killed), Lieutenant Samuel Canby (wounded), Lieutenant Joseph S. Milne (killed), Sergeant Frederick Fà ¼ger III Corps Major General Daniel Sickles (wounded) Major General David B. Birney First Division - Major General David B. Birney, Brigadier General J.H. Hobart Ward (wounded) 1st Brigade - Brigadier General Charles K. Graham (wounded/captured), Colonel Andrew H. Tippin, Colonel Henry J. Madill 57th Pennsylvania (8 companies): Colonel Peter Sides (wounded), Major William B. Neeper (wounded/captured), Captain Alanson H. Nelson (wounded) 63rd Pennsylvania: Major John A. Danks 68th Pennsylvania: Colonel Andrew H. Tippin, Lt. Colonel Anthony H. Reynolds (wounded), Major Robert E. Winslow (wounded), Captain Milton S. Davis 105th Pennsylvania: Colonel Calvin A. Craig 114th Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel Frederick F. Cavada (captured), Captain Edward R. Bowen 141st Pennsylvania: Colonel Henry J. Madill, Major Israel P. Spaulding (mortally wounded/captured) 2nd Brigade - Brigadier General J. H. Hobart Ward, Colonel Hiram Berdan 20th Indiana: Colonel John Wheeler (killed), Lt. Colonel William C. L. Taylor (wounded) 3rd Maine: Colonel Moses B. Lakeman, Major Samuel P. Lee (woun ded) 4th Maine: Colonel Elijah Walker (wounded), Major Ebenezer Whitcomb (mortally wounded), Captain Edwin Libby 86th New York: Lt. Colonel Benjamin L. Higgins (wounded), Major Jacob A. Lansing 124th New York: Colonel Augustus van H. Ellis (killed), Lt. Colonel Francis M. Cummins (wounded), Major James Cromwell (killed) 99th Pennsylvania: Major John W. Moore (wounded), Captain Peter Fritz, Jr. 1st United States Sharpshooters: Colonel Hiram Berdan, Lt. Colonel Casper Trepp 2nd United States Sharpshooters (8 companies): Major Homer R. Stoughton 3rd Brigade - Colonel P. Rà ©gis de Trobriand 17th Maine: Lt. Colonel Charles B. Merrill, Major George W. West 3rd Michigan: Colonel Byron R. Pierce (wounded), Lt. Colonel Edwin S. Pierce, Major Moses B. Houghton 5th Michigan: Lt. Colonel John Pulford (wounded), Major Salmon S. Matthews (wounded) 40th New York: Colonel Thomas W. Egan, Lt. Colonel Augustus J. Warner (wounded) 110th Pennsylvania (6 companies): Lt. Colonel David M. Jones (wounded ), Major Isaac Rogers Second Division - Brigadier General Andrew A. Humphreys 1st Brigade - Brigadier General Joseph B. Carr (wounded) 1st Massachusetts: Lt. Colonel Clark B. Baldwin (wounded), Major Gardner Walker (wounded) 11th Massachusetts: Lt. Colonel Porter D. Tripp, Major Andrew N. McDonald (wounded) 16th Massachusetts: Lt. Colonel Waldo Merriam (wounded), Captain Matthew Donovan 12th New Hampshire: Captain John F. Langley (wounded), Captain Thomas E. Barker 11th New Jersey: Colonel Robert McAllister (wounded), Major Philip J. Kearny (mortally wounded), Captain Luther Martin (killed), Lieutenant John Schoonover (wounded), Captain William H. Lloyd (wounded), Captain Samuel T. Sleeper, Lieutenant John Schoonover 26th Pennsylvania: Major Robert L. Bodine (wounded) 2nd Brigade - Colonel William R. Brewster 70th New York: Colonel John E. Farnum 71st New York: Colonel Henry L. Potter (wounded) 72nd New York: Colonel John S. Austin (wounded), Lt. Colonel John Leonard, Major Caspar K. Abell 73rd New York: Major Michael W. Burns 74th New York: Lt. Colonel Thomas Holt 120th New York: Lt. Colonel Cornelius D. Westbrook (wounded), Major John R. Tappen 3rd Brigade - Colonel George C. Burling 2nd New Hampshire: Colonel Edward L. Bailey (wounded), Lt. Colonel James W. Carr (wounded) 5th New Jersey: Colonel William J. Sewell (wounded), Captain Thomas C. Godfrey, Captain Henry H. Woolsey (wounded) 6th New Jersey: Lt. Colonel Stephen R. Gilkyson 7th New Jersey: Colonel Louis R. Francine (mortally wounded), Lt. Colonel Francis Price (wounded), Major Frederick Cooper 8th New Jersey: Colonel John Ramsey (wounded), Captain John G. Langston 115th Pennsylvania: Major John P. Dunne Artillery Brigade - Captain George E. Randolph (wounded), Captain A. Judson Clark 1st New Jersey Light, Battery B: Captain A. Judson Clark, Lieutenant Robert Sims 1st New York Light, Battery D: Captain George B. Winslow New York Light, 4th Battery: Captain James E. Smith 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery E: Lieutenant John K. Bucklyn (wounded), Lieutenant Benjamin Freeborn (w) 4th United States, Battery K: Lieutenant Francis W. Seeley (wounded), Lieutenant Robert James V Corps Major General George Sykes General Headquarters: 12th New York Infantry, Companies D and E: Captain Henry W. Rider 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Companies D and H: Captain William Thompson First Division - Brigadier General James Barnes (wounded) 1st Brigade - Colonel William S. Tilton 18th Massachusetts: Colonel Joseph Hayes (wounded) 22nd Massachusetts: Lt. Colonel Thomas Sherwin, Jr. 1st Michigan: Colonel Ira C. Abbott (wounded), Lt. Colonel William A. Throop (wounded) 118th Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel James Gwyn, Major Charles P. Herring 2nd Brigade - Colonel Jacob B. Sweitzer9th Massachusetts: Colonel Patrick R. Guiney32nd Massachusetts: Colonel George L. Prescott (wounded), Lt. Colonel Luther Stephenson, Jr. (wounded), Major James A. Cunningham4th Michigan: Colonel Harrison H. Jeffords (mortally wounded), Lt. Colonel George W. Lumbard62nd Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel James C. Hull, Major William G. Lowry (killed) 3rd Brigade - Colonel Strong Vincent (mortally wounded), Colonel James C. Rice 20th Maine: Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain (wounded) 16th Michigan: Lt. Colonel Norval E. Welch 44th New York: Colonel James C. Rice, Lt. Colonel Freeman Conner, Major Edward B. Kn ox 83rd Pennsylvania: Captain Orpheus S. Woodward Second Division - Brigadier General Romeyn B. Ayres 1st Brigade - Colonel Hannibal Day 3rd United States (Companies B, C, E, G, I and K): Captain Henry W. Freedley (wounded), Captain Richard G. Lay 4th United States (Companies C, F, H and K): Captain Julius W. Adams, Jr. 6th United States (Companies D, F, G, H and I): Captain Levi C. Bootes (wounded) 12th United States (Companies A, B, C, D and G, 1st Battalion and Companies A, C and D, 2nd Battalion): Captain Thomas S. Dunn 14th United States (Companies A, B, D, E, F and G, 1st Battalion and Companies F and G, 2nd Battalion): Major Grotius R. Giddings 2nd Brigade - Colonel Sidney Burbank 2nd United States (Companies B, C, F, H, I and K): Major Arthur T. Lee (w), Captain Samuel A. McKee 7th United States (Companies A, B, E and I): Captain David P. Hancock 10th United States (Companies D, G and H): Captain William Clinton 11th United States (Companies B, C, D, E, F and G): Major DeLancey Floyd-Jones 17th United States (Companies A, C , D, G and H, 1st Battalion and Companies A and B, 2nd Battalion): Lt. Colonel James D. Greene 3rd Brigade - Brigadier General Stephen H. Weed (killed), Colonel Kenner Garrard 140th New York: Colonel Patrick ORorke (killed), Lt. Colonel Louis Ernst, Major Isaiah Force 146th