Saturday, September 14, 2013


CARRICULAM VITAE SUMIT TOMAR B.Tech, undergraduate student Computer Science and Engineering IEC COLLEGE OF engineering science & angstrom unit; TECHNOLOGY,Greater Noida. E-mail : Contact No. : +91-9015372299 | race OBJECTIVE To keep an eye on an intellectual and ambitious career in an organization where I would get chance to show my skills and temperament and give my topper to achieve the comp som e(prenominal)s goal and objective. ACADEMIC strength received| Passing family| open(a)| Board | attach| amount Xth | 2004| Maths,Sciences,English| U.P..Board| 72.60%| Standard XIIth | 2006| Physics,Chemistry,Maths| U.P.Board| 67.80%| TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION/GRADUATION B.TECH. (COMPUTER SCIENCE & deoxyadenosine monophosphate;ENGG. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
): Year| Session| College/University| Marks| Ist Year| 2008| IEC COLLEGE OF ENGG.& TECH.| 65.80%| IInd Year| 2009| IEC COLLEGE OFENGG. & amp; TECH. | 68.50%| IIIrd Year| ! 2010| IEC COLLEGE OFENGG. & TECH. | 69.20%| IVth Year | 2011| IEC COLLEGE OFENGG. & TECH. | 70.50%| AGREGATE PERCENTAGE : 69.30% (without any backlog) TECHNICAL SKILLS * computer programing Languages : C , C++,CORE JAVA, ADVANCE JAVA * informationbase focussing : Oracle, SQL * Applications : Microsoft Office, Photoshop * operational System : MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 * Areas of interest : Operating System, Programming, entropy Structure,...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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