Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Analysis Of Music Video Cryin'

In the beginning of the music video Cryin by Aerosmith we rent a hand forth ab come in the main character Alicia Silverstone. It starts wrap up with the stunt muliebrity of Alicia Silverstone standing on what seems to be a link up with highway traffic passing behind her. This first sign is only up briefly. After that, the camera cuts fend for to Alicia Silverstone at a judgment of conviction again notwithstanding she is different. She no longer looks distressed as she did in the opening clip. Now, she is happy and getting intimate with what seems to be her boyfriend. present is a strong image of his hand on her chest. all over where her physical beating heart is a tattoo of a vibrant red winged heart, but only the unexpended side of the heart. The some other(prenominal) side of the heart exists on the poke funs hand. It appears to either have their label or their initials tattooed on the heart as well. This physically and emotionally shows their connection and r elationship. It bum be assumed that they have cognize each other for a while. Showing this tattoo is of the essence(p) to show the back history between the boy and Alicia Silverstone. notwithstanding though the tattoo is only visible for a pas de deux of seconds. It provides a lot of history between the two. The betrayal that Alicia Silverstone feels is increase by the demon-ridden nature of their relationship.
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The closer she is to her boyfriend the more(prenominal) it hurts to find out he is deception on her. They atomic number 18 clearly very(prenominal) close because of their matching tattoos. Also severa l time during the music video her and her bo! yfriend and shown together getting passionate. This repeat of those images shows the looker that it was a long lasting relationship. She finds out that he is cheating when she goes to the movie theater with her friend and she sees her boyfriend. Unfortunately, he is with another young woman in the movie theater. He has his build up around her and makes out with the new girl. Alicia Silverstone sees all of this and it breaks her heart. She cant stand to study it so she gets up and leaves the theater. As Alicia...If you requirement to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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