New York: Colonel Kenner Garrard, Lt. Colonel David T. Jenkins 91st Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel Joseph H. Sinex 155th Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel John H. Cain Third Division - Brigadier General Samuel Crawford 1st Brigade - Colonel William McCandless 1st Pennsylvania Reserves (9 companies): Colonel William C. Talley 2nd Pennsylvania Reserves: Lt. Colonel George A. Woodward 6th Pennsylvania Reserves: Lt Colonel Wellington H. Ent 13th Pennsylvania Reserves: Colonel Charles F. Taylor (killed), Major William R. Hartshorne 3rd Brigade - Colonel Joseph W. Fisher 5th Pennsylvania Reserves: Lt. Colonel George Dare, Maj James H. Larrimer 9th Pennsylvania Reserves: Lt. Colonel James McK. Snodgrass 10th Pennsylvania Reserves: Colonel Adoniram J. Warner, Lt. Colonel James B. Knox 11th Pennsylvania Reserves: Colonel Samuel M. Jackson 12th Pennsylvania Reserves (9 companies): Colonel Martin D. Hardin Artillery Brigade - Captain Augustus P. Martin Massachusetts Light, 3rd Battery (C): Lieutenant Aaron F. Walcott 1st New York Light, Battery C: Captain Almont Barnes 1st Ohio Light, Battery L: Captain Frank C. Gibbs 5th United States, Battery D: Lieutenant Charles E. Hazlett (killed), Lieutenant Benjamin F. Rittenhouse 5th United States, Battery I: Lieutenant Malbone F. Watson (wounded), Lieutenant Charles C. MacConnell VI Corps Major General John Sedgwick General Headquarters: 1st New Jersey Cavalry, Company L and 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company H: Captain William S. Craft First Division - Brigadier General Horatio Wright 1st Brigade - Brigadier General Alfred T.A. Torbert 1st New Jersey: Lt. Colonel William Henry, Jr. 2nd New Jersey: Lt. Colonel Charles Wiebecke 3rd New Jersey: Colonel Henry W. Brown, Lt. Colonel Edward L. Campbell 15th New Jersey: Colonel William H. Penrose 2nd Brigade - Brigadier General Joseph J. Bartlett, Colonel Emory Upton 5th Maine: Colonel Clark S. Edwards 121st New York: Colonel Emory Upton 95th Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel Edward Carroll 96th Pennsylvania: Major William H. Lessig  3rd Brigade - Brigadier General David A. Russell 6th Maine: Colonel Hiram Burnham 49th Pennsylvania (4 companies): Lt. Colonel Thomas M. Hulings 119th Pennsylvania: Colonel Peter C. Ellmaker 5th Wisconsin: Colonel Thomas S. Allen Provost Guard 4th New Jersey (3 companies): Captain William R. Maxwell Second Division - Brigadier General Albion P. Howe 2nd Brigade - Colonel Lewis A. Grant 2nd Vermont: Colonel James H. Walbridge 3rd Vermont: Col onel Thomas O. Seaver 4th Vermont: Colonel Charles B. Stoughton 5th Vermont: Lt. Colonel John R. Lewis 6th Vermont: Colonel Elisha L. Barney 3rd Brigade - Brigadier General Thomas H. Neill 7th Maine (6 companies): Lt. Colonel Seldon Connor 33rd New York (detachment): Captain Henry J. Gifford 43rd New York: Lt. Colonel John Wilson 49th New York: Colonel Daniel D. Bidwell 77th New York: Lt. Colonel Winsor B. French 61st Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel George F. Smith Third Division - Major General John Newton, Brigadier General Frank Wheaton 1st Brigade - Brigadier General Alexander Shaler 65th New York: Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin 67th New York: Colonel Nelson Cross 122nd New York: Colonel Silas Titus 23rd Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel John F. Glenn 82nd Pennsylvania: Colonel Isaac C. Bassett 2nd Brigade - Colonel Henry L. Eustis 7th Massachusetts: Lt. Colonel Franklin P. Harlow 10th Massachusetts: Lt. Colonel Joseph B. Parsons 37th Massachusetts: Colonel Oliver Edwards 2nd Rhode Island: Colonel Horatio Rogers, Jr. 3rd Brigade - Brigadier General Frank Wheaton, Colonel David J. Nevin 62nd New York: Colonel David J. Nevin, Lt. Colonel Theodore B. Hamilton 93rd Pennsylvania: Major John I. Nevin 98th Pennsylvania: Major John B. Kohler 139th Pennsylvania: Colonel Frederick H. Collier (wounded), Lt. Colonel William H. Moody Artillery Brigade - Colonel Charles H. Tompkins Massachusetts Light, 1st Battery (A): Captain William H. McCartney New York Light, 1s t Battery: Captain Andrew Cowan New York Light, 3rd Battery: Captain William A. Harn 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery C: Captain Richard Waterman 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery G: Captain George W. Adams 2nd United States, Battery D: Lieutenant Edward B. Williston 2nd United States, Battery G: Lieutenant John H. Butler 5th United States, Battery F: Lieutenant Leonard Martin XI Corps Major General Oliver O. Howard Major General Carl Schurz General Headquarters: 1st Indiana Cavalry, Companies I and K: Captain Abram Sharra 8th New York Infantry (1 company): Lieutenant Hermann Foerster First Division - Brigadier General Francis Barlow, Brigadier General Adelbert Ames 1st Brigade - Colonel Leopold von Gilsa 41st New York (9 companies): Lt. Colonel Detlev von Einsiedel 54th New York: Major Stephen Kovacs (captured), Lieutenant Ernst Both 68th New York: Colonel Gotthilf Bourry 153rd Pennsylvania: Major John F. Frueauff 2nd Brigade - Brigadier General Adelbert Ames, Colonel Andrew L. Harris 17th Connecticut: Lt. Colonel Douglas Fowler (killed), Major Allen G. Brady (wounded) 25th Ohio: Lt. Colonel Jeremiah Williams (captured), Captain Nathaniel J. Manning (w), Lt William Maloney (wounded), Lt Israel White 75th Ohio: Col Andrew L. Harris, Captain George B. Fox 107th Ohio: Col Seraphim Meyer, Captain John M. Lutz Second Division - Brigadier General Adolph von Steinwehr 1st Brigade - Colonel Charles R. Coster 134th New York: Lt. Colonel Allan H. Jackson, Major George W. B. Seeley 154th New York: Lt. Colonel Daniel B. Allen, Major Lewis D. Warner 27th Pennsylvania: Lt. Co lonel Lorenz Cantador 73rd Pennsylvania: Captain Daniel F. Kelley 2nd Brigade - Colonel Orland Smith 33rd Massachusetts: Colonel Adin B. Underwood 136th New York: Colonel James Wood 55th Ohio: Colonel Charles B. Gambee 73rd Ohio: Lt. Colonel Richard Long Third Division - Major General Carl Schurz, Brigadier General Alexander Schimmelfennig 1st Brigade - Brigadier General Alexander Schimmelfennig, Colonel George von Amsberg 82nd Illinois: Lt. Colonel Edward S. Salomon 45th New York: Colonel George von Amsberg, Lt. Colonel Adolphus Dobke (wounded) 157th New York: Colonel Philip P. Brown, Jr., Lt. Colonel George Arrowsmith 61st Ohio: Colonel Stephen J. McGroarty, Lt. Colonel William H. H. Bown 74th Pennsylvania: Colonel Adolph von Hartung (wounded), Lt. Colonel Alexander von Mitzel, Captain Gustav Schleiter, Captain Henry Krauseneck 2nd Brigade - Colonel Wladimir Krzyzanowski 58th New York: Lt. Colonel August Otto, Captain Emil Koenig 119th New York: Colonel John T. Lockman (wounded), Lt. Colonel Edward F. Lloyd, Major Benjamin A. Willis 82nd Ohio: Colonel James S. Robinson (wounded), Lt. Colonel David Thomson 75th Pennsylvania: Colonel Francis Mahler (mortally wounded), Major August Ledig 26th Wisconsin: Lt. Colonel Hans Boebel (wound ed), Maj