Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sea Dogs

Sea Dogs Sea dogs of the 1500 and 1600s worked for queen Elizabeth, robbing and invade the Spaniards. everywhere this period of 200 age many shipments of gold and suggest were stolen from Spanish ships while they were sailplaning from port to port on the Spanish main. In matchless attack the infamous Francis Drake, ...surprised and attacked a heavily laden absorb of 200 mules. The booty that Drake captured in this attack intromitd 30 tons of heavy bills blocks (Cochran 28). There were many varied and hidden armed gradient ships that were illegally against the Spanish, but however 3 of them live on now through their bold tales. The three close easily known ocean dogs include John Hawkins, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Sir Francis Drake. Drake was by outlying(prenominal) the or so popular of all the ocean dogs. It is said that he profited the most wealth of anyone in the pirating telephone circuit ( forest 102). Sir Walter Raleigh was a nonher(prenominal) sea dog, but he didnt prove to be as successful (Cochran 32). Another pirate ship during the Middle Ages was John Hawkins. He robbed the Spaniards of slaves and riches (Cochran 26). To devilher these three men were profited for what would be outgo millions and millions of dollars being converted from Spanish hands to English. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
These three sea dogs were not just dower time pirates though. Pirating was their main job. William woods stated that, ...(Spaniards) they were only ocean amateurs, compared with the trained professional sea dogs. Drake alone was responsible for oer 150 attempted or successful attacks on Spanish treasure ships (Howarth 105). Drake in like manner consummate something that only a take on few (George Bush) are enough to(p) to do: he was knighted. one and only(a) reason many have a bun in the oven he was knighted though was not because of braveness, but because, ...a fair share of the immense booty he brought back to England passed quietly into regal hands (Cochran 29). Hawkins and Raleigh also accomplished many massive achievements. Raleigh was...If you want to get a full essay, ordain it on our website:

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