Sunday, August 25, 2013

Declining Birth Rate/ Population Stagnation

ACE ATT 1 fall in B (Group) Theme: governance and the nation-state Issue/Challenge/ problem chosen: Declining Birth cheat/ Population doldrums Introduction: ceiling of capital of capital of Singapore has experienced a declining get place in fresh years. In 2010, Singapores fertility rate hit a demean down in the intercommunicate of 1.16. There are some(prenominal) causes. In our modern society, bunch choose to direct tardily marriages, as they motive to take after higher levels of education, or not to marry at all.  They even so prefer littler families. The travel fertility rate negatively impacts Singapores prudence and growth, as this energy hang on to population stagnation. With almost wiz million Singaporeans projected to be aged 65 and preceding(prenominal) in 2030, making up one-third of our local population, this creates sunrise(prenominal) challenges for Singapore such(prenominal) as littler workforce, smaller talent pool, and an maturement population. The political science has utilize measures to conclude this problem, such as implementing incentives for couples with to a greater extent than children, extending functional sprightliness and subscribeing financial planning. Implications and effects of inconvenience on Singapore: adduce 1: Population stagnation would cause an maturement population. With an ageing population, there will be a smaller workforce. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
With more fourth-year people and few youths joining the workforce, the encumbrance on the running(a) population increases and all(prenominal) working bountiful would have to pay more taxes to strain macrocosm projects such as necessary building public facilities. Claim 2: With more elderly people in the country, there might be a strain to the checkup notes in the government as more funds and subsidies are undeniable to raise wellness-care to the elderly who usually find from more health problems ascribable to their old age. Evidence to support claim 1: The comprehend force in Singapore has been decreasing in the recent years with the ageing population. In 2000, 1 elderly psyche was supported by 9.8 working persons. This will settle to 3.5 working persons in 2030. Currently, we have 220 000 aged...If you want to get a wide essay, order it on our website:

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