Henry Baetz (wounded), Captain John W. Fuchs Artillery Brigade - Major Thomas W. Osborn 1st New York Light, Battery I: Captain Michael Wiedrich New York Light, 13th Battery: Lieutenant William Wheeler 1st Ohio Light, Battery I: Captain Hubert Dilger 1st Ohio Light, Battery K: Captain Lewis Heckman 4th United States, Battery G: Lieutenant Bayard Wilkeson (mortally wounded), Lt Eugene A. Bancroft XII Corps Major General Henry Slocum Brigadier General Alpheus S. Williams Provost Guard: 10th Maine Battalion (3 companies): Captain John D. Beardsley First Division - Brigadier General Alpheus S. Williams, Brigadier General Thomas H. Ruger 1st Brigade - Colonel Archibald McDougall 5th Connecticut: Colonel Warren W. Packer 20th Connecticut: Lt. Colonel William B. Wooster, Major Philo B. Buckingham 3rd Maryland: Colonel Joseph M. Sudsburg, Lt. Colonel Gilbert P. Robinson 123rd New York: Lt. Colonel James C. Rogers, Captain Adolphus H. Tanner 145th New York: Colonel Edward L. Price 46th Pennsylvania: Colonel James L. Selfridge 3rd Brigade - Brigadier General Thomas H. Ruger, Colonel Silas Colgrove 27th Indiana: Colonel Silas Colgrove, Lt. Colonel John R. Fesler, Major Theodore F. Colgrove 2nd Massachusetts: Lt. Colonel Charles R. Mudge (killed), Major Charles F. Morse 13th New Jersey: Colonel Ezra A. Carman 107th New York: Colonel Nirom M. Crane 3rd Wisconsin: Colonel William Hawley, Lt. Colonel Martin Flood Second Division - Brigadier General John W. Geary 1st Brigade - Colonel Charles Candy 5th Ohio: Colonel John H. Patrick 7th Oh io: Colonel William R. Creighton, Lt. Colonel O. J. Crane 29th Ohio: Captain Wilbur F. Stevens (wounded), Captain Edward Hayes 66th Ohio: Lt. Colonel Eugene Powell, Maj Joshua G. Palmer (mortally wounded) 28th Pennsylvania: Captain John Flynn 147th Pennsylvania (8 companies): Lt. Colonel Ario Pardee, Jr., Major George Harney 2nd Brigade - Colonel George A. Cobham, Brigadier General Thomas L. Kane 29th Pennsylvania: Colonel William Rickards, Jr., Lt. Colonel Samuel M. Zulick 109th Pennsylvania: Captain Frederick L. Gimber 111th Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel Thomas M. Walker, Colonel George A. Cobham, Jr. 3rd Brigade - Brigadier General George S. Greene 60th New York: Colonel Abel Godard, Lt. Colonel John C. O. Redington 78th New York: Lt. Colonel Herbert von Hammerstein, Major William H. Randall (wounded) 102nd New York: Colonel James C. Lane (wounded), Captain Lewis R. Stegman 137th New York: Colonel David Ireland, Lt. Colonel Robert S. Van Vorhees 149th New York: Colonel Henry A. Barnu m (wounded), Lt. Colonel Charles B. Randall (wounded) Reporting DirectlyLockwoods Brigade - Brigadier General Henry H. Lockwood 1st Maryland, Potomac Home Brigade: Colonel William P. Maulsby 1st Maryland, Eastern Shore: Colonel James Wallace 150th New York: Colonel John H. Ketcham, Lt. Colonel Charles G. Bartlett, Major Alfred B. Smith Artillery Brigade - Lieutenant Edward D. Muhlenberg 1st New York Light, Battery M: Lieutenant Charles E. Winegar Pennsylvania Light, Battery E: Lieutenant Charles A. Atwell 4th United States, Battery F: Lieutenant Sylvanus T. Rugg 5th United States, Battery K: Lieutenant David H. Kinzie Cavalry Corps Major General Alfred Pleasonton Headquarters Guards: 1st Ohio, Company A: Captain Noah Jones 1st Ohio, Company C: Captain Samuel N. Stanford First Division - Brigadier General John Buford 1st Brigade - Colonel William Gamble 8th Illinois: Major John L. Beveridge 12th Illinois (4 companies) and 3rd Indiana (6 companies): Colonel George H. Chapman 8th New York: Lt. Colonel William L. Markell 2nd Brigade - Colonel Thomas Devin 6th New York (6 companies): Major William E. Beardsley 9th New York: Colonel William Sackett 17th Pennsylvania: Colonel Josiah H. Kellogg 3rd West Virginia, Companies A and C: Captain Seymour B. Conger 3rd Brigade - Brigadier General Wesley Merritt 6th Pennsylvania: Major James H. Haseltine 1st United States: Captain Richard S. C. Lord 2nd United States: Captain Theophilus F. Rodenbough 5th United States: Captain Julius W. Mason 6th United States: Major Samuel H. Starr (wounded), Lieutenant Louis H. Carpenter, Lieutenant Nicholas M. Nolan, Captain Ira W. Claflin (wounded) Second Division - Brigadier General David McM. Gregg 1st Brigade - Colonel John B. McIntosh 1st Maryland (11 companies): Lt. Colon el James M. Deems Purnell (Maryland) Legion, Company A: Captain Robert E. Duvall 1st Massachusetts: Lt. Colonel Greely S. Curtis 1st New Jersey: Major Myron H. Beaumont 1st Pennsylvania: Colonel John P. Taylor 3rd Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel Edward S. Jones 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Section, Battery H: Captain William D. Rank 2nd Brigade - Colonel John I. Gregg 1st Maine (10 companies): Lt. Colonel Charles H. Smith 10th New York: Major M. Henry Avery 4th Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel William E. Doster 16th Pennsylvania: Colonel John K. Robison Third Division - Brigadier General Judson Kilpatrick 1st Brigade - Brigadier General Elon J. Farnsworth (killed), Colonel Nathaniel P. Richmond 5th New York: Major John Hammond 18th Pennsylvania: Lt. Colonel William P. Brinton 1st Vermont: Colonel Addison W. Preston 1st West Virginia (10 companies): Colonel Nathaniel P. Richmond, Major Charles E. Capehart 2nd Brigade - Brigadier General George A. Custer 1st Michigan: Colonel Charles H. Town 5th Michigan: Colonel Russell A. Alger 6th Michigan: Colonel George Gray 7th Michigan: (10 companies): Colonel William D. Mann Horse Artillery 1st Brigade - Captain James M. Robertson 9th Michigan Battery: Captain Jabez J. Daniels 6th New York Battery: Captain Joseph W. Martin 2nd United States, Batteries B and L: Lieutenant Edward Heaton 2nd United States, Battery M: Lieutenant Alexander C. M. Pennington, Jr. 4th United States, Battery E: Lieutenant Samuel S. Elder 2nd Brigade - Captain John C. Tidball 1st United States, Batteries E and G: Capt ain Alanson M. Randol 1st United States, Battery K: Captain William M. Graham, Jr. 2nd United States, Battery A: Lieutenant John H. Calef Artillery Reserve Brigadier General Robert O. Tyler Headquarters Guard: 32nd Massachusetts Infantry, Company C: Captain Josiah C. Fuller 1st Regular Brigade - Captain Dunbar R. Ransom 1st United States, Battery H: Lieutenant Chandler P. Eakin (wounded), Lieutenant Philip D. Mason 3rd United States, Batteries F and K: Lieutenant John G. Turnbull 4th United States, Battery C: Lieutenant Evan Thomas 5th United States, Battery C: Lieutenant Gulian V. Weir (wounded) 1st Volunteer Brigade - Lt. Colonel Freeman McGilvery Massachusetts Light, 5th Battery (E): Captina Charles A. Phillips Massachusetts Light, 9th Battery: Captain John Bigelow (wounded), Lieutenant Richard S. Milton New York Light, 15th Battery: Captain Patrick Hart (wounded), Lieutenant Andrew R. McMahon Pennsylvania Light, Batteries C and F: Captain James Thompson (wounded) 2nd Volunteer Brigade - Captain Elijah D. Taft 1st Connecticut Heavy, Battery B: Captain Albert F. Brooker 1st Connecticut Heavy, Battery M: Captain Franklin A. Pratt Connecticut Light, 2nd Battery: Captain John W. Sterling New York Light, 5th Battery: Captain Elijah D. Taft 3rd Volunteer Brigade - Captain James F. Huntington New Hampshire Light, 1st Battery: Captain Frederick M. Edgell 1st Ohio Light, Battery H: Lieutenant George W. Norton 1st Pennsylvania Light, Batteries F and G: Captain R. Bruce Ricketts West Virginia Light, Battery C: Captain Wallace Hill 4th Volunteer Brigade - Captain Robert H. Fitzhugh Maine Light, 6th Battery (F): Lieutenat Edwin B. Dow Maryland Light, Battery A: Captain James H. Rigby New Jersey Light, 1st Battery: Lieutenant Augustin N. Parsons 1st New York Light, Battery G: Captain Nelson Ames 1st New York Light, Battery K: Captain Robert H. Fitzhugh Train Guard 4th New Jersey Infantry (7 companies): Major Charles Ewing
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Glass Ceiling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Glass Ceiling - Essay Example The four have demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment in their fields. The ambitious dimension is eminent on its adaptive pole by self-confidence. It enabled them to nurtured dominant aspect with authoritativeness, pathological aggressiveness, and boldness. They end up being tough, unsentimental, and competitive. They have a tendency of not binding by the limits that apply to others (Jalalzai, 2013). A good example is Hillary Clinton. His ambition in being the United States first female president kept her as a front-runner for the Democratic nomination. She served in official positions and ambitiously made decisions that kept her on her move. For instance, problem-solving and decision-making roles in her position as the Secretary of State. Nancy Pelosi built a base within the Democrats caucus and consolidated enough power in winning the speakership position of the House of Representative. Being the first female in the position, she understood the tempo and the mannerism of the House. Ambitiously, she was determined in increasing the funding for AIDS research and in putting pressure on China to improve the human right policy (Palmer & Simon, 2006). Sarah Palin also demonstrated her ambitious nature from her determination of becoming the vice presidential candidate of the America despite serving less than half of her time as Alaska’s governor. She had less experience for the position but was ambitious in the post. Nothing could stop her to reach her goal (Barreto, Ryan & Schmitt, 2009). Condoleezza Rice, being African-American, became one of the well-known and much-loved members of the Bush administration. Second female Secretary of State, she demonstrated her character in handling of the arising events. She was ambitious in her field of foreign policy and helped the government to deal with the war in Iraq and the terror after the September 11, 2001 attack (Jalalzai, 2013). The man
Wetlands Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Wetlands - Research Proposal Example Other reptiles, mammals and birds have not only made wetlands their habitats but also a breeding site (Russo, 2008). The wetlands act as a sponge in trapping runoff water during a rainy storm and as the water is released slowly it is filtered thus removing toxic substances. Water will move through the plants and the small spaces in the soil allowing nutrients to be absorbed while pollutants will be trapped. Although seventy five percent of the earth surface is covered by water, there is only three percent of fresh water. Therefore, it is important to seek alternative ways of purifying water for the six billion people in this planet to consume. This research will test the hypothesis that water at the end of the river will be cleaner than at the beginning. I will evaluate if the ecological environment around the river will clean the water as it flows downstream. The study will test if wetlands can reduce the amount of toxins carried away in water runoff by using its plants and other micro-organisms in the purification process. The Passaic river has several swamps and meanders thus making it appropriate for the research study. The research will seek to identify which types of plants or organisms will be crucial in minimizing pollutants. Different plants will have varying results in the amounts of reduced chemicals; therefore the study will establish the type of plants in the wetlands that removed the chemicals more efficiently. Likewise, it is important to establish the effect of the toxins on habitats of the wetlands and the harm caused by continuous drainage of metals into saturated ground water. Wetlands can be classified differently using the system developed by Cowardin that divides wetlands according to the aquatic environment they are connected to. They are categorizes as: Marine wetlands that are found in seawaters, Estuarines that
Friday, October 18, 2019
Discussion #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Discussion #3 - Essay Example ket by expanding its operation in a number of countries outside America, even to far flung continents such as Africa where it has a formidable market share in the fast food sector (Luthans & Hodgetts, 2012). McDonald’s Corp employs the franchising market strategy to expand its operations globally. Franchising involves the company offering subsidiary firms the rights to use the Macdonald’s brand/trademark name or business model to offer products and services exactly similar to those offered by the parent company in exchange for some discount on sales and the payment of royalties for using the company’s brand name (Luthans & Hodgetts, 2012). Thus, with the use of this strategy, the company has outlets in over one hundred and twenty countries with a total of twenty-five thousand outlets. McDonald’s Corp considered the idea of franchising as the best alternative for penetrating the global markets because franchising is a relatively cheaper technique of expanding operations globally, compared to penetrating into the international markets with the firm’s own capital, which is more risky and uncertain given the global competitiveness of the industry. Therefor e, company considered this strategy as a prudent idea because franchisees (the local firms) fully understand the market dynamics influencing their respective countries and regions thus, are better positioned to tackle any eventuality arising as a result of rolling out new products or services in that market (Luthans & Hodgetts, 2012). However, earlier on the firm had employed licencing as a marketing strategy for expansion when it awarded a licence to Ray Kroc in the year 1954. It is this licencing deal that gave birth to the most lucrative McDonald’s Corp business outside the United States of America because within the first two years of the deal, the company managed to establish more than seven hundred McDonald’s outlets in Canada; the largest number of outlets in any nation outside USA (Luthans &
A review of academic research undertaken in relation to Small and Essay
A review of academic research undertaken in relation to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - Essay Example In the study, United Kingdom’s SMEs have been observed. It has been identified that SMEs also have a role to play in the economy of the UK. However, there are underlying challenges and problems that the country’s SMEs face which need to be addressed by the government and other stakeholders involved. The paper intends to identify the current academic research into small and medium sized enterprises and the major issues faced by these firms. It also tries to present the role of SMEs in the UK. The paper will try to provide a brief summary of the overall scenario at the end and will provide recommendation based on the challenges that the SMEs in the UK face so that significant improvements in the SMEs can be introduced and better opportunities created. Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Critical Review into Current Academic Research 5 Challenges of SMEs 7 Role played by SMEs in the United Kingdom 8 Conclusion and Recommendation 12 References 14 Introduc tion Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are those firms that do not have any subsidiary and are independent in nature thus employing a certain number of employees. The number of employees may be different in different countries. In European Union, the limit set for employing the employees has been set to 250 for SMEs. However, certain countries lay down the limit of employing 200 employees. The use of the financial assets is also evident in order to define SMEs. A new European definition of SMEs came into existence in the year 2005. The new definition offers increase in the financial upper limits and therefore it states that the turnover of medium-sized enterprises must not be more than EUR 50 millions. Similarly, the turnover of small enterprises must not be more than EUR 10 millions and for the micro firms the turnover must not go above EUR 2 million. Consequently, the balance sheet of the medium enterprises must not surpass EUR 43 millions. The balance sheet of small and m icro enterprises must not go above EUR 10 million and EUR 2 million respectively (OECD, 2005). The SME sector comprises a wide range of firms such as recognized conventional family businesses that utilize nearly hundreds of workers. The SME sector also makes use of â€Å"survivalist†self-employed workers functioning in unorganised micro enterprises (International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2004). The main aim of the paper is to identify the role of the SME in the economy of the United Kingdom. The study will try to focus upon the current academic research on SMEs. Theories on SMEs will be identified and the role of SMEs in an international context as a mechanism for job creation, innovation and long term growth will be studied in detail in the sections below. Critical Review into Current Academic Research Small and medium-sized enterprises can avail innumerable behavioural benefits in comparison to their larger counterparts in the process of innovation. However, it has been identified that they also face certain material disadvantages. The problem they face has been evident in the process of developing suitable network of contacts with outside sources of both mechanical and technological expertise as well as advice (Rothwell & Dodgson, 1991). It is quite difficult to measure the importance of SMEs. However, it is a well known fact that small and medium enterprises are considered as the basis of most of the economies, generally in relation to influences on employment as well as
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Gender Inequality at work place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gender Inequality at work place - Essay Example In the society there is need to create definite balance in making analysis about gender inequality, men should as well be considered as the impact of the inequality against women at work place affects them either directly or indirectly. In some cases, they are the victims too. All over the world men and women have naturally done different kinds of work. Men have characteristically done jobs that are much physical in nature and require more efforts whereas women tended to do less physical duties, mostly service-oriented kind of jobs. The three factors that are often used to describe inequality at workplace include cultural factors, discriminatory factors. Cultural values where women in certain countries are not allowed to do some jobs due to state laws, religion, and public view with historical connotations. Race can also be used to hinder one not necessarily women from being given certain jobs basing on cultural beliefs, the discriminatory aspect of it ranges from various instance su ch as sex, age, color of the skin, level of education among others. Race can be a determinant in the segregation of awarding of jobs Devey reiterates that some jobs are kept for white basing on the quality. Social perspectives where by some jobs are predominantly done by certain gender for example mechanical works, engineering among others.Federal state anti-discriminatory laws have been passed and put onto action in several states in the U.S. with effect it has improved availabilities of several opportunities for women at work place.
Personal Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Personal Ethics - Research Paper Example My personal opinion on ideology to cultivate a better human character, therefore, is largely based upon the notion of developing all these character traits in an individual’s personality and life. Businesses being the major part of the modern life also need to depict an ethical business behavior, because their behavior must be in consistence with the values and ethics as agreed by society. Failure of any business to actually comply with what society considers as acceptable and ethically good must be a top priority of all the business. As such it is critically important that our ethical system - whether it is at the personal or business level - must demonstrate certain principles which ultimately shape our real character and orientation towards society and how we approach it. It is critical for the reason that we must first describe our underlying ethical principles. My individual ethical system is based upon the ideology of cultivating character which is based upon the traits described above. I honestly believe that in order to live an ethical life, it is critically important to first actually develop the character. Cultivating fairness, honesty and showing responsibility are some of the basic ingredients of my ethical system. (Josephson Institute, 2012). The primary principles of my ethical system include living with honesty, fairness, and duty realization while at the same time complying with the morals, ethics and values set by the society in which I live. Religion has been one of the keys to shape my overall ethical system, as I believe that it has the power to actually shape the way we make distinction between right and wrong. Apart from this, my experience with the world, so far, has also provided me an insight into developing an ethical system based upon the notions outlined above. I truly believe that my ethical system is a duty
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Gender Inequality at work place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gender Inequality at work place - Essay Example In the society there is need to create definite balance in making analysis about gender inequality, men should as well be considered as the impact of the inequality against women at work place affects them either directly or indirectly. In some cases, they are the victims too. All over the world men and women have naturally done different kinds of work. Men have characteristically done jobs that are much physical in nature and require more efforts whereas women tended to do less physical duties, mostly service-oriented kind of jobs. The three factors that are often used to describe inequality at workplace include cultural factors, discriminatory factors. Cultural values where women in certain countries are not allowed to do some jobs due to state laws, religion, and public view with historical connotations. Race can also be used to hinder one not necessarily women from being given certain jobs basing on cultural beliefs, the discriminatory aspect of it ranges from various instance su ch as sex, age, color of the skin, level of education among others. Race can be a determinant in the segregation of awarding of jobs Devey reiterates that some jobs are kept for white basing on the quality. Social perspectives where by some jobs are predominantly done by certain gender for example mechanical works, engineering among others.Federal state anti-discriminatory laws have been passed and put onto action in several states in the U.S. with effect it has improved availabilities of several opportunities for women at work place.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A ustralian Company Accounting Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
A ustralian Company Accounting - Coursework Example Income tax Liability (Statement of Financial Position) $ 4,650 Requirement 3: Treatment: Doubtful Debts Expense: Doubtful debts represent that balance of amount which will not be recoverable out of the total trade receivables of the company. This is considered to be a trade expense thus is accounted for in the income statement of the company. Rent Revenue: Rent revenue is defined as an income generated by the company through renting out any of its assets. It can include machinery, equipment or property. All kinds of income generated by the company are included in the profit and loss account of the company. But for tax purposes it is taxable under savings income heading so it will be deducted from the profit of the company and taxable separately as the savings income has a different tax rate. Entertainment Expense: Entertainment expense comprises of the expense incurred during the process of entertaining the clientele of the company. As the entertainment expenses incurred on the emplo yees is not an allowable expense for tax purposes, it is assumed that this expense relates to the one incurred on the clientele unless otherwise stated. Thus it will also be included in the profit and loss account of the company for tax purposes as a deductible. Requirement 4: Calculation of Deferred Tax Asset and Liability: Calculation of tax base values of assets: MOTOR VEHICLE: Book Value ($) Tax Base ($) Motor Vehicle (Cost) 18,000 18,000 Motor Vehicle (Acc. Depreciation) (15.750) (18,000) ------------------- ---------------- 2,250 Nil Thus Deferred Tax Liability = 2,250 * 30% = $675 EQUIPMENT: Book Value ($) Tax Base ($) Equipment (Cost) 100,000 100,000 Equipment (Accumulated Depreciation) (60,000) (45,000) ------------------- ----------------- 40,000 55,000 Deferred Tax Asset = ($55,000-$40,000) * 30% = $ 4,500 RECEIVABLES: Tax Base = $12,000 Thus deferred tax liability = 12,000 * 30%= $3,600 RENT RECEIVBALE: Tax Base = $2,800 Thus deferred tax liability = 2,800 * 30% = $840 T otal Deferred Tax Liability = $675+$3,600+$840 = $ 5,115 Thus the new deferred tax asset and liability becomes $4,500 and $5,115 respectively. Requirement 4: Journal Entries: Deferred Tax Asset: Dr. Tax Expense (Statement of financial performance) $ 1,950 Cr. Deferred Tax Asset (Balance sheet) $ 1,950 Deferred Tax Liability: Dr. Tax Expense (Statement of financial performance) $ 2,370 Cr. Deferred Tax Liability (Balance sheet) $ 2,370 Question 2: REPORT Executive Summary This report is designed for the purpose of reflecting on the new accounting policy change that is being implemented by the company which requires the company to disclose its advertisement expense as an asset as opposed to be treated as an expense as it incurs. In this report it was observed and suggested that the criteria for the policy change implemented by the company met the recognition criteria of an asset as set by the AASB (Australian Accounting Standard Board), and was of material balance to be disclosed in t he financial statements of the company. Introduction: The purpose of this report is to determine if the new policy of the company to record its advertisement expenses as an asset is true and fair according to Australian
Monday, October 14, 2019
Tradition and Continuity Essay Example for Free
Tradition and Continuity Essay Why, and to what extent, have conservatives been committed to tradition and continuity? Conservatism was a reaction to all other ideologies. It believed in conserving the best of the past and governing society with reform, not revolution. In the French revolution there was a lot of uncertainty because people did not know what to do afterward and they ended up in a worse position then they were before. Conservatives believe that humans are; psychologically imperfect, which means that we are security seeking creatures who dislike change. They believe we are intellectually imperfect which means we are incapable of acting rationally and are very instinctive. They believe we are morally imperfect which means we are born sinful and conservatists have a profound scepticism about our natural goodness. Conservatives have always been committed to tradition, ever since Toryism was first formed. They only believe in slow change which relates to peoples changing views and opinions like the English Legal System. Because they believe we are psychologically imperfect, they don’t want us to undergo any uncertainty whatsoever and so they dislike revolution because even though people may have a ‘better’ idea of how things should work, it has not yet had the test of time and so there is no need for risk. Conservatives believe society is like a living organism i.e. a tree, so it needs to reach out to both the past and the future and cannot be severed from its roots to survive. Since individuals lack wisdom, tradition is a better test of goodness and virtue, as Edmund Burke said, ‘the accumulated wisdom of the ages as the heritage of society is the best source of virtue and goodness’. Conservatists are pragmatic, which fits into their commitment for continuity, they are not opposed to change, but question it and only accepts slow, specific, evolutionary change. Conservatists preserve the best and change what is essential. Tories changed to Conservatories because they needed to accept limited change to prevent greater change. This is why they accepted the extension of the franchise ‘the right to vote’ and the rise of the welfare state to forestall more radical demands. Conservatism is not trying to go backwards ore forwards, but rather to preserve the status quo. This means it is not trying to create a utopian society like Liberalism, Socialism and Anarchism. Conservatists believe that human nature is not a constant, but ever changing as the nature of society changes and therefore have criticised all other ideologies on the grounds that they have been based on a fixed view of human nature. Classic Liberalism had an ideology with a fixed view of human nature and believed in Laissez-faire economics where the private companies would control the economy and help it to grow, but in the industrial revolution, they saw that capitalists took advantage of the workers and so modern liberalism was born, this shows that Conservatives have a better knowledge of human nature than the liberals do. Conservatists do not like abstract theory and the intellectual approach to politics. It believes in an un-codified constitution which can evolve through time like the UK constitution. It acts on the basis of concrete observation, circumstances and past events, rather than a theory. In conclusion the extent that Conservatism has been committed to tradition and continuity is very high because the whole point of conservatism is to preserve and in the early days of Toryism, they wanted to keep things exactly the way they were, this is why people call them the party for the rich because in the early days, the aristocrats and land owners had the power. Tories had to become Conservatists to cope with the ever-society and to prevent revolution like in France they had to give in to some democratic demands. Conservatists do not believe in the majority having a say, because what the majority want is not always right for the nation, this is where paternalism comes in so that the relationship between the state and its people is like parents and their children, it may not always seem right or fair, but in the long run it is what’s best for the Country. Conservatists want to continue the way things run so that society moves on and is not in a stand still place, where people become uncertain about how the Country will be governed, or if other Countries will see this as a chance to attack. A tree is not taken out of its roots and continued growing.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Edna’s Symbolic Swim in The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening
Edna’s Symbolic Swim in The Awakening Reading through The Awakening for the first time, a passage in chapter X intrigued me: Edna’s first successful swim. I begin my close reading halfway through page 49, â€Å"But that night she was like the little tottering, stumbling, clutching child, who of a sudden realizes its powers, and walks for the first time alone, boldly and with over-confidence.†Her success is sudden and in spite of assistance from â€Å"the men and women; in some instances from the children†throughout the summer. Robert himself had devised a system of lessons. But her triumph does not result from any such assistance, but from her own abilities. By comparing the experience to a child’s first steps, it conjures imagery she herself must have experienced with her own children, which is emphasized by referring to â€Å"the†child rather than â€Å"a†child. Before her triumph, she totters, stumbles, and literally clutches at any â€Å"hand nearby that might reach out and reassure her,†always requiring the assistance or reassurance of others. But on this night, her powers, which by virtue of the strength of such a word choice suggests its relevance to far more than swimming, overtake her. It is significant she does it alone, and her over-confidence possibly foreshadows the conclusion. â€Å"A feeling of exultation overtook her, as if some power of significant import had been given her to control the working of her body and her soul†implies the tremendous joy that encourages her to shout, as well as underscores the significance of the experience in terms of the greater awakening, for the experience actually does provide Edna with the ability to control her own body and soul for the first time. Her â€Å"daring and reckless†behavior, her overestimation of strength, and the desire to â€Å"swim far out, where no woman had swum before†all suggest the tragic conclusion that awaits Edna. Whether her awakening leads her to want too much, or her desires are not fully compatible with the society in which she lives, she goes too far in her awakening. Amazed at the ease of her new power, she specifically does not join the other groups of people in the water, but rather goes off to swim alone. Indeed, her own awakening ultimately ends up being solitary , particularly in her refusals to join in social expectations. Here, the water presents her with space and solitude, with the â€Å"unlimited in which to lose herself.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Belbin Exercise :: Business and Management Studies
The Belbin Exercise Introduction During term 1 of our module I took part in 2 exercises and a Belbin test. During the 2 exercises and test I learned many skills and new ideas that will aid me in the future. Report The first element of group work that we did was the Belbin exercise. This was to ascertain you’re most effective ‘group role’. From the results we were arranged into groups which contained a mixture of roles. My role was company worker. I neither agreed nor disagreed with the result as part of me could see the logic behind the result and part of me saw myself with a position of higher authority. I don’t think the way the groups were formed made any difference in the first exercise. Maybe under different circumstances our different roles could have become more apparent. From taking part in the two exercises I have learned that planning is vital to any type of work, especially group work. I think the reason behind this is because without planning nothing is done efficiently. I have also learned that communication is very important; our second exercise was totally dependant on verbal communication. Although we had a slow start we eventually started to communicate effectively and solved the problem very fast. In the first exercise we were in smaller groups, my group contained seven people, including myself. During this exercise all group members contributed evenly. In the second exercise we worked in a much larger group, I noticed that some people didn’t contribute at all and the bulk of the discussion was coming from the same people. Although this happened the exercise was done swiftly and effectively. Good communication skills were demonstrated during the second exercise. Group members put their point across in an orderly way and the other group members listened well and contributed. During this exercise we didn’t necessarily have a strategy but we did operate a good effective system. We had one person that people fed information to, and that person then made notes of the information onto the whiteboard. Once all the information was gathered we were then able to come to a conclusion. My group also showed good communication skills in the first exercise. We had to come up with a group opinion of which person deserved the use of the available kidney machine. The way we came to our decision was to firstly decide a priority order individually, then by using a
Friday, October 11, 2019
Modern Living Has Made People Weak, Unhealthy and Disease Prone Essay
Modern living means adopting the western culture, smoking, drinking, eating pizzas and burgers, etc . Working at night times in a BPO or a Call Centre is now a days modern living†¦. people doing night duties don’t get proper sleep and hence leading to sleep disorders . the busy life of people has made them jump to a easier way of living †¦ i. e. , eating the junk or packed food which is full of preservatives . We can see teens and adults smoking in shops, in parties, on roads†¦. It is because of maybe stress or even peer pressure†¦ But smoking reduces 13. 9% of the life†¦.. Isn’t this unhealthy? But modern living makes us obese and also mentally sick as scientifically it is proved that brain automatically relaxes†¦ So the people working in the companies become mentally ill and sick. People have hardly no time for proper exercise and proper food intake. Now a days a walk in the garden has come to a run on the treadmill†¦ You want to go bicycling you go to the gym and that’s the way it goes †¦ exercise is not only for burning fats and carbohydrates but for getting in touch with the fresh morning air which keeps you active the whole day, All the people are trying to turn their simple life into sophisticated living. But people don’t realize that modern living is directly affecting their health. May I ask: Do we have enough time to go for a walk in nature to breathe in clean and fresh air? No, certainly not. The results can be seen in hospitals. Obesity is because of the busy life style which make people to prefer junk foods to save time. I do agree with your point that AC helps us in summer but it reduces CFL which causes holes in the ozone layer which allow the UV rays of the sun to enter the earth and cause skin cancer
Thursday, October 10, 2019
German Culture: Past and Present Essay
German Culture: Past and Present is a book written by Ernest Belfort Bax. It was originally published in 1915 by McBride, Nast, & Company of New York. The current edition most widely circulated was published by Kessinger Publications, LLC, Kila, MT, in 2008. Kessinger Publications specialize in reprints of old books that are public domain and maintains copyright over the works. Bax was born in Britain and was a socialist journalist and philosopher. Ironically his political view as a socialist was important to this book. It assisted him in his efforts to observe German society of the period covered as the governments of the various feudal and bureaucratic forms have always leaned toward socialism. His credentials that add authority to writing this particular book include his studying of German philosophy while actually living in Germany. This gave him a close proximity to the birthplaces of German culture and thought – necessary prerequisites for the preparation of this book. Additionally his familiarity with the German language offer significance to his readers as he interprets historical documents for them. The thesis of this book is to provide a fairly detailed overview of the social and intellectual development of German culture from the medieval period all the way to the modern times (keeping in mind that the ‘modern times’ to this author extended only to the early 1900s). Its secondary point is the more thorough exposition of the earlier part of the culture nearly at the expense of the later period. The author felt that less was known about that era in German history as compared to the modern times and wished to begin to educate ‘modern’ readers about that important foundation. His concern reflected in this thesis is that the earlier times and its documents are difficult to access and properly read, while the times closer to the modern day have been reflected in more widely available forms. Bax develops his thesis in chronological fashion and depends heavily upon some of his earlier writings on the history of Germany. This consolidates his earlier views in one tome which can be more easily understood when presented together in this order. In addition to the simple chronological development of his thesis, Bax refers frequently to the thorough historical treatment of the times as opposed to the personality centered treatment. He supports his thesis by disproving the personality style by demonstrating the broader historical style. Examples include dismissing the Martin Luther-focused interpretation of the Reformation, instead offering the larger events and people that surrounded those events (p. 43). Bax’s commentary on the significance of culture upon the success and failure of individuals begins with Martin Luther and the Reformation. By concentrating on the surrounding historical events and people, he sets the stage for the influences beyond the personalities that enabled their success – in the case of Luther. Similarly Bax describes the success of the Peasant’s Rebellion/War as being dependent upon the culture created by earlier revolts like Franz Sickingen’s (p. 117). These two examples effectively show how Bax as an author ensures that the cultural parts of the book are always the first and foremost consideration; the impact this culture had upon events and people is always secondary to that thought. It is extremely difficult to argue with Bax’s thesis. It is entirely an objective and well ordered writing of a lengthy period of German history. In particular, the reliance of individuals and events upon the general developing culture of the times leaves little room to doubt his conclusions. It is a well presented thesis and the only detriment to it may be its long-windedness. That same breadth and pace, however, also lend academic credence to the book as a whole. ? References Bax, E. B. (2008). German Culture: Past and Present. Kila, MT: Kessinger.
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